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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by hulpje

  1. hulpje


    ava.rar btw sergio: can you delete fallfallfall2 from mix, it's bug version ever since uploaded but no-one ever bother testwater.rar
  2. hulpje


    Because my previous map (Miracles) was extremely hard for some people I made something to please that group of players! TurboTunnel.rar
  3. Read first post here: Im not sure if anyone is eligable to put map on the mix server trough
  4. hulpje


  5. hulpje


    LongShotB.rar The whole point of that area is to follow the cones, wanted it to be a little maze. It remains that way but I added a lot cones so the good way is clearly visible. If you think its still confusing you suck!
  6. hulpje


  7. every raid is a waste of time since people know very well if they can't win and just hide in there base. Beside that there's no spawn glitching to provoke a fast fight. We build our base and everyone stopped playing, there's nothing to fight against anyway. I don't know why you just don't make a TP command to some fighting arena. edit: I also don't understand why you don't give people like mathijs admin to organise some stuff on the server. I know you can't just give anyone admin but what is needed before you trust anyone?
  8. with those insane skills Disney might hire me for new star wars
    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Quert


      oh my god, it's pretty well made.

    3. jack123
    4. Knul


      The FX got me like damn.

  9. dirt disappearing when harvesting carrots occured to me as well
  10. hulpje


    Try again, I replaced puma speedboosts with a script I used in other maps (like longshotA). They work exactly tesame in my map editor as on the server. Profanity.rar If you want to see the map in the editor you have to write /start mapname in console... (or /restart if already started). dont test a map after you /start mapname trough. (scripts get "doubled" and speedboost go insane for example)
  11. hulpje


    Profanity.rar idk sergio, the jump works fine for me. I slightly increased 1 of the speedboosts trough. (If I do it more I go to fast). Also added a better end in the map. (don't load resource before test, makes script bugged).
  12. hulpje


    Might make it longer but first want to see if it actually works Profanity.rar
  13. Im currently hooked on some other games then minecraft but I'd like to give some feedback. I think the server isn't interesting enough to donate money for at the moment. Some people like PVP, some like to build in peace. I tried both, pvp in factions wars works fine as long there's anything to actually care a damn about. When my faction build the mob spawner in the end I actually kept playing because it was fun to keep the enemies out of there. If everyone has access to everything there's very little "reward" in conquering a piece of enemy land. When I started profanity as peacefull faction in this map I just invited everyone and gave them a piece of ownerland to build on. As long I remained active this worked very well and I think we had about 35 players in the faction. JBmorion implemented a title system if the members simply brought some resourcers to him. This worked very well in keeping the players busy. On a sidenode to peacefull factions, I personally think 5000 GC is to much for it, I can afford it because I play MTA but earning that with minecraft is to much work and there are a lot of other servers where you can "just build" on without paying for it. I suggest you to implement some things to keep people busy (and give them possible in-game rewards for that), in previous maps awesomeo build mazes, hidden chests etc. and that kept people busy as well. In this map there's hardly anything special happening, admins only cared for there precious janitors base to be pasted into the world and thats it. Nothing special, no fun events, did the admins even play?. (yes, raiding an admin is actually a motivation to play, they shouldn't roll peacefull). Seems admins don't do much more then teling x-rayers they won't be unbanned. If you want donations from your community then be closer with that community. Take an example of the MTA community .
  14. +rep
  15. hulpje


    just a normal race putomap.rar
  16. hulpje


    updates mapsfixed.rar FOR SERGIO FallFallFall2race.rar
  17. MTA --> Settings --> Nick: #CC22CCH#FFFF00ulpje for example or can also use the following command in game: /nick #CC22CCH#FFFF00ulpje
  18. http://html-color-codes.info/ click and put the code in your name
  19. hulpje


    first custom map for race server: thefuckisthis.zip
  20. I would appreciate making mods able to do this Currently takes me a lot of time to control the ownerlists in my faction and if mods can help me with this it would safe me a lot of time.
  21. Gameserver: MTA Age: 21 Country of origin: Holland Link to Steam Community profile: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198043817121 Minecraft name: hulpje Little something about your self and why you think you're fit to be admin: I dont want to become an admin to babysit a chatbox or something, I dont care about stuff like that. I just want to help improve the servers and specifically the mix server. Currently it's poorly watched after and I hope I can improve that. I am playing a lot of MTA which means I know most people in the community and I think I fit in pretty well. Maybe good to notify I got experience as full admin on the best running unreal tournament server as well clicky. (meaning I was responsible for server settings, helping with map selection for ftp and the usual admin stuff).
  22. FallFallFall2.zip ctf-watervspredator should be removed, boats aren't very mobile, hard to defend, and you dont drop the flag when you die cus your a boat.
  23. time to upload some old podcast and have fun with ©©©
  24. CS:GO I prefer zombie or classic, I dont like surf and gungame is only fun for few games every now and then.
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