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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by BouweV

  1. I think the AppBrain market app can backup a list of all apps you've got installed, so if you are not rooted you can easily re-install your apps. Chiken, check this out: AppBrain Market Make the Android market usable, and find your next favorite app, live wallpaper or widget: - App recommendations - New and hot apps of the day - Find top Android apps with a price drop - Share your best apps (eg twitter/facebook) - Browse "my apps" on www.appbrain.com and install apps with a sync instead of barcode scanner - Keep your list of installed apps as a backup on AppBrain.com
  2. Bedtime Story
  3. Dude listen to this. Would you rather laptop or PC? It's not ''what do you want?'' Or ''what do you like more''. There are other topics for that . 'would you rather use a laptop or PC?' Just go with the flow and the next person should continue, responding to my previous post
  4. Mirrors is a good horror too, makes you afraid of mirrors for a few hours/days/weeks (depending on how scary you find things)(Ywa wouldn't be able to look in a mirror for the rest of his life)
  5. Hot Fuzz
  6. PC, more powerfull McDonald's or Burger King?
  7. I think Ywa is trying to tell you something Tom.
  8. Cloverfield.
  9. BouweV


    I wouldn't mind to be in that Halden Fengsel prison, it's like normal life, but free. They shouldn't make such places for criminals, at least not for murderers and rapists.
  10. pl0x
  11. lolled
  12. BouweV


    That's not funny in any point of view. OT: I talked about this at home today, with sister, brother in law and granny. I happen to work as a nightwatch on a camping on a somewhat peninsula, and granny said: "When I heard about that shooting, and they said some security people had been killed too, I tought about you.." But yeah, if we'd all start thinking like that we could better just lock ourselves in our houses and never leave it, because death is lurking everywhere then.. Sick people are everywhere, a relative of yourself could be making a bomb in their shed. Mostly these things are done by people of who no-one ever had expected such a thing.
  13. Can we tame them? They could help with building sandcastles.
  14. BouweV


    I just heard on the radio the FBI had been informed about Anders buying some chemical products from a company which was being watched by the FBI, but because it was a legal purchase they ignored it. He will get max 21 years in prison, because that's the max limit in Norway.(Unless they can stack the things he's done so it is like 93x21 years(VMR can explain?)) Also, wars are there because of religion or politics. I still don't understand why we still have both. I am one of those who doesn't give a shit to be honest, of course I go to charity events sometimes and spend money, but I never give money without receiving something back :# (and I give 7€ monthly to proefdiervrij) + I am a poor student. Anders Behring Breivik is quite sick in his head if you ask me, shooting people just like that as if it's a game.. Too bad there are people like him around, and always will be. I know this post is shit, but I am tired and going to bed now after work.
  15. Doing women is basically done like this:

    Any place + me + woman.

  16. That explains a lot. Maybe you should, like you said in your PM to me, get a camera and make a new photo.
  17. ^ Implying people are actually going to build castles for this 'contest' which has no price of any kind whatsoever..
  18. I think you made a typo Simo.. You probably ment 7 years old
  19. I actually just watched that whole video, it's so epic
  20. If you don't render the air, how can the game know what is there and how can you breath?
  21. If that hunger/food bar is there now, where goes armor??
  22. BlueYoshi, you sir, are awesome.
  23. And everything else
  24. I just lost.
  25. Ywa is going to make it less wide anyways. =]
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