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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by RoboRobb

  1. Should rename himself SexySawman and take me out for dinner on a date dammit!
  2. If there was to be a zombie 'rtd' equivalent, there would have to be a limit to the amount of times zombies can do it.. Maybe once throughout the game... You wouldnt want zombies spamming rtd continuously, even when they'res a time limit until you can next try your luck.
  3. lol! That looks like Tatooine from Star Wars (Desert World, sorry for that reference). It Looks hot
  4. This dude is fairly "old school" in my timeline of Zombie Mod. Welcome Back
  5. His eyes are mesmerizing. Mine are like DEATH!!!
  6. This is me and Hannah posing & looking happy if you must see
  7. yeah so why not have the ability as a human to see where the other humans are (as in the humans pulses that zombies see maybe..) . Or alternatively, the reverse and the humans have an indication of where the zombies are? That might be a bit unfair but its an idea. I like the idea of night vision goggles. They would look sexy on me. ... at 100 kills there should be a really dumb but awesome weapon ... Chainsaw or something
  8. You are f**king sexy, sexysawman.
  9. I have a blackberry 8900 Curve. Pretty awesome. And yeah, that hotdog is king. Takes some good pictures, I my self have a Sony Ericsson c702 3,2 mega pixels, it's takes some ok pictures, actually, nearly all the pics I have posted are taken with that phone You know whats weird? this camera is only 3.2 mega pixels too. My 5megapixel camera I had last didn't even take as good pictures as this camera phone.
  10. lmao @ Kinder Maxi Suprise
  11. I have a blackberry 8900 Curve. Pretty awesome. And yeah, that hotdog is king.
  12. Oh and Check out my Camera Phone Quality v How Insanes that!? Oh and also. Check out my Hotdog! Hellz yea.
  13. My Terrible but Awesome Breakfast. Happy Easter
  14. All Ive got to say is Jack. Fucking. Sparrow. Done. TAKE THAT NINJAS!!!!
  15. Photography from New York! I'm fairly pleased with these images, they aren't typically what I produce whilst taking pictures but I feel its interesting!
  16. It sounds obvious, but are your graphic cards drivers updated or whatevs?
  17. Pirates are better Ninjas. Ninjas are overused and kind of boring.
  18. I think it looks really cool.. Reminds me of Fear
  19. RoboRobb


    hmm I would rather have voice chat enabled for Donators to be honest
  20. I think this is really dumb, why segregate a clan?
  21. I will have a signed copy please! "To my biggest & sexiest fan, From Clavus xoxo"
  22. These drawings are awesome Emra, Its great to have you back!
  23. Images look really moody and cool - Maybe a bit too dark? like i cant really make out what the fourth image is - maybe its just my screen :s
  24. Are you serious? I would never, ever use a headcrab. I mean I have before to get achievements but I just don't feel right using them! Its just scummy To be honest I only use Normal Zombie & thats it.
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