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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Darkstar

  1. LOL Haha Get it? Aaa..? .... .... .... Oh well.... .... XD I didn't see that until you posted that
  2. glasses
  3. Donlan! Long time no see!
  4. Ooh, I would ;D Wait a minute! I HAVE!
  5. I actually love how you can vote for all three XD
  6. In before a possible lockdown
  7. *Ahem* Player: Akina Submitted: 09-14-09 18:54 Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:25330127 Reason: she calls herself other persons names.. plus shes uses our tag name without persmission,(and dragging our clans avg. member score down) and when i ask her nicely 1.st time. she responds very offensive and refuses to stop. Our clan tag is [AwE] Server: Mr. Green ZPS #1 | LEFT4GREEN.COM It DOES match her HLXStats Steam ID before anyone says anything
  8. But I do have a similar problem with trying to connect on the IRC on mah phone :/
  9. Did you make sure its connecting to port 6667?
  10. Because I have ninja skillz
  11. Is stuck in a quicksave loop death, because he fails like that :3
  12. [mp3]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q70WvSOYlnY&fmt=18[/mp3] [mp3]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o5SmXRupRhI&fmt=18[/mp3] [mp3]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QLQ31D-Jgyw&fmt=18[/mp3] [mp3]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6fAjstE1vkw&fmt=18[/mp3]
  13. Read the damn thread, I said if you HAD to choose one, what would it be
  14. If you HAD to choose a favourite version of windows, what would it be? Mine's XP Not 7 for me because the RC disagrees with my system > EDIT: WTF, I had a poll as well, but the poll is gone! D:
  15. Is a squirtle
  16. Im coming on HIM!
  17. Affirmative.
  18. Basically, you want buttsecks in L4D?
  19. I quite liked that, up until the screaming :/
  20. How on earth is that a song? o:
  21. You're welcome But in my opinion, their best work is their rendition of Coldplay's 'Clocks': [mp3] [/mp3]
  22. Hmm, I'll show you what my college's speed is tomorrow if i can get on a 'puter
  23. The 'fag' one? If so then /agree
  24. Speakers = Bose = music
  25. Did that yesterday. /Insert Botervloot's signature picture here
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