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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by BouweV

  1. What if I bought it retail? Then I wouldn't have a counter on my steam either. (I pirated it tho) and xFire refuses to find any non-steam game for me It should say at your saved files, however for me it's doesn't really represent the truth since I save every 5 minutes or something and whenever something goes wrong, I reload one of the last saves over and over again (I don't play this game for the challenge). thanks, altho I also use F5 like every 2 minutes. Don't reload so much tho I did that too, forgot where it was tho.. I got lost after a drinking contest
  2. 8/10
  3. I can't seem to find an Hours Played Meter in the game..
  4. I got the chance to hop in a plane last night, before I even figured how to fly I got killed.. Then, a few rounds later I could get a plane again, but as I was flying around the map suddenly a huge building comes around the corner and I die. (xbox)
  5. Two men walk on the street. Says the one, says the other two.
  6. That explains a lot. Stop being so serious about Minecraft..
  7. But will they be able to receive damage?
  8. Why would you want to chat with a pornstar on facebook?
  9. BouweV

    Watch out Kids!

    Most people are over the age of 18 in the meanwhile, so how can those people be a victim of pedophiles?
  10. BouweV

    Watch out Kids!

    As a person with a week of experience I can tell you that it's not that much of a difference. As a person with 2 and a half year experience I can tell you the biggest difference is your driving license. I can confirm this, also having your own car = win I don't think I would be allowed to drive a car, but that's not my biggest concern. For myself nothing changes, but in society it does. If I tell people I'm 18 years old, they immediately expect maturity and responsibility from me, as I don't have the "I'm a child" excuse to them anymore. Conclusion: I will lie about my age, claim that some wizard put a spell on me when I was born that makes my age go half the speed as others, which means I'm now almost 9 years old, and I will consider myself mature when I'm 36 years old in reality. Tell people you're born at the 29th of february
  11. Wasn't griefing a bannable offense? It was. Before Faction Wars it wasn't allowed, but the whole point of Faction Wars is to grief(raid) enemy factions...
  12. Camtasia
  13. I killed my first chicken in Riften, ended up me being raped by guards and then reloading an earlier savegame
  14. Unfortunately I was unable to participate in the no shabe november.
  16. Cooper's Hill cheese rolling, anyone? My first thought too
  17. BouweV

    Watch out Kids!

    As a person with a week of experience I can tell you that it's not that much of a difference. As a person with 2 and a half year experience I can tell you the biggest difference is your driving license.
  18. Ahh, come ON awesomeo, you can do better than that. I thought you got more than like 50 Levels since you were online for so long. You should've went for the Silk Touch. Pick up ANYTHING in it's current state (Before you mined it) broski! Pick up a Monster spawner, make an EXP farm out of it - Pick up a grass, make a citadel or a city underground. Silk Touch makes the possibilities endless! You can even pick up ice and then melt it in the Nether! Anyways, you should've went for Silk Touch man, it's like 58 Levels with Diamond Pick. (Or 28 with gold pick - But, gold pickaxes break really fast) Minecraft has been changed so much since 1.0
  19. Raid a hacker
  20. You did almost click the Unrulenting Force
  22. I'll just leave this here.....
  23. From the corner of my eye it looked like you were talking about leather strips. Last time I checked there are no creatures on this planet with cornered eyes, they're all round shaped.
  24. There'll be a mod soon enough..
  25. I'm too much of a nice person, I agree to help everybody And now my quest lists is endless
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