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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by RoboRobb

  1. Admins always direct players to go to Left4green and apply. We haven't said we don't need admins, its just more tricky with the amount of admins there are already.
  2. Im gunna miss Ventilation, It was a good map. The maps I think should be considered to be removed are Junkyard & Farmhouse. Why? Junkyard looks nice from a design perspective, but its too big & there are not many good places for humans to camp. It can also be difficult for Zombies to make an impact as the Humans can attack from a distance. Farmhouse is just a sucky map. Apart from the spinning machine I really just dislike this map like many others. Those are the maps apart from the ones you've said your going to remove I can find faults in! I liked Lifescience, I guess because its unbalanced I can understand why you removed it but I loved that map I really miss Port (is that the name of the one with the lighthouse & rising water???) & Tug hut
  3. This is awesome that Deluvas has attempted to create this code for spawn protection, and it really would be cool if we had this on the server.
  4. Only in Japan could this end up on T.V. That poor Kid had to literally inhale the sandwich he was given. But still, for some reason the video was entertaining to watch!
  5. haha. Well that explains a lot.
  6. You are fucking hot Error. I would totally rim you.
  7. slightly heading off topic but ok.. first find a song thats uploaded or upload a song using a website like this one - Dump.no Then just wrap the URL in this code [ mp3] Url of song here [ /mp3] (no space within the mp3 brackets section though)
  8. no thanks Whyyy nott!? Because he probably doesnt want you to see that he listens to Abba & Nsync.
  9. give me more sneed!!! Im cumming! xxx
  10. Korn are awesome. There old stuff is a million times better than there recent stuff though.
  11. depends if clavus has raptors, if he has, god help himself and us all Have I got news for you. The ChinaRobb wasteland is scouted for survivors. Yes, that's a T-Rex-Jet in the background. Holy fucking shit, That is epic. Love the T-Rex jet and how you're using my mutilated body as a fricking sword. I think this fight is becoming slightly unbalanced on the Red Side (with numbers in comparison to Blue) - More Blues Please!
  12. I lol'd at Clavus' Response XDD I think it should stand Im out & dead! GG clavus. That made me laugh a lot.
  13. LOL @ your signature XD

  14. BREAKING NEWS - ROBOCHINA announces alliance with SUPERMAN & OBAMA. We will surely reign supreme now! Muahahahahahah xxx
  15. In response to the little threat that the Clavonian Empire made on us, Me along with my fellow allies have made a little postcard to signify our intent. hahahahahhahahahahahahahahha. TAKE THAT!! CHINA WILL REIGN SUPREME!!! MUAHAH. xxx (Btw we have a suprise cooking) shhh.
  16. LOL omg I love that picture of me & you sneed. We look so sexy.
  17. Welcome!
  18. Seeing the Stegosaurus with fricking Miniguns on his back, Robo literally shit his pants. RoboChina was being attack from all ends of his beautiful country, and Robo announced his country was in complete turmoil (no shit). Riots ensued. Hiding in the mountains of RoboChina’s Wilderness, Robo knew It was going to be the last stand for him. Robo along with his allies ordered all the remaining troops to support the Wall-E destroyer. But for how long would it last???? And what would Robos Fate be?? - btw I know my posing is shit Im a zs player not a poser But I have AWP's for arms now so my sexyness has multiplied by 1000.
  19. Tried to install the scope, didnt work. Nothing ever works for me on Gmod though X_X That's because GMod draws the scopes with lua. Not by using some vtf texture. oh. That explains it then Guess Il NEED this new scope on the server.
  20. Tried to install the scope, didnt work. Nothing ever works for me on Gmod though X_X
  21. Yes good suggestion!! I approve this
  22. aww cmon! it will so be worth it. Surely its fairly simple?? (not that I would know how to do it) & @Nico - You're right, the one in L4D is so cool. It would be really good to have something like that. The IW one is great too though ;P
  23. My Physgun is fucking up annoying, so I cant pose right now @_@. Heres what the plan was - Being gangraped from both ends of his location, Robo turned to his allies in his most desperate hour. He ordered Hundreds sexy special troops to keep North Ywarea & The Clavonian Empire pressured for the moment. Robo concentrated all of his troops on Mayco's Crazy army for as long as possible. He rang his buddy EmRa and said "Initiate Operation WAR - E".
  24. I am not a huge fan of the scope that's available in Zs. I do however love the IW scope. Could we please have that scope instead for our sniper rifles????????? please?? Thanks, xoxo
  25. I would enter but i'm not really inspired by this topic Hard to think of something that will be good!
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