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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Mathijs1996

  1. Done with school for the next 2.5 months >=)

    1. LT sniper

      LT sniper

      ja for me 4.0

    2. xeim


      and i still have school .. fuck you >:=)

  2. Since the map is about to end I've put a chest with a fourth of all our goodies out in the open. Hints: -Covered with sand and water -500 blocks radius around Discord's base (I was lazy ;x)
  3. Na, 20 secs a bit much. Just go live closer to a teleporter. Awesomeo said that he will ad more teleporters so
  4. Macs are the best laptops tough they're shit cause not all games are compatible with macs Unless you install windows for macs which crashes around 3 times an hour on my mac ... I have windows on mac and it doesn't crash every 20 minutes. So stfu Mathijs. Ya ... Thanks FishWithAHat
  5. Macs are the best laptops tough they're shit cause not all games are compatible with macs Unless you install windows for macs which crashes around 3 times an hour on my mac ...
  6. G'luck to all with exams, and cya guys in 2 weeks !

  7. Minecraft Name - M4D3 (it's my alt, my main account is Mathijs1996 and will be in Discord) Why would you like to be in the Faction? - You (Minkey) got great ideas and I like to participate in building the stuff etc. What can you offer as a long term member of this faction? - Well, I build, I give power, and I can get recources from Discord if we don't need em at Discord If you can use the MC Team Speak or not? - Sure :3 Building skill level? - I've build every Discord base till now. My friend gives me an 8 Are you a previous member of the Prodiguild/Left4Green/Rangers - I'm member of the prodiguild on steam, I was member of Left4green and NO
  8. And we got 4 stacks blocks ourselves =)
  9. See you guys in 2 and a half weeks, exams are here :X

    1. The Lazy Peon
    2. Mr. Darkness

      Mr. Darkness

      Good luck man!

    3. awesomeo_5000


      Good luck dude. Just imagine the feeling when you finish them :)

  10. Because if they did that like other games companies do e.g. activision - you end up with a shitty rushed low quality game with a fuck ton of bugs in it I can't wait either, but I'd rather they released a solid well balanced game instead of having an unbalanced cluster fuck for the first 3 months I am a sexy Charr Necromancer (xeim levitating in this picture also) Also, for more GW2 threads look here http://forums.left4g...prodigal-guild/ If you're planning on joining the l4g guild, check out those threads, post a bit and join the steam group if you can Oh, also, when you get in, the server we're operating from is MAGUS FALLS! Don't forget, or everyone wont be able to play together Carrying on from what Minky was saying. Yes please do choose MAGUS FALLS! otherwise you will have to pay 2k gems to transfer to our world from your selected one. I'll choose Magus Falls just for you guys :3
  11. Argh I want to play the fucking game! Why don't they just release it this summer :'(
  12. 3*16 + I like to build the base myself
  13. How so? the top isnt finished though. So if thats it, then it will be fixed. windows, 1 thick wall Oh i made that wall 1 think to save time when building it. On the real one they will be 2 blocks. How would it be too big? Our base right now is 43 claims. :/ It's 16 + random chuncks
  14. Well it is 106 blocks by 106 blocks and there is 16 blocks by 16 blocks in a claim, so that would take about 49 claims. Wait is that right? To big xd
  15. How so? the top isnt finished though. So if thats it, then it will be fixed. windows, 1 thick wall
  16. ArenaNet hasn't confirmed their exact release date yet
  17. I'm going for: Charr M Warrior Human F Elementalist Norn M Ranger Sylvari F Necromancer
  18. Guild Wars 2 Guild wars 2 is the new MMO from ArenaNet which will be released this year (2012). As for a lot of gaming magazines and such it'll be expected june/july tough this hasn't been confirmed by ArenaNet. ArenaNet is trying to make a new kind of mmo with Guild Wars 2. This will hopefully be succeeded with the so called 'Dynamic Events' 'Enter the living world of Guild Wars 2 - filled with thousands of dynamic events that ebb and flow through the course of your adventures. One day there may be a thriving village filled with vendors and townspeople, the next day that village may be a smoking ruin overrun by centaurs. Dynamic events evolve and cascade across the world in response to how you, the player, interact with them, leaving persistent effects in the game world. Will you save that village or let it burn? The choice rests with you and your fellow players. The Dynamic Event system in Guild Wars 2 is built to be scalable and encourage impromptu group play where players are naturally cooperating together and not worried about encroaching on each other. The more the merrier!' Not only does this make the multiplayer experience better, you'll also never have to read a wall of text again. Guild Wars 2 counts 5 races and 8 professions; Mesmer Mesmers are magical duelists who rely on deception and confusion to keep their opponents in check. Indecision is their greatest ally. Using powerful illusions to distract, they make sure they never go toe to toe with an enemy; they use their powers and tactics to set up an unfair fight. Engineer Masters of mechanical mayhem, engineers tinker with explosives, gadgets, elixirs, and all manner of deployable devices. They can take control of an area by placing turrets, support their allies with alchemic weaponry, or lay waste to foes with a wide array of mines, bombs, and grenades. Thief A master of stealth and surprise, the thief is deadly in single combat—particularly when catching enemies off guard. Thieves compensate for their relatively low armor and health by being quick and evasive. They can move through the shadows, vanish into thin air, or steal items from their opponents and use them as weapons. Enemies should watch their backs, or the thief will watch it for them. Guardian The guardian is a devoted fighter who calls upon powerful virtues to smite enemies and protect allies. As dangerous with a staff as he is with a mighty two-handed hammer, a true guardian is a master tactician who knows when to sacrifice his own defenses to empower his allies to achieve victory. Necromancer A necromancer is a practitioner of the dark arts who summons the dead, wields the power of lost souls, and literally sucks the lifeblood of the enemy. A necromancer feeds on life force, which he can use to bring allies back from the brink or cheat death itself. Ranger The ranger is a jack-of-all-trades and a master of them all as well, relying on his keen eye, steady hand, or the power of nature itself. A master of ranged combat, the ranger is capable of striking unwitting foes from a distance with his bow. With a stable of pets at his command, a ranger can adapt to his opponents' strengths and weaknesses. Warrior The warrior is a master of weapons who relies on speed, strength, toughness, and heavy armor to survive in battle. A warrior can shrug off blow after blow to stay in the fight, all the while building up adrenaline to fuel his offense. Elementalist The elementalist channels natural forces of destruction, making fire, air, earth, and water do her bidding. What the elementalist lacks in physical toughness, she makes up for in her ability to inflict massive damage in a single attack, dropping foes from a distance before they can become a threat. Yet, despite her incredible offensive potential, versatility is what makes the elementalist truly formidable. If you want to read the full article about Professions As for the races there are; Sylvari Long ago, a weary soldier planted a strange seed in the depths of the Maguuma Jungle. For centuries, the Pale Tree grew, branches arching over the forest, until at last--twenty five years ago--it bloomed, and the Firstborn stepped into the world. They were followed by their brethren, season after season of sylvari, wide-eyed with wonder and searching for purpose in this strange land. Shaped first by the Dream that nurtured them before they awakened, the sylvari now travel Tyria seeking adventure and their place in the world... Norn The norn are a race of valiant, shape-changing barbarians. Boisterous, strong-willed, and passionate, the norn are an independent people that swear fealty to no single being. They thrive in their mountain stronghold by the sharpness of their senses, the quickness of their wits, and the strength of their massive forearms. They are guided in this world by their Spirits of the Wild, who embody the virtues of the mightiest beasts. As a people, they are quick to anger, even quicker to smile, and treat each new day as a personal challenge. They drink and feast and hunt with equal gusto, and fear few things. They are steadfast allies and implacable foes. Charr The feline charr of Tyria are a victorious race challenged by their own success. They have survived defeat, oppression, and civil war. They have returned, reconquered, and rebuilt their original homes. Their mighty fortress, the Black Citadel, dominates the surrounding ruins of the human city of Rin, and their non-magical technology is the mightiest in the land. Yet despite their success, they are challenged by divisions among their people, the power of the Elder Dragons, and the ghosts of their own victories. Asura They may be short in stature, but this subterranean race of magical inventors are intellectual giants. These incredibly intelligent beings use their knowledge and skill with magic and crafting to assert their natural dominance. In the world of the asura, it is not the strong who survive, but the clever. Other races believe they should rule by virtue of their power and strength, but they delude themselves. All will serve the asura – in due time... Human The humans of Tyria are an embattled race. Over the past three hundred years, they have lost much of their territory. Old enemies and new races threaten traditional human lands on all sides. Yet the human race survives, defending their remaining lands and maintaining the human spirit as they have for centuries. Their greatest city, Divinity's Reach, shines as a beacon of hope for the people of Kryta and beyond – even those dwelling deep within charr territory. The human legends are indelibly imprinted on the souls of all the races of Tyria, be they friend or foe. If you want to read the full article about races Note: Every race can be mixed with every profession witch makes it interesting for the players. Dungeons There are places in Tyria where only the most experienced, well-equipped groups dare enter. We call them dungeons, but in reality these massive, instanced adventure areas are set in a wide range of settings above and below ground. From the searing heat of Sorrow's Embrace to the grandiose halls of Caudecus's Manor to the haunted depths of the Ascalonian Catacombs, dungeons in Guild Wars 2 come in many different forms. Dungeons are designed for teams of high-level players who must work together in order to overcome their perils. Each dungeon instance is divided into a story mode and an explorable mode. In story mode, you'll delve into a gripping plot that reveals more secrets of Tyria. Once you've experienced the dungeon in story mode, you can unlock the challenging explorable mode content. The sandbox-style play of the explorable mode has several strategic options, each of which creates a different set of obstacles and goals in the game. The risks are immense but the rewards are great for those who brave the dungeons in Guild Wars 2 - each dungeon holds its own unique armors and weapons. PVP Player vs. Player games in Guild Wars 2 are easy to learn and quick to join but offer a variety of challenges for new players, casual gamers, and tournament PvPers alike. In PvP matches, teams of players compete to eliminate each other and capture strategic objectives to score points. Enormous diversity can be injected into PvP games by changing the strategic objectives—players may have to survive a strafing dragon in one match or destroy an enemy siege weapon supply depot in another. Of course, there are always opposing players to contend with... In "hot joinable" PvP, new and casual players can easily hop into an ongoing match and start playing right away without worrying about setting up teams beforehand. Competitive players looking for more organized play can try tournament mode, which pits teams of five players against each other in pick-up tournaments as well as monthly and player-run tournaments. Everyone plays at the same level in Guild Wars 2 PvP, where skill and strategy provide players with the winning edge. All players are set to max level and given all the skills and gear they need to meet their opponents on even terms. For more information about the game be sure to check out the official page. To keep you up to date you can like guild wars 2 on Facebook. PLEASE JOIN RING OF FIRE IN GAME
  19. You can easily glitch true the base (from the pictures I saw) D:
  20. Mathijs1996

    Day Z

    What cpu's you guys got ? If it's the alpha causing the fps drop I think I wont buy it untill it's fixed. I rage quit from fps drops and lagg spikes that's why I had to buy a new pc (I smashed it into tiny bits)
  21. your intire faction just did that O.o Aswell as everybody else probably does
  22. Well done; Try to keep this up to date so we don't have to create another one in a few months
  23. Mathijs1996

    Day Z

    Has someone an idea if ARMA 3 will have day Z ? Just so I know if I have to wait till ARMA 3 comes out
  24. Indeed, you're doing a great work. When you can come on the server you're always doing your admin work which I find fascinating If you didn't have to go to college you'd probably banned more players then Clavus' xray plugin!
  25. Shut up and go dupe somemore, all the kids say you told them how to dupe. If you would just leave all the morons alone with their duping problem .. Next map it'll be fine, hell brakes lose at all ends of maps for christ sake. You don't have to report a duping glitch because someone else then you found out how to do the trick. Look, just because you don't like the guy doesn't mean you have to turn every single thread into drama. You don't see me calling out your inability to write sentences and utter lack of common sense constantly now do you? It pisses me off how he's reporting other people while breaking the server rules himself. If you want to report someone you should be clean yourself. Actually, if there's an oppurtunity for you to humiliate me you'll take it. I don't know why you like to attack me when you got the chance, but I find it pretty imature. And for my grammer flaws; I'm not a native English speaker. But do I laugh with you cause you can't speak Flemish? Well no.
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