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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by neox.

  1. Thanks for having kept the community alive in 2018 after Ywa's decision, you have done an amazing work, and even though I've been pretty off the game for quite long time, I still appreciate that this is still up and running. Excited to see AfuSensi's (aka kalibwoy) work as well! Best of wishes for your future Cena!
  2. Keep it up Cena, good work!
  3. yo fellas, glad to see activity on the servers!

  4. neox.


  5. yo this thing's lookin fabulous
  6. 9/10
  7. yeah, the thing is, it's been so long that things have changed here and I have absolutely no idea how to do it myself lol
  8. @Cena or whoever takes responsability of uploading horns, please upload this Rick's awesome catchphrase rick_lickmyballs.mp3 (preview)
  9. Manhunt the good ol' times
  10. It's been great times, and whatever you do next, enjoy and take care
  11. @Goldberg traveling so often isn't compatible with a partner (for the moment) @RealJesus great to see you haven't changed.. haha
  12. even though I'm now living in Norway, I still give some 'signs of life' (aka I'm not dead at all) here's a pic with the damn view of henningsvær
  13. The Lithuanian vodka has become a Danish butter cookie. Curious Luck!
  14. Sure, we will also do it all for you, like, checking the video, cutting the best part, converting to mp3...
  15. neox.

    Forum logo

    Alright, roger. Gonna fix all of that.
  16. neox.

    Forum logo

    @Ywa Any of those would work fine?
  17. As you might know already, relatively not long ago we changed the forum header in order to make it look prettier, but there's one thing that hasn't convinced me and gives it a weird look, and it's the simple logo. (I may be wrong, sometimes people prefer simple logos and such stuff). I've made some logos, and perhaps @Ywa could change the current one with any of those, or maybe any other made by you. Current My designs (perhaps they're too big but it's changed easily)
  18. neox.


    Looks like the design's gonna be kewler
  19. oi, it sounds really great what you are doing, not long ago I was also on a trip "around" Europe, and it was amazing. I have seen that you already visited Barcelona (my hometown), and perhaps you have tasted spanish/catalan food, I actually think it's one of the best places to eat and not too expensive (depending on where you take your seat ofc). I have been in NL, Germany and Poland, and for sure I recommend you to visit NL, you can find train tickets (DB-NS international) Berlin-> Amsterdam for 39€. I would also recommend you Poland, especially the coast (Gdańsk, Gdynia, Sopot..). Poland really is cheap for most of people who come from abroad. Not only trains are expensive in France, actually everything is, it's one of the most expensive countries of EU, (also Switzerland, Norway). I would also recommend Copenhague as you are also close to there, so you have the choice to move in three directions; west: NL, east: Poland, and north: Copenhague. (Denmark is not too cheap, but it isn't excessively expensive. No, AC is legal. We're so smart that yeah, we make others pay to do their needs.. but if you are smart you can always find not so known parts from the city you are in and find little malls where they have free restrooms, or you can just find a bar/restaurant and use them there, no need to take a drink or sth, and if anyone tells you that you need to, leave and try another one, I've done that plenty of times. enjoya the trip
  20. noice/10
  21. It's been since May of your ban. Considering you were an active player who enjoyed playing, I have unbanned you. The reason why you were banned apparently was for being racist. Be careful with what you say from now on.
  22. Just upgraded mine:
  23. neox.

    Mad's admin app

    Did you leave your 24h store to apply again? good luck ben!
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