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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by BouweV

  1. A mid medieval castle will be the result in that new map.
  2. Happy new year
  3. Can we see a new cartograph?
  4. Merry Christmas. ( I look so stupid saying that because this thread is spammed with it )
  5. wat he said, plus do you have 53 servers running? or 52 subdomains? ITT: oDi.W trying to act like he knows how domains work. ;) :P 43. greenspeak.nl ^I nostalgia'd
  6. Reporting in. Clavus is making a whole city right now in singleplayer, so we can just claim a house and then sit there all day.
  7. Kill it. with fire
  8. I was at one point. I mined so far down that it was impossible to get up Oh no, this is different. Someone built a cavern at the spawn when it was possible to destroy the blocks around it. Needless to say, it's not possible anymore, and I'm in that cavern. There's no exit. Oh the creepers blew it up? Nuh, it's perfectly made, bar the hole in the top of it. It's got an door (that doesn't work) and everything. Ywa made that, Don't know why he made that underground thing there too tho... It used to have buttons at the doors but those are gone too
  9. No way, there are people who read more than post on the forum. Or are just on IRC.
  10. BouweV

    Moving to beta!

    Less crashing in SMP. kthx
  11. fu. and kinda lame excuse pufulet, those 800000 people who bought it didnt have a problem? and it goes via paal, is safe imo. ps, post from my HTC
  12. Use paint, resize -> 25% /done resize make the image stupid. i already rezised it by 50%. any smaller and you cant see whats in the picture due the compressing distortion. usuk
  13. He probably means that he means something we don't know.
  14. lol, you have too much free time
  15. I'm still doing it! ha.ha.! I'm BouweV in minecraft.
  16. Why don't you buy him a gift code then? He can pay you back cash if he is your friend?
  17. Use paint, resize -> 25% /done
  18. ITT: oDi.W nuking your bandwidth with gigantic images. Nice stuff tho, and your case is oversized imo
  19. My new desk. It's a table actually. And my lens was dirty..
  20. wrong topic check previous page for my real MC post
  21. pr0tip: When you place a block above lava, then get onto it and chop it away. Don't do it.
  22. spawn-monsters=false pvp=false please.
  23. copy paste from xfire: Works like a charm.
  24. Thi should be Clavus' skin
  25. Minecraft Classic?
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