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Mr. Green Gaming


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  1. Upvote
    Balmung got a reaction from Snotteh in The faction MeGusta hacking   
    I also fail to see where this 'hacking' is occuring. You'll probably need to include a bit more information.
  2. Upvote
    Balmung reacted to Chikennugget1 in Meet the Headless Horseless Horsemann   
    Tonight you're probably having a walk with your friends, disguised as a monster or another pumpkin thingy, looking for candy.
    But what if you're ringing at the wrong house, the huge one that looks abandonned and creepy ?
    Do you think its owner will just give you candies in a bucket, don't you think he'll want something from you too ? Your head ? Probably.
    Well, when you try to enter his mansion, Triple H (who's not a wrestler, muahaha) will chase you and collect your head as a beautiful trophy, oh and he'll take your candies of course.
    Aren't you afraid ?
    Yeah, you start to freeze as horror looks you right between the eyes, you're paralyzed !
    To be more serious, after Saxton Hale,let me introduce you the Headless Horseless Horsemann in this SFM video I've been making for a month or so, to celebrate Halloween

    Screenshots :

    After finishing this I could notice it goes a bit fast at times, but I think it's ok.
    Also, you can see a few bugs with volumetric lights (when soldier meets the spy ), and at the end with Monoculus being "transparent" (meh).
    The posing of small items (aka cigarette) isn't perfect too.
    And yes, I'm still a noobie with walking animations ^^
  3. Upvote
    Balmung got a reaction from Quad_Tube in window 8   
    Get the pthreadVC2.dll file, at least thats what your error points to.
  4. Upvote
    Balmung got a reaction from Mathematic in window 8   
    Get the pthreadVC2.dll file, at least thats what your error points to.
  5. Upvote
    Balmung got a reaction from xeim in Arena server digest and changes.   
    Hi, This topics pretty much here to explain the changes that will be made to the arena server based on feedback I've received from talking to players, some of this you wont agree if, if that is the case just make a post saying where you disagree and we can all discuss it.
    It's probably going to come as no surprise when I say the TF2 server is in need of some serious attention, For anyone who is new to the community, we used to run several TF2 servers for all game modes, but as time progressed TF2 became a lot less popular as a whole causing player count to drop and server merges and removal to occur. Upon the release of F2P the game gradually increased in popularity as a whole whilst our servers pretty much remained where they were before the update.
    Since then there has been a gradual drop in player count ultimately resulting in the removal of one of the two remaining servers, the payload server. Today the only server which is still standing is Arena, The Arena server has always maintained a strong base of regular players but even now that has started to dwindle, I've spoken to both regulars and people in-game to try and find out the reasons why people are leaving and it brings up some of the age old topics.
    Firstly, No crits, when you like in the chat logs for any day of the TF2 server you'll likely find someone complaining about these and whether you love the luck element or hate it, It has been one of the bigger factors in turning people off the server.
    My intention here is to remove random crits from the server, what this entails is that RANDOM criticals will no longer occur You will still be able to use Crits which are caused by weapons (Jarate, Crit-A-Cola, Kritzkreig, etc.) however your weapon will no longer fire off crits at random.
    People find crits a big deal as they feel that a shot that would usually deal around 45 damage instead deal over 120 damage which for most classes is an instant death, This can completely changes the flow of the game, For example, Imagine you've just started a nice 6v6 match, your team walks out of the base and is shortly confronted by a demoman, It's demoman's lucky day and he fires a nice critical grenade which hits your team for over 350 damage, This lucky crit has now caused the demoman to get first blood crits where he then precedes to coat your team in even more critical grenades leaving you in a 6v1 situation.
    I understand how some people think of this as a part of the game which I too agree with and understand, however the majority of the feedback is that people don't like this situations, for many it makes them angry or annoyed causing them to leave for the day. After all it is more likely that those who don't mind crits will no doubt not mind if they are removed either.
    The second thing I want to come onto is team choosing, Along with No Crits team choosing has come up just about every time as a complaint, It just doesn't belong in game modes like arena. When all of a team pile up into RED the people in BLU are never able to win and this then leads to two likely scenarios:
    A ) Players from BLU leave the game, The direct effect this has is that it lowers the player count, lower player counts result in less people wanting to join the server as they are looking for near-full games to join.
    B ) Players from BLU try and stack onto RED, While not causing people to directly leave it lowers the amount of players on one team making it even more one sided and when it is balanced It's more than likely that the players who were balanced will then try and stack back causing the people who originally changed team to go to BLU and the cycle repeats until A) happens or the map changes, at which point people just try and all get all back onto the RED team again.
    A lot of arena servers do not have this feature and I've always thought of it as quite a unique idea here, but seeing other players reactions to this makes me think that perhaps practicality should come before individuality.
    The third and final complaint I intend to correct links nicely into the second, this is autoscramble, for those who aren't too sure or just don't know about it Autoscramble is a server feature which will completely mix up teams if one team seems to be dominating another, people get bored of losing all the time and would rather play somewhere else where they may have a better chance.
    I know I've gone on about past problems a lot here and I doubt I've hit all of them, those listed above are going to be changed as a little trial for next week to see if I can rack up regulars playing again, it would be appreciated that if anyone who has contact with any of the old regulars who still play TF2 could bring this topic to their attention it would be really appreciated.
    Just a last word here If I've missed off anything crucial that you think needs to be changed drop a reply and we can discuss it, if others share the opinion It will be something else we can trial.
    tl;dr - Go read it all
    (18/10/12 23:33) Edit: Forgot double posting merged posts.
  6. Upvote
    Balmung got a reaction from Dr.Minky in Arena server digest and changes.   
    Hi, This topics pretty much here to explain the changes that will be made to the arena server based on feedback I've received from talking to players, some of this you wont agree if, if that is the case just make a post saying where you disagree and we can all discuss it.
    It's probably going to come as no surprise when I say the TF2 server is in need of some serious attention, For anyone who is new to the community, we used to run several TF2 servers for all game modes, but as time progressed TF2 became a lot less popular as a whole causing player count to drop and server merges and removal to occur. Upon the release of F2P the game gradually increased in popularity as a whole whilst our servers pretty much remained where they were before the update.
    Since then there has been a gradual drop in player count ultimately resulting in the removal of one of the two remaining servers, the payload server. Today the only server which is still standing is Arena, The Arena server has always maintained a strong base of regular players but even now that has started to dwindle, I've spoken to both regulars and people in-game to try and find out the reasons why people are leaving and it brings up some of the age old topics.
    Firstly, No crits, when you like in the chat logs for any day of the TF2 server you'll likely find someone complaining about these and whether you love the luck element or hate it, It has been one of the bigger factors in turning people off the server.
    My intention here is to remove random crits from the server, what this entails is that RANDOM criticals will no longer occur You will still be able to use Crits which are caused by weapons (Jarate, Crit-A-Cola, Kritzkreig, etc.) however your weapon will no longer fire off crits at random.
    People find crits a big deal as they feel that a shot that would usually deal around 45 damage instead deal over 120 damage which for most classes is an instant death, This can completely changes the flow of the game, For example, Imagine you've just started a nice 6v6 match, your team walks out of the base and is shortly confronted by a demoman, It's demoman's lucky day and he fires a nice critical grenade which hits your team for over 350 damage, This lucky crit has now caused the demoman to get first blood crits where he then precedes to coat your team in even more critical grenades leaving you in a 6v1 situation.
    I understand how some people think of this as a part of the game which I too agree with and understand, however the majority of the feedback is that people don't like this situations, for many it makes them angry or annoyed causing them to leave for the day. After all it is more likely that those who don't mind crits will no doubt not mind if they are removed either.
    The second thing I want to come onto is team choosing, Along with No Crits team choosing has come up just about every time as a complaint, It just doesn't belong in game modes like arena. When all of a team pile up into RED the people in BLU are never able to win and this then leads to two likely scenarios:
    A ) Players from BLU leave the game, The direct effect this has is that it lowers the player count, lower player counts result in less people wanting to join the server as they are looking for near-full games to join.
    B ) Players from BLU try and stack onto RED, While not causing people to directly leave it lowers the amount of players on one team making it even more one sided and when it is balanced It's more than likely that the players who were balanced will then try and stack back causing the people who originally changed team to go to BLU and the cycle repeats until A) happens or the map changes, at which point people just try and all get all back onto the RED team again.
    A lot of arena servers do not have this feature and I've always thought of it as quite a unique idea here, but seeing other players reactions to this makes me think that perhaps practicality should come before individuality.
    The third and final complaint I intend to correct links nicely into the second, this is autoscramble, for those who aren't too sure or just don't know about it Autoscramble is a server feature which will completely mix up teams if one team seems to be dominating another, people get bored of losing all the time and would rather play somewhere else where they may have a better chance.
    I know I've gone on about past problems a lot here and I doubt I've hit all of them, those listed above are going to be changed as a little trial for next week to see if I can rack up regulars playing again, it would be appreciated that if anyone who has contact with any of the old regulars who still play TF2 could bring this topic to their attention it would be really appreciated.
    Just a last word here If I've missed off anything crucial that you think needs to be changed drop a reply and we can discuss it, if others share the opinion It will be something else we can trial.
    tl;dr - Go read it all
    (18/10/12 23:33) Edit: Forgot double posting merged posts.
  7. Upvote
    Balmung got a reaction from awesomeo_5000 in Introduce yourself :D   
    Who are you. Jedabia?
  8. Upvote
    Balmung got a reaction from Quad_Tube in Windows 8   
    Its another Vista waiting to happen.
  9. Upvote
    Balmung got a reaction from stardude9 in Banned Unexpectably   
    You played back when it was a closed server to greens/server admins and a few others?
  10. Upvote
    Balmung got a reaction from Mr. Darkness in Abuse of voteban in Mr Green TF2 | Arena   
    It's a good thing we don't have a !voteban function. I don't see any reason to take any action against them.
  11. Upvote
    Balmung got a reaction from Sacrevy in Banned Unexpectably   
    You played back when it was a closed server to greens/server admins and a few others?
  12. Upvote
    Balmung reacted to Clavus in Banned Unexpectably   
    Automated xray ban. Those are permanent.
  13. Upvote
    Balmung got a reaction from Ywa in Introduce yourself :D   
    Girl on forums. Someone keep Mathematic away.
  14. Upvote
    Balmung got a reaction from Ywa in Introduce yourself :D   
    Don't have sex until you are married.
  15. Upvote
    Balmung got a reaction from Ywa in Introduce yourself :D   
    Who are you. Jedabia?
  16. Upvote
    Balmung got a reaction from Mr. Darkness in unban me   
    You may be trying to help but let an admin tell him it's posted incorrectly.
  17. Upvote
    Balmung got a reaction from Dr.Minky in Minecraft - FACTION WARS   
    Theres one peaceful faction who tnt and lava people without being provoked. Its random abuse like that which as the problem. Some factions do try and annoy the peacefuls but there are those out there who start it.
  18. Upvote
    Balmung got a reaction from Sacrevy in Introduce yourself :D   
    Girl on forums. Someone keep Mathematic away.
  19. Upvote
    Balmung got a reaction from Mr. Darkness in Introduce yourself :D   
    Girl on forums. Someone keep Mathematic away.
  20. Upvote
    Balmung got a reaction from Mathematic in Introduce yourself :D   
    Girl on forums. Someone keep Mathematic away.
  21. Upvote
    Balmung got a reaction from r4ph43110w in Rafael's Admin Application   
    He's been in the IRC quite alot since posting the app, Keep it up r4ph, you seem like a nice person, Good luck.
  22. Upvote
    Balmung got a reaction from Mr. Darkness in Rafael's Admin Application   
    He's been in the IRC quite alot since posting the app, Keep it up r4ph, you seem like a nice person, Good luck.
  23. Upvote
    Balmung got a reaction from Sacrevy in Should peacefull factions use tnt?   
    Shouldn't bypassing peaceful to kill people be disallowed?
  24. Upvote
    Balmung got a reaction from Sir_Dom in Weird happenings   
    Don't listen to Luke, if you have a problem do post it on the forums, It probably has more value than most of the MC topics combined.
  25. Upvote
    Balmung reacted to Sir_Dom in Best Enchant Of TheMonkeys   
    You should see my sword...
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