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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Mathijs1996

  1. On the forums I have no enemies.
  2. 1. You don't mine 5 hours of obby. You can say you do but you just don't 2. That's still 2 hours of mining for each person (if they're all online at the same time) 4. I'm sure he checked what you guys spended, he won't be banning a donator. 5. You can get 10 stacks of obby mayby but not hundreds. 6. That duping was possible before the duping spree started. My appologizes for interfearing in this topic but this is just ridicilous.
  3. Mathijs1996


    It's a pvp logging NPC. This could be cause by jumping of something and logging out to avoid fall damage. The NPC will float where you logged off.
  4. It's true that prot IV might be overpowered. But I think what you have to do for it to get it and how fast it breaks it seems fair to me. If those six guys could've taken some good hits on you your armor would just have fallen apart and you'ld instantly die.
  5. To be honoust prot IV is a pain in the ass to get; it takes 4 times level 40 or higher. + prot IV breaks almost instantly. In my opinion you can use prot IV if you're willing to nolife all day to get 160 levels and the loose your armor after 2 big fights. I was actually hoping for the increase of duration before your armor dies in the next update
  6. As I clearly stated in my first post: It's easier to instant bann people than putting it on the forums all the time. Thanks But is that the only reason for your admin application? Gosh Ooga *retard* Hihi
  7. As I clearly stated in my first post: It's easier to instant bann people than putting it on the forums all the time. Thanks But is that the only reason for your admin application? Read it.
  8. As I clearly stated in my first post: It's easier to instant bann people than putting it on the forums all the time. Thanks
  9. (marked above) Makes me think you'r either sure of you becoming admin or you all ready are (my opinion) Good luck As for I know will + be + present continious is a future form. I'm trying to explain what I'll try to do to be a good Admin. Thanks for the supportive critisism (always welcome) !
  10. I can read it :X You got a 3 inch screen ?
  11. Thanks! Better then the rest of those silly fonts Thanks!
  12. Ty Minkey! You're a great guy :3 I did help u tough I wasn't in blackbird at that time. Thanks for the compliment! Thanks buddy! I'll explain it to you in private chat if wanted (:
  13. If you talking 'bout the stacked potions, I've had a ban request (bottem of the page) running on those. I looted them off Sacrevy and apperently he got them from the faction 'Looters' who duped the shit out of them. I think I'm in my right to use them, since I didn't dupe them in the game and everybody is running around with them since they got massively duped. I'm probably the only one that didn't used them since I had exams Come ingame and drop them to me, if they don't stack your banned. And NO you are never in your fucking right to use hackers left overs. I've said this a million times! IF YOU THINK SOMEONE IS HACKING BECAUSE THEY DROP LOTS OF LOOT/ITEMS/STACKED STUFF THAT ISN'T NORMAL, DONT USE IT FOR YOURSELF, IT WILL ONLY ENDANGER YOUR ACCOUNT. Come on kids, use your common sense. Sorry, Done
  14. If you talking 'bout the stacked potions, I've had a ban request (bottem of the page) running on those. I looted them off Sacrevy and apperently he got them from the faction 'Looters' who duped the shit out of them. I think I'm in my right to use them, since I didn't dupe them in the game and everybody is running around with them since they got massively duped. I'm probably the only one that didn't used them since I had exams. So I just hopped on my account today and took a quick screenshot. Then I made this Admin application. So they're pretty much still in there since 3 weeks ago
  15. Mayby he was sneaking to you and then he enderpearled on top of you ? and you not haven't seen the enderpearl ?
  16. Thanks bro, I know we aren't the best friends so thanks for still supporting me (: You no like ? Anyway thanks! :>
  17. Hello, Let's start of with some basic information: Gameserver: Play.minecraft.nl, the MrGreen Community Minecraft server Age: 16.5 Country of origin: Belgium Link to Steam Community profile : Chem_T◼✘ Minecraft name: Mathijs1996 Little something about your self and why you think you're fit to be admin: Okay, I'm Mathijs and I'm from Belgium. I'm 16 years old since June 2012. I've been an active member of the server since minecraft Beta 1.3, around 2.5 years ago. I've been an active member of the community since 1 year ago. Tough I've got some problems with my IRC account at the moment ( Box help me ? ), I've been activilly using it for around 8 months. I play around 4 hours of Minecraft a day (Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays not included.), and this can reach up to 7 hours in weekends and Fridays. With the next 2.5 months of vacation I'll be only for almost 10/7. When I'm going abroad I'll probably still be online on Steam and Skype but not in game. I know Awesomeo's admins application for the same server got recently accepted and that Corby tought Clavus wouldn't be accepting anyone for a while. Why I'm still trying my shot and what can I offer ? Like I said I'm a lot online on the server and I'm sure Awesomeo is a hard working man that can't be online 24/7. He's also working together with Dr.Minkey to start a Peacefull faction next map which will add a lot of new features to the server. I'm a lot more active in pvp and I almost know every player in game. Skype is a great source of contacts with in game players since Steam is less known to Minecraft Players. Here's an example how I'll probably be doing my work as an Admin: With fraps running 24/7 and my dual monitor setup I try to do my work as good as possible. I keep trillian (My IRC program), Steam and Skype open at all times so I'm easily reachable. What I think I'll be doing as an admin is probably keep pvp'ing as much as possible. This is the best way to spot hackers and xrayers. Ofcourse I'll be doing the patrols Corby used to do to check if any faction has an incredible amount of stuff that's probably duped into the game. I hope I do get accepted cause I know Awesomeo is really bussy with constructing puzzles and adventure maps for the players so he can't pvp as much as he used to do. I think I'll be seen as the pvp admin (The admin that kicks all the autoklickes, JezusModders, Killauras, ... As you can see from my Ban Requests). EDIT: I forgot to talk about if I had previous admin experiences since this is pretty important in my oppinion. I've had admin on a server (CSS) where you had to pay 5 euros a month to become admin. I bought it one month and then I got it for ever since the Head-Admin was happy with how I rolled. On minecraft I've been a chat_mod on a server which was about to kick off. But due the abusive behaviour of other Mods it kinda got a shitty server. I never got complaints about how I handled situations. Tough I'm sure that L4G mod is a way more difficult to handle then those 2 servers. That's why I waited till my 16 so I was sure that I could handle it all well. I have resigned from both servers and I do not have any more contact with the CSS community. Cheers to everybody that read the wall of text and thanks for the moral support. I hope to see you guys in game soon, helping you out as a thrustworthy admin from the MrGreen community. Thanks, Mathijs1996 Steam: Chem_T◼✘ Skype: Mathijs Chem Tox P.s. A lot of thanks to Box (aka Shock120) one of my best friends who recently achieved admin on the Gmod server. He has been helping me out a lot with computer problems and achieving my biggest dream; my current PC. P.p.s. I apologize for any type fault or any grammar mistake. Thanks for your understanding.
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