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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Damien

  1. Good luck my old and trusty commando buddy.
  2. Howler is the only class that requires absolutely no skill at all. You dont need to aim, you dont even need to be right in front of someone. While others classes do require aiming or atleast timing (zombine) to be able to hit.
  3. So where's the zombie players? I've replaced them with NextBot zombies. What the hell , Removing human controlled zombies is like removing the essence of zombie survival. It will just be another zombie outbreak type gamemode. Zombie survival is so fun and dynamic, because everything is human controlled. AI is always stupid, how complex you even make it. It will always be predictable or act in certain ways. Humans are unpredictable and make the fun in zombie survival happen. Even on the same map the outcome varies alot between rounds. As for the rest of the changes. They sound very cool. We need a fresh zs and this sounds like it really could work out.
  4. This is what needs to happen
  5. To be honest, i like none of them. Only scavenger makes some sense.
  6. Or you could just make an admin application.
  7. That actually sounds like it could work. My Suggestions: - For humans i think classes are still the way to go, but with more customization in the classes. For example taking commando would give you the option between grenades and mobile supplies. But medpack is locked for commando. Classes give purpose to people. Like it is now you got humans that basicly combine multiple classes making them really hard to kill. Medpack + strong melee makes it hard for zombies. So locking stuff to certain classes would be nice. In this way people still unlock stuff through leveling, people still have a choice, but at the same time they have one predetetermined purpose instead of doing multiple purposes.. - For zombies: Instead of horde resistance there should be more like the opposite. The more zombies there are in a certaIn area, the less damage they do. (Like you formulate with humans)
  8. I like them. I think 3 should be made scarier though
  9. You could use audacity to remove the extra 4 seconds.
  10. Happy birthday ywa.
  11. I dont mind it at all if propkilling gets fixed. Its nearly impossible to hit someone with a prop now, because the prop moves slower and cant be pushed easily.
  12. New gravity makes propkilling impossible to do. The gravity is fine at 600 anyway, not sure why gravity has to be changed at all.
  13. You may not like it, but most new players tend to like those things.
  14. It feels like repetition all over again. After clavus stopped working on zs and deluvas changed alot, there was a shitload of regulars complaining and a lot of them even left. Its the cycle of games. Zs is alive because of coders like clavus, deluvas and necrossin. Zs changed to accomodate everybody and not just a select few "elites". Games changed alot and zs grew with them. Games got more customization so did zs, other games got classes so did zs. A server cant just rely on the few regulars compared to the vast amount of new players.
  15. Damien


    Maybe a donator badge for members that supported mr.green ?
  16. Damien


    Sexy Badges
  17. Here is an overview of stuff I would like to see in ZS 3.0: Specialities Assault + 0.75% more hp for every level gained - 15% less damage with melee Perkslot 1: Enhanced kevlar Perkslot 2: Professional Melee + 0.5% more speed for every level gained -15% damage with bullets Perkslot 1: Adrenaline Perkslot 2: Vampire (Gain hp on kill) Defense + 0.50% less damage taken for every level gained - 15% speed Perkslot 1: Kevlar 2 Perkslot 2: Medical efficiency Support + 1% more tools for every level gained (100 charges > 101 charges at rank 1, 3 nails > 4 nails at rank 33) - 20% more damage from hits Perkslot 1: Less fall damage Perkslot 2: Enhanced nails Buying weapons/ammo/supplies: Instead of being bound to a certain crate/ fixed point. Shop should be accessible everywhere you stand between waves. But to make it more fairly: Time between waves need to be shorter. You don't need to walk to a fixed point anymore.
  18. The problem the fresh dead class has atm is that it has to low hp ( 125 hp is really low) while its speed is to high. Its good for another zombie class, but if it replaces the normal zombie, it should give new players a chance at at the same time be easy enough to kill.
  19. Im just saying we basicly have overpowered infected now. Why not use the same normal zombie properties for this class but with these new sound and model. The speed is the biggest problem, you have no chance at all as a runner now. Propkilling is a bit to weak. Lowering the speed and more dmg for propkills would make it balanced again. P.s: Im sorry about my rage post, i was mad that my most used zombie class got removed ( and so do other regulars)
  20. I like the recent changes, but one is just complete shit :< Bring back normal zombie and nerf infected or remove infected instead of normal zombie. We now have way to fast zombies that take 3 to 4 hits with freemans spirit and axe.
  21. Feel free to suggest map names, so i can re-add them (if i think they fit this zs)
  22. We had a big discussion on server about zs and the best solution would be is to take newest nox base and modify it. This zs is so screwed up with all these weird bugs/glitches, fixing these bugs/glitches will probably take a lot longer than porting stuff to other base. Necrossin did it once with changing to zs 2.0 base, maybe its time for another fresh go.
  23. Lame, give deluvas a chance to alter a few things. Balancing needs time and changing to much at once can cause more players to leave. Older gamemodes worked for their times, but games are evolving. People expect more from a gamemode nowadays. Clavus zs had no leveling and all that stuff. Deluvas zs had more customization with the classes. Necrossin zs goes all in with customization where you make your own loadout. Different playerbases require different zs.
  24. Current zs could improve with some elements from the human classes zs, but bringing back the old zs wont work. People have moved on to different games or are tired of zs. Most regulars of current zs dont even know the human classes zs and like the current one.
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