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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by RoboRobb

  1. Happy Birthday mate :)

  2. Famous last words of Botervloots life
  3. RoboRobb


    I didn't really create them, I have just vectored them ooooh. Thats what I get for not reading the text
  4. RoboRobb


    Real nice Character Design I would like to see some more PLEASE!
  5. That was a really cool game, I remember doing that AT-ST cheat and being stunned by the detail in the game and its 3D-ness. I was so amazed by the little stormtroopers running around on the map too! Awesome Game.
  6. Duke Nukem was dumb. That game was never coming out.. its been in production for over 10 years or something ridiculous.
  7. The original Metal Gear Solid was a fantastic game. I must of completed it about 7 times. Metal Gear 2 was great too, shame about the Raiden sections in that though Your post has got me thinking, In everyone's opinion, What is there favourite game Ever??? I know Its a very tough question to narrow down, but I'm pretty sure Age of Empires 2 is the best game Ive ever played. Reason? The artistic quality and the immersion was unlike I had ever seen at the time of release. The graphics technically werent amazing (still 2D) but from an artistic perspective it was perfect. The game really was engaging, smart and broke all the boundaries I had known for games. The only other Video Games I can think of that had such an impact on me where Half Life 1 & 2 - But that was more with the technical achievements + the atmosphere you got from it (using music to add to the tension and scale it felt like).
  8. lol, Agreed
  9. I would like to thank Jesus nah honestly thanks for everyone that voted for me I really appreciate it Im at my girlfriends right now so I cant go on steam to say thanks to all of you but I am thankful Hmm what to do for the next contest topic, I wonder.
  10. Seems like it (Especially on the jumping part).. I also really like the character design
  11. (I recommend you watch this in HQ, can be a bit blurry otherwise This looks awesome. Couldn't tell you whats going on though But yeah I loved Castle Crashers & Alien Hominid so Ill be interested to see how this game turns out.
  12. ahahahah that was really well done.
  13. Sneed in his spare time dresses up pirate style ^ (I love his nipple piercing)
  14. which is why i think that it should be donators only, it would make more money for the server that way also, mic support is enabled on the iw server, but everyone is much more mature about it, no spam, its great Yup I totally agree. If we were to restrict it a bit more then it would be absolutely fine - Limit it to donators only & maybe even only when an admin is in the room so they can control it. I dont see what the problem is with that and like you said, more people would want to donate!!!
  15. When that SkateZoc kid was chatting soooo much shit. It was annoyingly dumb but amazing at the same time. For those of you that haven't seen it, heres the link - Highlights of this vid are - Captain Faggot get your dick out of your asshole Your mumma, your mumma Moon Penis, Moon Penis etc. she fell asleep on my dick last night one eyed monster shit Cowchuckers very funny responses make it good too. But yeah apart from this minor blip, It was fun hearing everyones voice and having a good time with the mic support. But I guess this is a good example why not to allow mics on the server x)
  16. Yeah im pretty sure we had a topic on this before.. Maybe even one of my own I cant rememeber But yeah Normal Zombies
  17. No No No, YOU SIR SUCK-A-LOT Sucketh the most. (You suck) RoboCop is a bit of a douche I admit but the dude is a frickin Metal Robot With a huge-ass handgun, instantly making him awesome. Even if his doucheness levels are off the scale. Btw, Crash Team Racing was 1000000x Better than any Mario Kart racing game *TAKE THAT MARIO FANS MUAHAH* Let the controversy begin! i just downloaded a robocop movie lets see if its good Thats a really bad Idea.
  18. Sorray I forgot ye!! I like your submission, especially the nublin touch with "how do I get new guns"
  19. No No No, YOU SIR SUCK-A-LOT Sucketh the most. (You suck) RoboCop is a bit of a douche I admit but the dude is a frickin Metal Robot With a huge-ass handgun, instantly making him awesome. Even if his doucheness levels are off the scale. Btw, Crash Team Racing was 1000000x Better than any Mario Kart racing game *TAKE THAT MARIO FANS MUAHAH* Let the controversy begin!
  20. Omg Awesome!!! I both Love & hate that game because its so scary! Any chance you or anyone had played Robocop Versus Terminator ? That was so so cool.
  21. ahh I think I rented that game, is it a side scrolling game where you have a time limit and you've got to rescue the prisoners before they die? That game scared the shit out of me too.
  22. Hell yeah I remember that game! Pretty cool. Anyone Remember the Age of Empires series? In my opinion Age of Empires 2 is the best game ever made.... Apart from jazz jackrabbit
  23. Wait wasn't Actua Soccer basically Pro Evo or was it a different franchise?? I used to get really annoyed with the other football games for not having the rights to the actual team names... Like London Reds +_+ what the fuck?!!? Yeah... GoldenEye was the shit
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