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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Quert

  1. Those achievements are quite too simple. It wouldn't take that long to achieve them. Especially the third one. So they should be a little harder... Hellflood (Known achievement that already exists.) Power Leech (Drain a total of X suit power units) Zombie Ninja II (Kill a human after you blinded him, in one life [set a timer of 2-3 seconds, depending on how long the effect is]) Infected Marksman (Mark X humans [maybe in one life?] without missing a single shot.) Plus, for some reason, Number of marked or blinded humans isn't recorded, in the F4 playerstats. I'd suggest to add the following things in the F4 stats. "Total Humans marked:" "Total Humans blinded:" "Total Suit power drained (By infection ball):"
  2. You mean "Ban Monitor" No, he means BanHammer. Nope. Ban Monitor Yep, Ban Monitor.
  3. Professor Stein.
  4. Alright, okay. But you can't deny that poison ones need a fixing. Actually, did they remove the poison spits bouncing off walls and floors yet? If not, that's my suggestion, even if it has been suggested many times. And maybe lower the max height or distance the poison orbs can reach.
  5. Easy to kill? People can't aim? Let me introduce you Headcrabs' best friend: HITBOXES! So it often isn't true that they die in so few shots. In my honest opinion, they should die in 1 magnum shot, and maybe 2 from USP/P228. Not powerful? (...if you can kill them in 3 hits and dodge them.) 10 damage per hit isn't powerful? What if you're in a vent? You know what happens? you die in 2 seconds, if you're lucky. And no, it's hardly possible to kill them before those 2 seconds. First of all, you'd have to use aimbot if it keeps moving like crazy, secondly you can't even dodge them. Of course, they're not excessively powerful only in the case it occurs in a vent, they're OP normally, too. So my suggestion is either one of those solutions lower speed or lower power. (Even if slightly, it'd be appreciated by many people anyway.) Or they shouldn't be able to attack from point blank. I think that would be fine aswell.
  6. Oh, and make normal and poison zombies slightly stronger. Most players only use them at round start, nowadays.
  7. Well, that's true. Also, based on HL2, headcrabs: 1) Don't move superfast like they do in ZS 2) Sometimes can't attack if you're point blank with them (they have to move back and then attack, unless there's a wall behind them) Maybe it's not really needed to make ZS headcrabs exactly like that, but let's honest... they're kinda too different from HL2 ones, they're way too... abnormally fast or powerful, compared to HL2... I'd suggest at least point 2, if 1 isn't possible.
    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Mr. Darkness

      Mr. Darkness

      Da fuq did I just watch?

    3. Sneed


      you can't watch anime with english dub...

    4. Quert


      I watch anime in english sub, but couldn't find this scene in eng sub.

  8. Oh. and I forgot to upload a drawing I made a few weeks ago.
  9. As rui requested me earlier:
  10. "Old times"? from the title, expected that to be a video from old zs...
  11. Anyways, I could try punching 'em in the face just for you, and I dont want your diamonds. Well, maybe it won't be very effective, but who knows, they might lag while i'm attacking and get raped as a result. (I dont have anything so yeah I haven't got anything to lose ) It's a shame Bongo_Ben is a black belt ninja murder tiger. Black belt, huh? well, i'm black belt on every single martial art in the world. Including drunk fighting and Oops Fu (which is: ACCIDENTALLY avoiding traps) Plus I've got strength, resistance and reflexes power ups in Deus Ex HR style
  12. What? Another genre of MC ...discussion? (pulls out his bucket of popcorn) Anyways, I could try punching 'em in the face just for you, and I dont want your diamonds. Well, maybe it won't be very effective, but who knows, they might lag while i'm attacking and get raped as a result. (I dont have anything so yeah I haven't got anything to lose )
  13. Player: Reason: Cadebreaking. Proof : (You can see the nails health decreasing as he hits the cade) Oh and forgot to specify which gameserver. MrGreen ZS (GMOD)
  14. I believe that it is called Segments and yeah, everyone just cades above the zombie spawn and zombies have to spend about 2 minutes (if you know the way) to get to there just to be annihilated. No offense to Clavus but it's too human friendly and shouldn't really be in the map list. Nope. That's chaste. Anyways, I agree aswell... that way, NECROSSIN would have one less thing to take care about.
  15. Make clavus put all of them. random wallpaper each time. Also, Dr.Minky, why not make some new backgrounds about the new bosses aswell? I'm sure they'll be awesome.
  16. Sometimes, when props are stacked and are ignited, they permanently burn until they break. Plus, I'd suggest a Fire Extinguisher tool.(or give blowtorch the ability to put out a fire aswell)
  17. MUST do this
  18. Removal. they're worthless anyway. True story Then make it a little harder to get exp as human. (for example. 70-80 xp per kill and not 100?)
  19. Never add NPCs. I'd rather poison headcrabs (players) humping on a poisonzombie and being thrown at humans. About the other suggestions, I (more or less) agree to some of em. A suggestion I would like to do: Zombies having a chance to turn into headcrabs... unless they're killed by a headshot
  20. Yeah sure, why not. At this point I would suggest an italian website of mr green... even if there's hardly any italian member in the MrG community. Besides me, a bunch of inactive players and NPhect (well, gameME stats says he's italian) And maybe arabian, for nourfreeman. French, for blue sushi. Indonesian, for red sushi. Trollian, for Shock120. and so on...
  21. I don't know, those would fit to a main menu or some slow-paced survival horror game, but when there's zombies clawing at you and people firing guns around, it would be soundtrack dissonance at best. yeah, the first 2 are slow paced, shouldn't have suggested em (idk why I did), but check the other 3
  22. Metal? during a zombie invasion? Derp. If it was a random deathmatch i would kind of agree, but in this case... About the soundtracks Dr.Minky, yes, they're kinda creepy.. but honestly I dont think they fit zs 100%, maybe Mr.Darkness' ones are better... Anyways, here's some suggestions from me (they're a little short though ) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IW2LV1KdXF8&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xdeqXBeDfus&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ul9MQQr8gN8&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=007FxC07-Cw&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zJ-7KbP3XqQ&feature=related my favourite is "Reasoning", to skip the intro: 0:40 (more or less)
  23. That 'Post-Teleport god mode' idea might even help a tiny bit against telecampers, but on the other hand players might abuse that feature in other situations, for example in jail. "Everything has a side effect. With an advantage comes another disadvantage" So, I'd rather saying that there's nothing we can do about it This could be, by far, the best solution against the problem:
  24. Lets do this ;P No. Dont feel like risking directly... I guess i'll force some gullible people to do a bank robbery for me... like Derren Brown did, in "Mind Control" (I think)
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