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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Mathijs1996

  1. Hey bro, I know my English isn't the best either but I would really try to get your english better cause after all it's an English community. I don't know u probably cause I don't play CSS but => BEST OF LUCK BUDDY
  2. As far as I know the player count is decresing really fast. It used to be 40/40 all the time, then it went to 100 and it was even full. Since that moment the server began loosing players. The same for the tf2 server, they're almost always empty. I don't know the solution, mayby we need to promote the server (Youtube ?) or increase the amount of tournament and/or special events (bonus xp / bonus gc). I know the Janitors will try their best next map and we'll see if it helps out. I think we need to find a way to promote both servers no matter how good the janitors do their thing. Player rate decreased during the creative mode/geurrilla wars phase, because a lot of people come here for "normal" faction wars, and this server wasnt providing. When the map resets, and everything returns to normal, player numbers should spike. Should the admins change any of the fundamentals of the game (potions, enchanting etc.) this will only hurt player activity more. The changes suggested here will only drive players away, as restrictions on gameplay tend to do. It started decreasing before the creative/guerrilla. That was just the final drop which made the server empty.
  3. As far as I know the player count is decresing really fast. It used to be 40/40 all the time, then it went to 100 and it was even full. Since that moment the server began loosing players. The same for the tf2 server, they're almost always empty. I don't know the solution, mayby we need to promote the server (Youtube ?) or increase the amount of tournament and/or special events (bonus xp / bonus gc). I know the Janitors will try their best next map and we'll see if it helps out. I think we need to find a way to promote both servers no matter how good the janitors do their thing.
  4. I think he have a couch to sit on like infront of the speakers to enjoy the music if he sits on the computer while blasting with those speakers the sound will sound very weird This man is correct, but I do play some music sometimes for just some nice background music but I play it on reasonably levels. Ahh, no wub wub ?
  5. CyriusG, is your left ear still okay ? So close to those speakers xd
  6. Buy a desk that bends along a corner! Awesome for multiple screens
  7. My hours got messed up I have a total of 5000 which should be 8000 + non steam games (Bfbc2, Minecraft, Ddo )
  8. What you can see: Bottom right => My new desk chair !AWESOME! Next to the desck chair under the desk => My super PC (NZXT Phantom full tower case (White + Red) Main Specs: Nvidia GTX580 Twin Freezr PRO (or sth like that) and an intel i7 3.4 Ghz quadcore 8 threads and optimized turbo boosting) Left top => Old screen (Panasonic Panaflat LC50S) Middle => Main screen (Acer AL2216W) Below the two screens => Logitech G510 gaming keyboard. Right of the keyboard => Mouse (Microsoft Comfort Optical Mouse 1000 NO JOKE xd (Getting a new mouse soon => Razor Naga) Right of the mouse and below the desc => Logitech G27 racing wheel (Includes pedals and trottle) Between the two screens => Old trust speakers. Between keyboard and mouse => Headset (Trust HS-6400 (Not sure)) That's it
  9. I'm coming, GMT +0 or GMT +1?
  10. We had this plugin a while ago, it was extremely unstable and I know that I even found a duping glitch with that plugin. Mayby we have to see if the updated version is any better cause the current plugin doesn't help that much. I've seen that plugin on other servers recently and it runs pretty well so I think it's patched.
  11. No idea why it looks so small I have a 24 inch monitor (The right one)
  12. Will you be playing on Magnus Falls when it launches? Er, whichever server Prodigal Guild end up on. Magus falls
  13. Finally back home. Only 7 new group invites on steam. Interesting ...

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    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Mathijs1996


      Thanks Sacrevy

    3. Mr. Darkness

      Mr. Darkness

      dude, I get like 97854212 new group invites every day and I dont even give a sh*t. I just ignore them all.

  14. After level 3 I gave up and started choosing random answers. If I would read the story I might score higher THEREFOR I must play this game when I have more time so I can read the story IF AND ONLY IF I want to score higher.
  15. He was actually talking without prior knowledge and making sweeping assumptions. His logic pattern most likely follows this- I have few diamonds > Diamonds are hard to find > A few factions have a large number of members with full diamond armor > Duping exploits have happened before with similar results > Therefore all factions with full diamond armour must be dupers. It makes sense, but it forgets a large number of other variables. True, but duping is pointless, stupid, and lazy. Diamonds are easier to find in this map, I found a few at layer 30. If diamonds become very rare, it could become easier to catch dupers. I got 19 diamonds in total from mining. No duping. It takes 26 diamonds to make a full set of armor and a sword. But, the last thing may be right. In my singleplayer world I have 140 diamonds, and despite the fact I have a Fortune III enchanted pick, it took me a few months to earn those fair and square. If, say, a faction had 10 people, and they all had diamond armor and swords, it would equal to 260 diamonds. No faction would have gotten them via trade, and by the time everyone has diamond armor the base has to have already been raided or the diamonds stolen. This map has a lower frequency of ores compared to default spawning, yet my faction with 8 people, only 4 of which get on frequently, have 4 full sets of diamond. I don't want to say much else, because I'm sure people will raid us. But let's just suffice to say we won't have a shortage soon. It's taken us all of a week and a half to obtain all of that. My point is this- Raiding pays off quite well. 25 man faction, 5 stacks diamond blocks. Just go raid the xrayers, dupers, other client users or exploiters. We got em fair and square tough those diamonds weren't fairly obtained by the raiding targets.
  16. Had to pay a friend with sex cause I'm unable to buy steamgames here in Italy (Technical reasons) Thx again Boox, Kissie
  17. See you guys in 3 weeks! ITALY HERE I COME :D

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  18. Which one? KronkIsSilly.eu
  19. The server broadcasts that client mods aren't allowed (If I remember correctly) and you should read the rules for yourself when you play on a new server. Anyway, 'ThatOneChick' that posted this picture with proof of herself using a Nodus client appears to be TheMain1
  20. Ok, thanks. He's joking he only wants your pass ....
  21. I'm sorry but I think you'll have to try fixing it heres the thing i had a glass dome above covered in lava thers no glass anymore i could fix it if some one could remove all the lava i could fix it in like an hour and i i siad some one let a griefer in my fac Your responsibility to only have thrusted members/mods. Helping you out with worldedit would be unfair. Sorry
  22. UPDATE Scout Killer's Exclusive Dillinger's Duffel Stereoscopic shades Changed the stereoscopic shades with the professer's specs. It looks better Soldier Team Captain Fancy dress uniform Lord's beard Pyro Last Breath Stockbroker's Scarf Horiffic headsplitter. Sniper (When finished Scout/Soldier/Pyro) Anger Crocodile Smile Medic (When finished Scout/Soldier/Pyro) Surgeon's stallhelm Physician's procedure mask Surgeon's Sthetoscope If you wanne sell, contact on steam Almost out of money, though there's 2 keys comming soon
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