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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Darkstar

  1. http://gizmodo.com/5696553/digital-storms-new-gaming-pcs-use-sub+zero-liquid-cooling-system-for-insane-overclocks
  2. 7/10
  3. S.T.A.L.K.E.R.
  4. jelly (also known outside the USA as jam)
  5. sandvich
  6. Herro!
  7. [09:22] -GTANet- We're going to do some minor network maintenance which will lead to some netsplits. While these will be brief, we're sorry for the inconvenience it might cause.
  8. MTA
  9. food
  10. http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=8715976&postcount=1246 HD2 Android bluetooth fix :3
  11. You say that and tonight, BAM. Contacts stuck behind your eyes.
  12. Not working
  13. If people dont want to, they dont have to. Some people dont like touching or getting near their eyeballs. You said balls
  14. If people dont want to, they dont have to. Some people dont like touching or getting near their eyeballs.
  15. Topic Locked Just look at the topic I posted earlier in this thread for more information about ZS' future.
  16. Damn you CPU and thsoe damn corrpution videos.
  17. They just act like that normally dear.
  18. He made a new one.
  19. Why make this thread twice.
  20. Not so much marry. More live in a flat/house with.
  21. Neither should filling my chests' spare spaces up with signs. >: (
  22. Now now children. No need to go all petty.
  23. Oh yeah, I merged the 4 posts, forgot to mention :3
  24. Ladies, you must give a thread a chance before turning it into Shitstorm9000. Anyway, I know a few people who would do dirty things to me, coz im so sexy ;D Such as... Hundred2 VMR Sneed Peon Corby Dusty
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