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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by BouweV

  1. A lot That wall in the vid is like 2 planks thick,. a grenade would blow it away. (Also, I have no idea what Psychopeti is trying to tell.. Can't make anything up from his posts)
  2. What is not realistic about dieing when a grenade explodes within 1 meter from you? Even when there is a wall..
  3. BouweV


    That. It's not like I'm sprinting all the time irl either..
  4. I've never died in Garry's Mod Zombie Survival. Also have never played it.
  5. Which summer? I'm just buying ACR for sure, other than that I don't really see anything that I really feel like I must have.
  6. When I read the first line I tought it was about epic moments in your life. But after a while I realized its about a game..
  7. BouweV


    bind "v" "noclip" In console Invalid command/cvar: "bind"
  8. BouweV


    noclip doesn't work
  9. It feels like it spoils the fun of a movie.
  10. So I tought you trolled, I was wrong. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0274518/
  11. BouweV


    88 after 3 times got tired of the song repeating
  12. BouweV


    Corby used AdminPowers It was very succesfull. Keep up the good work Corby!
  13. I've seen The Road before, I loved it. Going to check out The Island this week. - The book of Eli Great movie, just watch it. Postacopalypse. Mr Minky, if you know any other good post apocalypse movies, do tell. Edit: I also watched Tucker & Dale VS Evil last week, which is a great movie for a good laugh
  14. I was like: :< When I saw "Origin" Snakes on a plane
  15. Fast Five
  16. lolled at the transcribed audio :')
  17. Double Poast I've watched The Walking Dead, the series finale is kinda lame imo.. but the rest of it was quite awesome. I've also watched The Haunting in Connecticut, it's a good horror movie with ghosts and all.
  18. Hij is dus, zoals ik al zei, gewoon 90 jaar oud en heeft alzheimer.
  19. so i herd u laik tf2?
  20. You are probably right Cookie, but he could also be like 90 years old..
  21. You made me feel old. OT: Just fucking stop spamming it everywhere, I would like to keep My Little Pony in my mind as that children's show my little cousin of 4 years old loves to watch all day and not as some annoying internet disease meme I've managed, and still manage to keep my personal interests away from those people who wouldn't want to be bothered by it too much. So I am sure you guys can also do that. If you make your avatar some Pony, I don't care, that's what avatars are for.. but just stop infesting this forum with it. Thanks.
  22. By that time there wont be any admins left to play against.
  23. =]
  24. look at dem adminz all opting out
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