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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Darkstar

  1. I'm going to start selecting auto-assign when joining the server. But I think some people still join my team if I auto-assign. I always do that in TF2
  2. You're for gays Edit: Meh. I know im doing borderline spam, but meh.
  3. Yes. It. Is.
  4. *Ahem* Heroes Futurama Town Called Eureka Chuck (I've seen the set for it ) I also used to watch Las Vegas when it was on (not at all for the bewb factor ) Top Gear
  5. Oh sheet We could have a contender to beat Chiken
  6. I see overpriced alienware
  7. ..... I dont know... *Waits for responce from Clavus*
  8. Seems to think that I'm Darkness >
  10. Well ofc since they're the only classes left to update (I think) I think he was being sarcastic. *Slow Clap*
  11. I say its going to be either Soldier, Demo, Engi
  12. No, he floats With his 'Game Developer Meditation Powers'. More "Game Developer Laziness Powers"
  13. Everyone. Just have a nice cup of STFU kthxbai
  14. D: !!!
  15. Darkstar

    Epic fail!

    Are you the one on the left? No. The one in the middle
  16. Seriously? I can get bread from Tesco(Google will know what this is) for 45p the most expensive is like
  17. Darkstar

    Epic fail!

    Dammit Robo! Stop showing the photo of me in my "special" stage >:
  18. Seriously? I can get bread from Tesco(Google will know what this is) for 45p
  19. You're just jealous. Nope. Not really.
  20. Should really stop lying about that, seeing as I only have my jesus, which is Hundred2
  21. *Kicks darkness in the crotch for beating up hundred2*

  22. Well done *slow clap* I guessed by the backlit keyboard, because how many other laptops have backlit keyboards, and also EEEEWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW (Because its a mac )
  23. Needs to stop raping the recent topics
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