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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Darkstar

  1. They generally shouldnt, unless you have a crosshair set up for it
  2. Yes you do sweetie pie ;D
  3. No, its for the small screen on the casing, trust me, ive dl'ed stuff from there, including the SideTunes app
  4. Still have that on mine Also: http://gallery.live.com/results.aspx?l=7&st=5 Thats where I get mine for the slideshow viewer :PP
  5. Random PS poop I originally did as a spray (stolen from Karl's desktop wallpaper pack), then turned into my avatar because of Cow :3 EDIT: Wait. My old one was PS poop This one was originally meant as a spray, then changed it for the newer admins, then made as avatar because Cow demanded it (I see a theme running here)
  6. A trackable scoreboard would be good (Y)
  7. Lies
  8. He's from Israel
  10. You dont want the G15, you want this: http://www.roccat.org/Products/Gaming-Keyboards/ROCCAT-Valo/
  11. Im guessing that Chiken said it because he had to remake the pumpkin models :3
  12. It was a good demo I enjoyed it, apart from certain people who shall not be named spawning witches/tanks & molotovs when sv_cheats is on >
  13. Delayed until 10pm GMT ;<<<
  14. Know what the problem is: Someone's data in the server is corrupt, so the game isnt ending because it can't read that persons' data, because it's corrupt So basically, please tell an admin if the rounds in IW aren't ending, as someone's data will be corrupt!
  15. it happened in the past, but then it stopped, and now it seems that its back again :S
  16. A lot of people seem to have this problem. They join a server and get booted straight away getting the message Disconnected: Error verifying STEAM UserID Ticket Here's the solution (Well a solution): *NOTE* Do NOT use this if you don't know your Steam password! You will have to login after finishing this. Close Steam and anything related to it (this also includes to "exit" the system tray icon)Go to your Steam folder (usually located at C:\Program Files\Steam)Delete the following files:clientregistry.blobsteam.dllsteamui.dll[*]Start Steam. It will now take a while (depending on your bandwidth) to update Steam (and download new versions of the 3 just deleted files).[*]Log on properly and start whatever game you were on. You should now be able to join the server again.[*]If NOT: repeat the steps until the file deletion, then restart your computer BEFORE starting Steam again. This should finally fix it. Happy Hunting (Yes I did steal this from another forum, whatyagonnago?)
  18. Well yeah, we pay, because ours isnt nationalised, its all privatised >:
  19. Darkstar

    Akina Tenshi

    Can we just let this whole subject die? It got waaaaay too out of control last time
  20. Shadows, If you think you shouldnt have been banned, protest it here: http://bans.left4green.com/index.php?p=protest
  21. "General Exploit of Game/Map/Server" And please just take this up with the admin who banned you, dont draw others into this
  22. Car I want: Which can get 1018 bhp OOORRRRRRRRR This: Which is more likely to get
  23. Actually speaking of CLS, my grandad (hes Uber-rich, e.g. over £1 Million) has a CLS AMG 65, cost £75k
  24. WTF!! I can haz monies?
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