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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by hulpje

  1. hulpje


    Angus banned again for blocking, as warned here : http://forums.mrgreengaming.com/topic/13696-banned-from-mta-race/ Also, your language is very insultive everytime I watch IRC, or forums, or anywhere (w/o reason, obviously). Sure you can flame me for banning you again, or the players that report you, just saying it's not helping you getting unbanned. Banned you for a week, might add some days for every time you feel like insulting someone again.
  2. hulpje


    big script! Black.rar
  3. What I see in your video is you driving backwards to record some players driving up and down with a rhino in a tunnel, why the hell should I ban someone for this? Is the map unplayable because they drive up and down with a rhino?, they ruin everyones fun by doing this? If players block the whole finish etc. and make a map unfinishable its a different story, thats not the case. There's a reason there's no ghostmode in our servers. We think it's part of the fun and imo. people should be less cocky reporting someone everytime they get touched. If you can't stand getting blocked at all, maybe this is not the server for you?
  4. hmmm
  5. projectAB won't load anymore? sergio? edit: seems map keeps coming back with the map cycle, I start new map 5 times today cus server is stuck
  6. what server? client: files to map.rar resource: Puma-Markers.zip You used the .lua above in client? any warnings coming up when using debugscript 3? (write in console) when opening the map? If everything works in map-editor, there must be something wrong with either ur own server or the reference to the required files.
  7. To get it working in-game you download the resource and load the definition as RaaFaael wrote. after adding definition scroll in action bar (left down) and it should appear, you don't need anything in map folder or <meta> to make it work in the map editor, you add those for the people that download your map.
  8. Tempbanned for blocking in the race server, ban is removed now, but next ban will be longer.
  9. hulpje


  10. imo. you shouldn't summon so much items as admin for raiding purpose Last 2 days Reign faction launched more TNT on our base then probaly all other people together in this map So here comes a little story of what happened, I have vids but since I get a blue screen when I try to render I'll keep it with screens for now. As far as I understand the following happened: Friday evening Reign faction blowed up some walls in Demacia faction, I wasn't there, but as far as I know we got some beacons Reign faction accidently lost. (which is the reason for the attack) Saturday morning Demacia rebuild there base, and because Reign had less power then land we decidided to overclaim them (which is a default faction mechanic and I wouldn't see a reason why we're not allowed to), granting us a lot of emerald blocks and some beacons. While mining Reign's base empty mathijs logs in and attacks us with pots, we go back to our home and about 1minute later 3 withers magically appear at our base screenshot: http://imageshack.us/f/197/trollz.png/ After some failing attempts to kill the wither (and our base completely ruined) we simply log off and kill it later, after that we repair the base again. Saturday evening Reign comes again and starts TNTing our (just rebuild) base again (so it gets destroyed for the third time in 2 days), as seen in the chat, Mathijs still being mad we claimed his base: http://imageshack.us/f/854/troll4.png/ In attempt to defend our base I actually managed to kill minky, with gear impossible to get for any regular player: http://imageshack.us/f/688/troll2ng.png/ (I cant know what the others are wearing trough). Afraid of losing the loot I and the rest of the faction members logged off. While everyone was offline mathijs blew up half our landscape around our base for no reason for example: http://imageshack.us/f/15/java2013040700532572.png/ http://imageshack.us/f/708/troll3yc.png/ After mathijs logged off minky helped us rebuild our base again <3 So the morale of the story is I love minky.
  11. If you can proof those players are constantly blocking in the mix by adding extra screens or video's we might take actions.
  12. haha was fun, for some reason it rendered in some piece of shit cube:
  13. Warned this player he'll get tempban if he continues to block same counts for this player: {uDka}SanDinGodsVagina
  14. Development of plugins depends on how fast the author updates them to new minecraft versions It seems combat tag has been updated yesterday to a proper version. (combat tag is the plugin right?) http://dev.bukkit.org/server-mods/combat-tag/
  15. I warned him he will get banned if blocking continues
  16. hulpje


    I don't see any reason to ban either one of you, I suggest you stop this pointless argument.
  17. In pretty much every gaming community there are gamers like this, swearing and insulting people w/o any reason, just to please there e-peen. Just be the mature guy in those situations and ignore those people. As admins we're not babysitting the chatbox for what you can and what you can't say.
  18. This is NTS in the mix server where only first 3 places get coins. While blocking might be annoying sometimes, we only take actions if a player does it repetitious. We get lot of reports of people being angry there race got fucked up and asking for bans and stuff, but if someone is blocking an incidental race we won't ban the player for that. If you can proof this player is constantly blocking in the mix by adding extra screens or video's we might take actions.
  19. ir1k on a short holiday.
  20. I like the background melody around 0:50 and 1:54
  21. BassHunter sucks
  22. no ban
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