He was actually talking without prior knowledge and making sweeping assumptions. His logic pattern most likely follows this- I have few diamonds > Diamonds are hard to find > A few factions have a large number of members with full diamond armor > Duping exploits have happened before with similar results > Therefore all factions with full diamond armour must be dupers. It makes sense, but it forgets a large number of other variables. True, but duping is pointless, stupid, and lazy. Diamonds are easier to find in this map, I found a few at layer 30. If diamonds become very rare, it could become easier to catch dupers. I got 19 diamonds in total from mining. No duping. It takes 26 diamonds to make a full set of armor and a sword. But, the last thing may be right. In my singleplayer world I have 140 diamonds, and despite the fact I have a Fortune III enchanted pick, it took me a few months to earn those fair and square. If, say, a faction had 10 people, and they all had diamond armor and swords, it would equal to 260 diamonds. No faction would have gotten them via trade, and by the time everyone has diamond armor the base has to have already been raided or the diamonds stolen. This map has a lower frequency of ores compared to default spawning, yet my faction with 8 people, only 4 of which get on frequently, have 4 full sets of diamond. I don't want to say much else, because I'm sure people will raid us. But let's just suffice to say we won't have a shortage soon. It's taken us all of a week and a half to obtain all of that. My point is this- Raiding pays off quite well. 25 man faction, 5 stacks diamond blocks. Just go raid the xrayers, dupers, other client users or exploiters. We got em fair and square tough those diamonds weren't fairly obtained by the raiding targets.