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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Hazy

  1. New Video :)

    1. Micha3lo


      Damn i miss shooter


    2. DzinyMaster


      Mrgreen funny moments when

  2. In this topic you asked for opinions on CTF, DL and MH, not SH. Negative points are still negative if they are effective in multiple gamemodes. So if you think it is the same in SH that’s fine, doesn’t mean it’s not a problem in DL.
  3. This topic is to share your personal opinions right? This is mine, but nice to see you let your personal preferences be a reason to say my opinion is invalid. DL and SH can’t be compared if you ask me, since sh actually requires skills, DL is mostly luck.
  4. For me there is. First of all SH is already limited in time, now you often see people not being able to finish their game because the time ran out. (which is less then most DD/MH/NTS/ maps) Second to me its more fun to watch then DL where you're just a dummy being pushed forward by a line.
  5. Would be nice! Maybe Infected from Call of Duty mixed with Shooter from MrGreen. One player starts infected, when he kills someone, the player that got killed gets infected aswell. Could also use the old fire transfer script, when touching someone it also gets infected.
  6. Stay CTF : Classic, Fun, Quick, No Bugs Delete MH : Buggy, Boring, Takes way too long DL : Buggy, Boring, Could also take a while with players endlessly circling around each other. A positive thing about the MrGreen server is the fast exchanging of the different gamemodes. With these two long ass boring gamemodes, that kind of gets ruined.
  7. New 3v3 SH Event!

  8. Hazy

    Shooter Sunday

    Results of the ShooterSunday pt. III Event You can see the prize that players have won at the bottom of the image, there you can also find who pays who. (Might you rather transfer your donated greencoins to me, so that i can pay the winners, thats also fine, let me know) We were lucky Kneelzy had 45 minutes of internet connection, so he could win the event. Sadly, he then had to go back into the space time continuum in his everlasting mission to save the earth. Keep an eye on this Topic, there's more coming..
  9. Hazy

    Shooter Sunday

  10. Hazy

    Shooter Sunday

    This Sunday, Anti GK, Megajump It's time for the third part of our ShooterSunday Events This time a script will be added which will make groundkilling impossible. We have increased the jump hight to Megajump. Last we have added a whole new list of maps, that will be new for most of you. Let the trickshots come in Date : 17-05-2020 Time : 20.00 GMT+2 Click Here to convert to local time You can register by replying to this topic with your name. Example : "Hazy" Maps to be played : [Shooter] Krazy- Hiraeth! [Shooter] Tobster - Kamikaze [Shooter] Nebla - Shooter Experts 4 [Shooter] Tobster - The Castle [Shooter] Krazy ft. Pusher - Death Land [Shooter] -WellingTon Ѡ Suspense Ѡ [Shooter]Tobster ft Muthroad - Meth Lab [Shooter] Krazy - Spotlight of Imagination II [Shooter] Krazy - Hilariously [Shooter] Zino - Jump Around Jump -II [Shooter] Krazy ft.CrazyBoy - Sonorous [Shooter]Tobster - Futuristic II [Shooter] Krazy ft. Deep - Puzzle [Shooter] Mazda ft. Krazy ft. Ruzy - Uncontrollable [Shooter]Tobster-Breakable III Might people want to donate some greencoins for the top 3 Let us know in this topic aswell!! Total Amount Donated : 39k 1st : 15k 2nd : 10k 3rd : 7k 4rd : 3k 5th : 2k List of Donators : @Cena : 15k @Maher : 10k @Dubby : 5k @Hazy : 5k @Quick : 2k @Civan : 2k Registered so far : Hazy ~Shadow~ Loliconette H3R0 Mekuar Filipy Quick Civan Avezy Mazulyte Sandro (maybe) Maher (maybe) Selim (maybe)
  11. You could try to connect your monitor to your motherboard. If it works fine then, you can be certain it's your gpu. (in which case going to the service center is the only solution as far as i know)
  12. I’m not an expert in this. But to me it seems like a problem with the monitor. Have you tried using a different one to see if it happens there aswell?
  13. Maybe just handle it, after 4 days... gimme that warning point idc
  14. To me this only proves you manage to get in fights with so many players. If it were only one person you would have a fight with, it could be something between you two, but you manage to upset alot of players. Which probably means your behaviour does not fit this community. Want to add that he is already banned from the event server Shadow and myself are hosting. Not without reasons GL Admins
  15. Was he muted here ingame? If so it's also avoiding mute right?
  16. Hazy

    Shooter Sunday

    Waiting for everyone to join SSpt2.mp4
  17. Hazy

    Shooter Sunday

    nono it was about his own donation, not about yours
  18. Hazy

    Shooter Sunday

    @Civan think about it.... either you pay someone else 1k and receive 1k from someone else. You would still have the same result as keeping the 1k.
  19. Hazy

    Shooter Sunday

    Fair enough
  20. Hazy

    Shooter Sunday

    Results of ShooterSunday pt. II Rewards can be paid : Total reward Civan : 10k Greencoins 1k Civan, 1,5k Sandro, 2,5k Dubby, 5k Goldberg Total reward Cloudly : 6k Greencoins 5k Venomous, 1k Matoosh Total reward Gromghost : 4k Greencoins Hazy 4k Might anyone run into trouble transfering the greencoins, pls let me know on discord Thanks to all that participated!! On to the next!!! Kneelzy took the 1st place, but since he is on a business trip with Bill Gates to save the world from corona, he will receive a different reward later. I have discussed this with him.
  21. Hazy

    Shooter Sunday

    Important : Players can join from 19:45 Click Here to convert to local time.
  22. Hazy

    Shooter Sunday

    @Sandro@Matoosh@nevernotatall@Dubby@eL_AsS Massive thanks guys!! Faith in humanity restored To the others, remember they don't have to give a single greencoin, this comes out of the kindness of their hearts. Thanks to the donaters below : Sandro : 1,5k Matoosh : 1k el_AsS : 5k Venomous : 5k Dubby : 2,5k Civan : 1k Hazy : 4k Total prize money : 20,000 Greencoins For the second and third place, i will provide the price! Winner will receive : 10,000 Greencoins Second place will receive : 6,000 Greencoins Third place will receive : 4,000 Greencoins Greencoins will be transfered by the donaters themselves to the winner!
  23. Hazy

    Shooter Sunday

    Update : There are still 8 spots left, so you can still register today!! Registered players so far : Hazy ~Shadow~ Loliconete H3R0 (Maybe) Avezy Civan Cloudly Mekuar Filipy Sandro Berg AssnTitties Cena
  24. Hazy

    Shooter Sunday

    Update : @Sandro has offered to sponsor the price for the winner of the next Shooter Sunday Event. Winner will receive 1.000 Greencoins!
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