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What has this forum become?


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Posted (edited)

I have your attention now.

I hear alot of people who think mr. green (l4g) is turning into a 'spam forum'. Do you agree/disagree, and why?

There have been some spam threads and something in shoutbox, but not a big deal.


Edited by Danni

its not any worse than any other forum, But it does have some stupid threads...

Alltogether I think its really nice :]


Though the title of this thread is kinda lame...

You should just change it to What do you think of this forum?

Instead of l4d2 for only 10 euro OMGWTFBBQ

Or people will just think; "oh thats that dumb guy who makes false thread names..." :[]


Though the title of this thread is kinda lame...

You should just change it to What do you think of this forum?

Instead of l4d2 for only 10 euro OMGWTFBBQ

Or people will just think; "oh thats that dumb guy who makes false thread names..." :[]


Done, happy?


Kind of ironic to make a thread like this, and then complain about spam.

I knew I should have written something like "And this is not spam" I should have predicted things like that would be posted..


Mmm well to answer to that topic I think there are some topics which are "cloned" (I won't quote any names, and no offence by the way but that's why I think), like the musics one etc, they are very similar-if it's not identical in the goal..- also some of the spam topics are spam topics but they can be fun (1 to 1000 maybe, picture battle...).

Concerning shoutbox...Well there are not a lot of things to complain about, the spam time was some months ago then it became relatively calm^^


I have your attention now.

I hear alot of people who think mr. green (l4g) is turning into a 'spam forum'. Do you agree/disagree, and why?

There have been some spam threads and something in shoutbox, but not a big deal.


By saying spam what do you mean ? Useless threads or what ? For me spam is " asbtjhashtjka " and so far doesnt matter what threads are made here since it's a forum ( discuss what you want / think ).


1 to 1000 maybe

1 to 1000 is the biggest spamtopic ever made!

the only reason for it's existance is to post as many posts as possible!

What you're posting doesnt even matter! Just post!

That is the biggest spamtopic ever, I see no reason why it should be kept alive.

Discuss what you want/think

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 ........ 998, 999, 1000.

Yeah, I think I made my point :pipe:

I have to agree with Ywa, there isnt enough going on to this forum to keep it alive you just have to great useless topics and just have fun

Posting a bunch of numbers sure is fun!


I disagree (and agree with Ywa). It's obvious that most people are not used to this. Most forums have a zero-tolerance attitude with 'spam' (or imo just fun posts and threads). I really like Mr. Green because we are allowed to post useless (but fun, because they're useless) posts and threads (e.g. you quote someone with ':yeah:' or something).

And Chikennugget, I made those threads because it's pretty inactive here. It was purely coinfidential that they kinda looked the same, if there would have been a few weeks between the time the threads were created, you probably wouldn't have noticed it at all. And if you think I do this to get a highter post count or something, think again. I'm just missing a little bit of 'cosyness' here, it's too cold. Make some fun, there's enough serious things in the world. :)


I disagree (and agree with Ywa). It's obvious that most people are not used to this. Most forums have a zero-tolerance attitude with 'spam' (or imo just fun posts and threads). I really like Mr. Green because we are allowed to post useless (but fun, because they're useless) posts and threads (e.g. you quote someone with 'smugdog.gif' or something).

And Chikennugget, I made those threads because it's pretty inactive here. It was purely coinfidential that they kinda looked the same, if there would have been a few weeks between the time the threads were created, you probably wouldn't have noticed it at all. And if you think I do this to get a highter post count or something, think again. I'm just missing a little bit of 'cosyness' here, it's too cold. Make some fun, there's enough serious things in the world. smile.gif

Gtaforum.nl? :V

+102 tho. I agree.

BTW: http://forum.mr-green.nl/topic/10726-ferres-bar-bananen-in-pyjamas-zijn-leechers/page__st__700

Just go to the last posts. quote pyramid with smileys looks like spam, but atleast they are having FUN.

This forum needs some fun topics, i remember: Comic maker thread. that one was fun :V


Gtaforum.nl? :V

I was having that in mind yes, though that's not the only one. :V

When mr-green.nl forum was founded, I was still active on GTAF, but not for long. :yeah:


Maybe less bot-spam, so if you go to this site you see more other topics at the Recent-Topic area :unsure:

or moar gamez? :lol:

Posted (edited)

Well someone have any ideas for topics that wouldn't be considered as spam? If yes, then make the damn topics. If not, carry on with mild spam?

Edited by Nobana

How about a 'Serious discussion' sub-forum like on Mr. Green?

Excuse the play on words, but would anyone actually take it seriously? I can think of a few individuals that wouldn't.


Hai, whats so wrong about some spam topics? The reason why I dont post here is because its mostly about games, thats just too nerdy for meh (not in a negative way). Its also a reason why i like the dutch forum, its not as serious, or game-ish like this forum. :D Its not attractive for girls eithurrrrr!

Posted (edited)

EmRA, that's true. You can see like 1 week before someone posts one lousy post somewhere :/.

Basically, I'd say this is actually one of the most inactive forums I've ever been.

Also, EmRA Is awesome at drawing stuff, Screenshotting, Posing etc, so I bet an artist corner would be nice indeed for all of us. Hehe.

Edited by Lemon!

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