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Mr. Green Gaming

Day Z


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Alright so today's adventure brought me to the edge of the map. Didn't find shit, except for a PBX laying at the shore. So I took that boat all the way down to to Skalisty Island. Tried exploring the little marina they had there, but then I ended up with a bullshit zombie attack causing me to bleed. And I have no bandages.

So here I am, bleeding to death on some remote island. I logged out so I need someone to come to the island and rescue me :V

Posted (edited)

I'll mount a rescue operation if I happen to find a boat. Don't expect rescue from me anytime soon as I am still in Krashnostav trying to find a server which would actually have daytime.

Edit: According to wiki there might be a boat spawn nearby. The operation might be a bit more plausible.

Edited by Baron Baconeer

The PBX I found is parked at the north east end of the island. If there's no rescue, I could attempt running up the island till I die of bloodloss, then upon respawn swim to the island, pickup my shit and get back in the boat. Although this means I will lose my camo :<

So any rescue parties please bring the following: bandages. Blood bags or lots of meat. Optionally: full jerry can. The PBX is almost empty. Let me know when you're on the island, just message me any way possible.


Also 1.7.1 is released. Time to update people!

Performance and Optimization

- Reduction/elimination of the new server lag. This is caused by the ArmA2 server expecting immediate response from the central server. Vehicles are the main cause of this, as whenever they are damaged everything stops while the server ensures this is recorded in the database.

- Bugs fixed that were possibly causing very significant netcode overhead (will need mass-scale testing to verify this).

Infected Behavior

- Infected can no longer see/attack through walls.

- Entirely new mocap'd attack and running animations


- Additional Idle Infected sounds

- Revised Attack sounds

- Many new action sounds, including IV, bandaging etc...


- This update will REQUIRE the beta patch, so it is worth installing this now and getting used to it.

- Read up at the BI Forums about the beta patch install. It's pretty easy.

Current Changelog

Developer's Note:

* Requires ArmA2 Beta.


* [FIXED] Wire Spools, Toolboxes, hedgehog (tank trap) kits not spawning

* [FIXED] Bodies still being deleted too quickly sometimes

* [FIXED] No backpacks or medical boxes spawning

* [FIXED] "No Speaker..." debug report spam

* [FIXED] Infected spawning too close to players (minimum 30m now)

* [FIXED] Infected not spawning inside buildings any more

* [NEW] Infected can't attack through walls

* [NEW] Infected can't see through objects any more

* [NEW] Infected visibility increased (but limited by LOS)

* [NEW] Infected attack range increased (but limited by LOS)

* [NEW] Infected can cause greater damage when they hit you

* [NEW] You can hide from an infected chasing you

* [NEW] Optimized server cleanup routine

* [NEW] Player body exists for five seconds after disconnect (UNCONFIRMED IF WORKING)

* [NEW] Infected see based on eye direction, not on body direction as before

* [NEW] 30Rnd_545x39_AK added to loot table

* [NEW] More infected attack animations

* [NEW] More infected feeding animations

* [NEW] Replaced monkey infected crawing run animation

* [NEW] Heartbeat when cursor on a player with very low humanity (heart beats faster the lower it is)

* [NEW] Humanity GUI indicator removed

* [NEW] New Infected and Action sound effects (more AWESOME stuff by Michael Manning)

* [NEW] Initial version of double-barreled shotgun added (by Artyom)

* [FIXED] CZ550 spawning far too often in farms

* [FIXED] Winchester decreased spawnrate (% given to double barrel shotty)

* [NEW] Recombine shotgun rounds between 2 and 8 rounds

* [NEW] Recombine 45ACP rounds between M1911 and Revolver rounds

* [FIXED] Tent placement is completely screwed (now can place anywhere except in building)

* [FIXED] Items for Eating and Drinking not removed instantly (allowed some duping)

* [NEW] DayZ: Now with additional cruelty!. Spawn with only a bandage, painkillers, and a torch.

Real nice that they finally fixed the tents right the day after we fucking lose all our tents.


Also 1.7.1 is released. Time to update people!

* [NEW] DayZ: Now with additional cruelty!. Spawn with only a bandage, painkillers, and a torch.


What we are supposed to do on spawn?


Got a fun bug. I updated to 1.7.1, and now the 1.7.1 servers don't let me join because they say I have the old version and 1.7 servers bug because they say I have the 1.7.1 version. Seems like I need to download this shit manually from now on.


Since rescue ain't coming, I'm going to bleed out on the island, then try to swim back to it in my new life. Should prove an interesting journey.


Ok these FUCKING servers. So I decided to log in, die, and run all the way back to the island. I spawned all the way over at Prigorodky so I had to run over Elektro. These new zombies are bullshit, they spot you from miles away and the monkey zombies move retardedly fast now. Ended up with 5500 blood before I had to start crossing the ocean.

I finally had some luck: my body was still there. I grabbed my main gear and stuff from my backpack.

Then the fucking server crashed.

It didn't return so I joined another. When I get back in I noticed I've got only half the gear I grabbed and my backpack is gone.


I think I need a timeout from this game for a while.

Can someone explain what do I have to install?

How many things?


Arma 2

Arma Free

Is that it or does dayz come free



Read their fucking wiki, that's what it's for. I'm getting tired of explaining.


Can someone explain what do I have to install?

How many things?


Arma 2

Arma Free

Is that it or does dayz come free



Check the first pages of this thread.

It was explained like a million times :|


Managed to grab a bit of food and drinks before I logged off. Zombies are terribly annoying now. You can't even safely crawl through locations any more, they spot you easily.

Posted (edited)

Managed to grab a bit of food and drinks before I logged off. Zombies are terribly annoying now. You can't even safely crawl through locations any more, they spot you easily.

Stop complaining about the zombies, it's a zombie survival mod, not a fucking deathmatch mod with some zombies in it as some people seem to think.

Edited by Navo

Managed to grab a bit of food and drinks before I logged off. Zombies are terribly annoying now. You can't even safely crawl through locations any more, they spot you easily.

Stop complaining about the zombies, it's a zombie survival mod, not a fucking deathmatch mod with some zombies in it as some people seem to think.

But now it's more like I wanna be the guy set in L4D.


Managed to grab a bit of food and drinks before I logged off. Zombies are terribly annoying now. You can't even safely crawl through locations any more, they spot you easily.

Stop complaining about the zombies, it's a zombie survival mod, not a fucking deathmatch mod with some zombies in it as some people seem to think.

That's not my point. The zombies are bordering on unfair at this point. Any new player is going to scared away from this game real easily if he doesn't get a proper shot at surviving. All you spawn with is a bandage, painkillers and a flashlight ffs. Even when I try to be careful I end up attracting a horde. I've also heard people complain about instant zombie respawns when they try to shoot their way through.

Also Rocket said there will be a hotfix for some fps and zombie line-of-sight issues within 6 hours.


Managed to grab a bit of food and drinks before I logged off. Zombies are terribly annoying now. You can't even safely crawl through locations any more, they spot you easily.

Stop complaining about the zombies, it's a zombie survival mod, not a fucking deathmatch mod with some zombies in it as some people seem to think.

That's not my point. The zombies are bordering on unfair at this point. Any new player is going to scared away from this game real easily if he doesn't get a proper shot at surviving. All you spawn with is a bandage, painkillers and a flashlight ffs. Even when I try to be careful I end up attracting a horde. I've also heard people complain about instant zombie respawns when they try to shoot their way through.

Also Rocket said there will be a hotfix for some fps and zombie line-of-sight issues within 6 hours.

Well it has been like that in 1.7. I only shot one bullet inside town with AMK accidently, and I ended up staying inside house and killing zombies that come in, and then respawn couple seconds later. I couldn't get out without disconnecting.


So I was refueling my boat (found a jerry can inland, and there's a gas station close to the coast above Solnichniy), and then I spotted this:


At first I freaked the fuck out, thought it was some kind of horror game mechanic. Then I remembered people no longer spawn with weapons so that's probably their default stance :V . Anyway, the guy started moving, probably just freshly spawned. Was nice that he didn't have a weapon so I could tell him to bugger off. And he did. He went over to the gas station, and within 10 seconds he was running away with 4 monkey zombies on his ass.

Newbies :rolleyes:


Triple post yay! New Day Z patch ( within 2 hours:

Current Changelog:

* [FIXED] Server item cleanup error (thanks Dwarden for identifying)

* [FIXED] Server weighted random object error (thanks Dwarden for identifying)

* [REVERT] 5 second delay for disconnecting (will need to wait till new method developed)

* [REVERT] Disabling of interior raycasting (will mean some buildings you will be invisible/can't be hit in for the moment as they don't have view LODs)

* [REVERT] Infected sight based on head not body direction (infected glace around alot, this meant that they had super view directions. Now locked at body direction)

* [FIXED] Area not checked for existing infected before spawning new ones ("blind faith" that it had not made a mistake didn't work)

* [FIXED] Crippling performance issues caused by loot items never being cleaned up (loot now cleaned up)

* [FIXED] Tent pitching (Who the hell codes tent location checks TWICE before pitching? Oh apparently I do)

* [NEW] Marakov spawn rate increased

* [NEW] Small chance Mararov ammo will spawn on an infected

* [FIXED] Converting magazines didn't work if you had MORE than one of that magazine type (now works as intended)

* [NEW] Tweaked audibility and visibility values for kneel walking

* [REVERT] Secret nerf of prone (you noticed)

* [NEW] Can select gender for each new character

* [FIXED] Toolboxes aren't spawning (classname error in loot table)

* [NEW] Small tweaks to AI zombie routines to improve performance

* [REVERT] New spawn timer mechanism (back to the old one for now)

This should fix several issues. Plus you can now choose your gender for each new character, makes a lot more sense. (Edit: apparently character selection is temporary. It was bugged (female reverted to male) so now Rocket made it available for every new character until he fixes the system)

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