Bidzman123 Posted October 4, 2012 Posted October 4, 2012 (edited) Agreed, the server lag is usually staying at 40-50 % which makes playing minecraft not as fun. Edited October 4, 2012 by Bidzman123 Quote
CodeExtreme Posted October 4, 2012 Posted October 4, 2012 Indeed, almost of us changed server.. For wait that Clavus fix the lag... Quote
Mathijs1996 Posted October 4, 2012 Posted October 4, 2012 (edited) It is clear now that the server needs attention.Yes minecraft is the worst game ever to have massive multiplayer pvp but it's still possible.There are more than enough solutions to make our server run perfect but this will cost loads of money and a massive server upgrade included buying extra RAM etc.I'm pretty sure the TC isn't looking forward to invest that much into the minecraft server so we'll have to come up with cheaper ways that will help our server out.In my opinion the world can be even smaller. Even on this map there's still 90% unclaimed and 50% of the factions are concentrated near spawn. Making the world half as small has no down sides for now, since the decrease of players.A decrease in player slots from 60 to 50 will mean no harm. The extra 10 VIP slots aren't needed since the server isn't full so they can be decreased by 50% (-5 slots).As for the current plugins that are running for the server I think we're okay. We don't got fancy CPU/RAM taking plugins that have no use at all.If ANYONE has any other suggestions please leave em on this thread. It'll help the server WAY more than just reporting it's lagging like shit 24/7.P.s. -As for Janitors base, I think it should be moved more towards the worlds border next map. It's peacefull territory in the middle of the map is ruining some pvp and it has no use whatever being in the middle of the map. I'm sure Minkey/Awesomeo/Whimplash wouldn't mind that the base will be moved to the side of the next map (If the map gets decreased aswell otherwise it'll do if it's just not in the middle of the map)-Disable large biomes please. I know it looks all fancy but the current world is 60% water and swamps. Which is extremely annoying and doesn't contribute to pvp at all.P.p.s. If I'm wrong on the plauyers slots (#amount) they can still be lowered. If it's to low you'll hear it from players complaining 24/7 they can't join the server. Edited October 4, 2012 by Mathijs1996 RedGander and Mrturbotrio 2 Quote
RedGander Posted October 4, 2012 Posted October 4, 2012 It is clear now that the server needs attention.Yes minecraft is the worst game ever to have massive multiplayer pvp but it's still possible.There are more than enough solutions to make our server run perfect but this will cost loads of money and a massive server upgrade included buying extra RAM etc.I'm pretty sure the TC isn't looking forward to invest that much into the minecraft server so we'll have to come up with cheaper ways that will help our server out.In my opinion the world can be even smaller. Even on this map there's still 90% unclaimed and 50% of the factions are concentrated near spawn. Making the world half as small has no down sides for now, since the decrease of players.A decrease in player slots from 60 to 50 will mean no harm. The extra 10 VIP slots aren't needed since the server isn't full so they can be decreased by 50% (-5 slots).As for the current plugins that are running for the server I think we're okay. We don't got fancy CPU/RAM taking plugins that have no use at all.If ANYONE has any other suggestions please leave em on this thread. It'll help the server WAY more than just reporting it's lagging like shit 24/7.P.s. -As for Janitors base, I think it should be moved more towards the worlds border next map. It's peacefull territory in the middle of the map is ruining some pvp and it has no use whatever being in the middle of the map. I'm sure Minkey/Awesomeo/Whimplash wouldn't mind that the base will be moved to the side of the next map (If the map gets decreased aswell otherwise it'll do if it's just not in the middle of the map)-Disable large biomes please. I know it looks all fancy but the current world is 60% water and swamps. Which is extremely annoying and doesn't contribute to pvp at all.P.p.s. If I'm wrong on the plauyers slots (#amount) they can still be lowered. If it's to low you'll hear it from players complaining 24/7 they can't join the server.Those are really good points and I think that most players feel the same. Something more needs to be done. Quote
Clavus Posted October 4, 2012 Posted October 4, 2012 Matthijs raises some good points, so I will take those into account for next map. We'll probably restart again with the next Minecraft release, which shouldn't be too far off according to Jeb. Quote
Dr.Minky Posted October 4, 2012 Posted October 4, 2012 (edited) The next update will be released at halloween, they always update at halloween.Lowering to 50 slots would be okay but keep in mind if you're improving the server, do you really want to reduce the numbers at the same time? That seems very counter intuitive considering it DOES still get full every day.Completely agree on decreasing map size, it doesnt need to be that big - the maps used to be FAIRLY small in retrospect and I think its better if they were like that now - I think the fact you need portals and teleports and that people always bug themselves to spawn is a good sign of that. Also ditch large biomes - it kinda sucks, And as for Janitors, I'm not doing that next map: To cut a long story short, I'm pretty much doing it alone, its extremely time consuming without world edit / creative (admins in the faction dont play anymore) and its just not fun when I cant put on the events I want to, so don't worry about that next map. I'm gonna carry it on till then, try and do 3 events, wont rely on TC for green coins n stuff though..Just, mainly, fix the lag.. It never used to be an issue until a few maps ago, and we had a 40 slot server back then when it ran smoothly! Edited October 4, 2012 by Dr.Minky Quote
Mathijs1996 Posted October 5, 2012 Posted October 5, 2012 The next update will be released at halloween, they always update at halloween.Lowering to 50 slots would be okay but keep in mind if you're improving the server, do you really want to reduce the numbers at the same time? That seems very counter intuitive considering it DOES still get full every day.Completely agree on decreasing map size, it doesnt need to be that big - the maps used to be FAIRLY small in retrospect and I think its better if they were like that now - I think the fact you need portals and teleports and that people always bug themselves to spawn is a good sign of that. Also ditch large biomes - it kinda sucks, And as for Janitors, I'm not doing that next map: To cut a long story short, I'm pretty much doing it alone, its extremely time consuming without world edit / creative (admins in the faction dont play anymore) and its just not fun when I cant put on the events I want to, so don't worry about that next map. I'm gonna carry it on till then, try and do 3 events, wont rely on TC for green coins n stuff though..Just, mainly, fix the lag.. It never used to be an issue until a few maps ago, and we had a 40 slot server back then when it ran smoothly!Totally agree and I'm looking forward to the upcoming events. Be sure that everyone knows when they take place etc.About the slots; We can always put them back up when the lagg has decreased. It's not that big of an issue anyway but 10 VIP slots isn't needed.Matthijs Mathijs raises some good points, so I will take those into account for next map. We'll probably restart again with the next Minecraft release, which shouldn't be too far off according to Jeb.Thanks a lot.I'm looking forward.Don't be bothered about writing my name wrong, one T is the flemish way of the dutch known MaTThijs Quote
marcus6x6 Posted October 5, 2012 Posted October 5, 2012 (edited) Yeah a smaller map would really do the trick. but the lag is worst. Also even if the server is full there just noobs whitout a faction or profanity peacefull guys online, which sucks. What about a vote to remove the crafting/placing of the enderchest. Would make the /chest more usefull again and raiding more fun.Also, Raiding sucks whitout pearls. they need to be useable again.Please Put some effort into stopping this lag.This server was the best of the best, and so it must be again. Edited October 5, 2012 by Marcuserkenfjord Arild_ 1 Quote
Phoeny Posted October 8, 2012 Posted October 8, 2012 Not sure if this has been discussed yet, but in the next update (1.4) The witherspoon is going to be added and that could be used worngly as a tool of destruction agenst raiding how are we gonna fix it? You could easily create one have it chase you to ur enemies bases and blow it up Quote
Kodauer Posted October 28, 2012 Posted October 28, 2012 I agree with Phoney. The wither is relatively easy to craft, but quite hard to defeat without God Armor. Imagine someone setting off 5-6 withers around someone's base... that'd be so annoying, if there can be more than one in a world.Here's the problem though, if we remove withers, we remove beacons... which are pretty cool if you ask me. Quote
Bidzman123 Posted October 28, 2012 Posted October 28, 2012 I agree with Phoney. The wither is relatively easy to craft, but quite hard to defeat without God Armor. Imagine someone setting off 5-6 withers around someone's base... that'd be so annoying, if there can be more than one in a world.Here's the problem though, if we remove withers, we remove beacons... which are pretty cool if you ask me.Beacons in my opinion won't do much good on because if your getting raided and you have strength or regen your just helping you enemy's so won't do you much good. Quote
awesomeo_5000 Posted October 28, 2012 Author Posted October 28, 2012 (edited) Not sure if this has been discussed yet, but in the next update (1.4) The witherspoon is going to be added.Beware, THE WITHERSPOON!How are the wither heads being implemented though? If they're fairly hard to get then I imagine it won't be as much of a problem. Plus, as with everything, a bukkit plugin will swiftly pop up to disable it 'cause it'd ruin every PVP server Edited October 28, 2012 by awesomeo_5000 Damien 1 Quote
Mathijs1996 Posted October 29, 2012 Posted October 29, 2012 (edited) Is nocheat disabled because He got banned by Clavus for Sprinthacks while I had to protect my cows and couldn't upload.This kid vclipped and ran through my entire base. Edited October 29, 2012 by Mathijs1996 Quote
Clavus Posted October 29, 2012 Posted October 29, 2012 Yeah NoCheatPlus is disabled because it's broken. Waiting for it to be updated.And the hacker reporting topic is this way: Quote
marcus6x6 Posted October 29, 2012 Posted October 29, 2012 Yeah NoCheatPlus is disabled because it's broken. Waiting for it to be updated.And the hacker reporting topic is this way: really? cause it seems to be working on mine. Quote
Mathijs1996 Posted October 29, 2012 Posted October 29, 2012 Yeah NoCheatPlus is disabled because it's broken. Waiting for it to be updated.And the hacker reporting topic is this way: I know, no need to report him either since he already has been banned for sprint hacks. I just wondered if that was because of nocheat being disabled. Quote
Mathijs1996 Posted October 30, 2012 Posted October 30, 2012 (edited) As I logged back in this morning I saw all my animals have been killed, an I can say this is a huge boomer if you've been looking hours for those cows while playing the entire game fair. Besides people flying around and vclipping because nocheat isn't back yet a lot of people even logg out if they think they'll die. As in the current state you must all agree that it is unable to host a pvp server atm without giving hackers and unfair player an INCREDIBLE advantage. And I hope that both admins and topcrew will realise that we need these plugins as fast as possible and if unable we can not host the server atm without loosing all the fair players. These hacks are undetectible, ureportable and unpunishable aswell as the combatlogging is. We can not blame anyone but this is just a big bommer. Because let us be fair, who want's to play on a fresh server when you can't even log out knowing that your base will be safe because of missing plugins. I am NOT blaming topcrew or admins but you have to realise that we will be loosing players that hope to find a fresh server and then loose their hard work because of missing plugins. I think we should wait with the fresh map untill all plugins are fixed because hackers are getting huge advantages due the missing plugins. Mayby we should host something for the pass time but this is just ridicilous. Of course I'm not leaving the server due the community but if you just joined any random server this is a reason to leave and find another one.EDIT: I know I complain a lot on the forums due I can not undertake actions myself (yet hopefully) but you have to understand that as an active player it is always different. And if I don't complain here, it wont be known and then suddenly loads of players leave for no reason. I don't like complaining here and I hope you understand that. Edited October 30, 2012 by Mathijs1996 Quote
Arild_ Posted October 30, 2012 Posted October 30, 2012 (edited) As the invisiblity potion is finally here, I think it needs to get some attention again unless it's already decided that it's going to be removed once the plugins for 1.4 is ready. I got attacked by some guys from Equalists with invisiblity potion earlier today, and I had a hard time fighting back as I couldn't see them. The potionbubbles were visible, but that's not enough to be able to fight them back properly imo as it's still hard to know exactly where they were and to actually hit them. I survived the ambush or whatever you want to call it, but if they had had a high Sharp sword or were spamming potions, it would've been hopeless. Also, hackers using the potion would be impossible to get banned as earlier mentioned as you can neither see the player nor the nameplate. I suppose you could light them on fire to see them or kill them with Harming or poison potion, but then you still have the problem of hackers using it to hide their hacks.Video of how it looks to get attacked by invisible players: Edited October 30, 2012 by Arild_ Quote
Dr.Minky Posted October 30, 2012 Posted October 30, 2012 (edited) Hire more admins. How can you expect people to be paying MONTHLY to go on a server that isnt even moderated properly. I offered myself multiple times to be an admin. Many other good applicants have too, yet to me it seems you already pretty much know who you want to be admin so maybe just ask people if they would be willing to be a mod instead of waiting for your choice to apply for admin.(yes, my base was just hacked into AGAIN) Edited October 30, 2012 by Dr.Minky Quote
Kodauer Posted October 30, 2012 Posted October 30, 2012 As the invisiblity potion is finally here, I think it needs to get some attention again unless it's already decided that it's going to be removed once the plugins for 1.4 is ready. I got attacked by some guys from Equalists with invisiblity potion earlier today, and I had a hard time fighting back as I couldn't see them. The potionbubbles were visible, but that's not enough to be able to fight them back properly imo as it's still hard to know exactly where they were and to actually hit them. I survived the ambush or whatever you want to call it, but if they had had a high Sharp sword or were spamming potions, it would've been hopeless. Also, hackers using the potion would be impossible to get banned as earlier mentioned as you can neither see the player nor the nameplate. I suppose you could light them on fire to see them or kill them with Harming or poison potion, but then you still have the problem of hackers using it to hide their hacks.Video of how it looks to get attacked by invisible players: It was really only a test of the invisibility potions. From what my factionmates told me, they only brought iron swords .... Quote
Arild_ Posted October 30, 2012 Posted October 30, 2012 As the invisiblity potion is finally here, I think it needs to get some attention again unless it's already decided that it's going to be removed once the plugins for 1.4 is ready. I got attacked by some guys from Equalists with invisiblity potion earlier today, and I had a hard time fighting back as I couldn't see them. The potionbubbles were visible, but that's not enough to be able to fight them back properly imo as it's still hard to know exactly where they were and to actually hit them. I survived the ambush or whatever you want to call it, but if they had had a high Sharp sword or were spamming potions, it would've been hopeless. Also, hackers using the potion would be impossible to get banned as earlier mentioned as you can neither see the player nor the nameplate. I suppose you could light them on fire to see them or kill them with Harming or poison potion, but then you still have the problem of hackers using it to hide their hacks.Video of how it looks to get attacked by invisible players: It was really only a test of the invisibility potions. From what my factionmates told me, they only brought iron swords ....I saw those swords eventually, and it looked a bit ridiculous to be honest But still, the potential for misuse and considering what it can do to PvP, it should get stopped. It kind of encourages hacking, and that's a big enough problem as it is, at least considering how so many players get accused of hacking for nearly nothing Quote
marcus6x6 Posted October 30, 2012 Posted October 30, 2012 (edited) haha i just walked into a base with invisibilty potion and a diamond sword.they didnt have a clue what happendkilled 2 dia guys and then got away.wish i had it on tape XD it was hilarious. Edited October 30, 2012 by Marcuserkenfjord Quote
RedGander Posted November 6, 2012 Posted November 6, 2012 I think one big source of lag is the exp mob farms everyone has. Today there were like 10 people on the server and with /lag, there were 2.6 ticks per second. The player Mind_storm from faction Execution had idled a ton of mobs and the area around that base lowers people's fps by a factor of about 10. The whole server was lagging; it was almost impossible to PvP, mine or do anything. After xDerpina got into his base and killed the mobs, the tick rate instantly jumped to 20 ticks/second, and the server stopped lagging immediately.There needs to be some sort of solution, maybe a plugin that deletes all mobs once in a while. Arild_ 1 Quote
Clavus Posted November 6, 2012 Posted November 6, 2012 I've added an AFK-kicker plugin to the server. This makes sure those mob idlers don't build up massive groups of mobs that lag the server. CodeExtreme and Arild_ 2 Quote
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