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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by hulpje

  1. Could be .dff, since .dff "tells" the game which textures to load, if that isn't the default MTA coloring system it might not work. I don't have any experience in car modding so no clue how to fix that.
  2. You only have to change the x, y, z and radius from at "which point" you want the car to be black (behind the pickups on your map for example). The rest doesn't need to be changed. When driving trough the coordinates the "local car" your driving in will be colored black.
  3. You could try force it by script (probaly easier ways to script it, but this one I understand ) hitme1 = createColSphere (x, y, z, radius) function color(thisisme) if thisisme == getLocalPlayer() then thisismycar = getPedOccupiedVehicle(getLocalPlayer()) setVehicleColor (thisismycar, 0, 0, 0) endendaddEventHandler("onClientColShapeHit", hitme1, color)
  5. Server: Race Map: Closeracing (1-9) Reason: need full GM removed (worked fine the previous 400 times the maps got played)
  6. Two Steps From Hell released there album Battlecry this week, amazing!
  7. Probaly mosh shouldn't kill you for just blowing you up. This said, your probaly overreacting to consider 1 kill as abuse. If you frequently see someone abusing his rights please make a new topic. /closed
  8. hulpje


  9. Just identify them and delete the toptimes on there "real name" if they have improved time on the smurf, see how fast they change name back
  10. hulpje


  11. hulpje


    Just rapidly turn left and turn right
  12. hulpje


    Bug fixes Titten.rar
  13. hulpje


    A mix server map for once, need to keep my reputation of dislikes high! RTF-Flipandfinish.rar
  14. Except for the epilepsy episode triggering sky script, the map looks great =). No ghostmode please
  15. hulpje


    Now finishable on 3 ways rather then 1 very hard ProJump-v2.rar
  16. Got plenty of cocoa beans in "tree chest". No luck on pickaxes, no diamonds
  17. hulpje


  18. play2win? edit: agree with kali
  19. hulpje


    Can you re-upload? Got deleted for some reason when every admin had delete commands. http://mrgreengaming.com/forums/index.php?app=core&module=attach&section=attach&attach_id=9610 http://mrgreengaming.com/forums/index.php?app=core&module=attach&section=attach&attach_id=8985
  20. hulpje


    Unlikely the current race server will get full ghostmode. Most people just racing for fun where ramming is a part of. In my opinion way to many maps gets ghostmode enabled (like circuits) for no good reason ("omg this lagging idiot fucked my top time, need GM"). Might be possible a more serious racing server will be available in time.
  21. Wasn't that the map where the last teleport goes into a dumper which get stuck in the road?
  22. http://mrgreengaming.com/forums/topic/12987-custom-paintjob-tutorial/
  23. Did you try ignore him or disable PM?
  24. Have to say people behave really well, very enjoyable. and now back to work
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