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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by hulpje

  1. I don't like modpacks and don't see how more features make it more fun considering most players haven't discovered most vanilla basics yet (where are those cool redstone doors?!). If you don't know what to build you are more then welcome to help us
  2. Please add bigboss_50 - added
  3. Hulpje - Added
  4. I would probaly play a bit, but building up a large enough cheat free community to sustain the costs gonna be hell of a job.
  5. Im more confused by wooziee writing something in chat
  6. Dank je wel Jarno!
  7. Music script are basically always client side and just replace the original GTA SA radio upon loading the map, this indeed seems unfixable
  8. they are here: MTA San Andreas 1.5\mods\deathmatch\resources\gcshop\horns\files
  9. 2+2 = 4 -1 = 3 QUICKS MAFS?
  10. hulpje


    this is bullshit, locked
  11. Wouldn't this script re-render every object every map again and again?
  12. Could be FPS
  13. Now I want to play that map!
  14. No idea if this even works on mrgreen scripts but could be worth trying.
  15. Problem is the gamemode only really works when everyone participates. When mix started (topic below) there usually weren't much more then 12 people online and the gamemode was fun. Then the server starts focussing on DD and NTS which is mainly played atm. CTF doesn't really work anymore with so many players. Personally I wouldn't mind a 16 person server with CTF & Manhunt (I don't play mix cus NTS)
  16. Just make ur next map worse to teach them
  17. Added link for IWFMD3 in OP.
  18. Prima, dan zet ik hierbij ook een slotje op het topic.
  19. Waar baseer je dat op?, de anderen kunnen hem ook ignoren.
  20. Waarom gebruik je de /ignore functie niet? Dan is jouw probleem toch opgelost?
  21. @Benox.exe Benox is a wizard - SDK
  22. Merry X-mas!
  23. GZ Flipper, now SDK can focus on his dota2 career!
  24. Whitelist pls It could be possible minecraft still uses "skiftsu"as my name (my account got compromised) but I changed it back.
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