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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Damien

  1. People need an excuse to blame other players for being less good than others. Being admin gives people another reason to blame their lack of skill on. I do see your point though in what mathijs says. You can obviously abuse your power when you give yourself advantages over other people. But im almost 100% sure that all admins on mr.green dont abuse, otherwise they would have already been spoken to about it.
  2. Now that im in charge of maps, i would love to hear some suggestions. Maybe you played on another zs server and saw an amazing map or you miss an old map that used to be in the mapcycle. Feel free to give suggestions.
  3. Lots of gamemodes to vote for would be perfect. Deathmatch/domination/hold the ball all become kinda boring after half an hour and being able to switch between them could give DD a nice playerbase. Combined with the perks, i think DD has a good chance. And rui: no arena for you (but some fresh newly added maps )
  4. I dont know if there is another way than source sdk. :/ I would stick with source sdk
  5. It obviously depends of the quality of your maps if they get on the server or not. Send them to me or post them here so i can check them out.
  6. Happy birthday sneed
  7. Good luck you dirty addict.
  8. Nowadays a €150 CPU is really good already, playing more is a waste of money unless you do more thans play games andere/or want tot overclock. Ssd is worth the money because it gives you PC a way quicker feel Than taking a more expensive CPU.
  9. I would go for an ssd with that budget. €1000 buys you a really good set. I wouldnt spend to much on the cpu, most games are gpu intensive so if you want to go with nvidia take the gtx 670. You wont need more than a 500w psu. But i think you want to oc otherwise the Z68 chipset is kinda useless, motherboards with h67 are a lot cheaper and can still have nice features.
  10. You are one of the most mature players i know that play zs regularly, your english is very good and you got a great personality. I still wish you good luck, even though you dont really need it with your qualities.
  11. Depends if you like speed or power. Plank hits faster but does less dmg per hit. So its a matter of opinion.
  12. Lately there arent a lot off regulars on the times i play, but you are almost always there. Even on times where i cant play. Besides you are mature for your age. Good luck Sibul
  13. Zombie Survival 2.0: Advanced - Added new unlocks to list. - Added revamped propkill and this time it isnt a link. Zombie Survival 2.0: The Basics - Added new tips to tips list ZS: My videos - Revamped Propkill Tutorial Big revision coming next week. Stay tuned
  14. #1 Bullfrog: their games were unique and well made #2 epic games: unreal tournament was a big gamechanger #3 valve: everything they make is gold #4 id software: the studio that made doom and quake cant be forgotten #5 bethesda: they basicly were the first with open worlds
  15. The only thing i can make of it is that the amount thats tested is really low, so that basicly ruins the external validity of that statistical analysis. But i have no clue what a confidence interval is at all. Good luck with it :/ .
  16. 1300 for medpack is high enough, im a busy medic and i dont byy more than 250 at once. :/ smg should go to 500 atleast.
  17. I think there is only 1 solution: Make the ghosting/sliding/whatever from nox possible at round start and between waves. Other solutions would only cause more harm than doing anything to solve the cadebreaking at all. :S
  18. I banned them all for 1 day. Could you please post steamid with names next time ?
  19. I thought i was the only one that couldnt hit humans anymore :S , i thought it was my computer being a dick to me. Anybody else notice fasties are causing more stucks lately, like my hitbox gets fused with a fastie.
  20. I already suggested it to necrossin, but maybe you guys could expand my idea. I was thinking about how to solve the fact that almost all rounds end with people with only pistols or smgs at most. My solution would be to have different prices for primary weapons ( maybe pistols to). The pricer should start high and go down as the round advances. As for the ammo: More starting ammo and maybe ammo regen (but it should give only like 20 ammo every 2 to 3 minutes).
  21. Good luck Ben
  22. garry with his damn screw up updates. Zs has low fps and makes it very hard to play. i hope he fixes his mistakes soon. :/
  23. I knew zs isnt dead . Hopefully it will keep its player base this time. :/
  24. That was well made , keep those videos coming.
  25. I think its also due to all the new games that came out, just give it some time. I have played a long time on mr.green zs and it has like a cycle. More people will come once there is a gmod 13 server( there are less gmod 13 servers so less competition). Im sure when more people play, old regulars might comeback or new players stick around and become regulars. In all this time, lots of people said zs is death, but it keeps on getting up over and over. And for that we have to thank people like clavus, deluvas and now necrossin for keeping the game fresh and up to date. People keep saying go back to old zs, but it wouldnt be the same.
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