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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Darkstar

  1. Is correct in that fact
  2. I believe I can beat you all:
  3. I agree,I think it's a sort of bug, I do !rtd I have no message,if I roll it again I have to wait. Can we have a message to indicate we failed at rtd or something? But generally it's a nicr work you did there Delu (where did the saw go???) I thought it usually says a message... It says "LOSE!" or "WIN!" doesn't it? Yeah, but I've noticed this as well, you type in !rtd, press enter and nothing happens. You type it again, and it says "You have to wait XXX seconds before you can roll the dice again!"
  4. Or happy that he has bottlecaps for eyes
  5. Well that is the whole intention of the dice for it to be lucky or not so your unlucky. And just wondering is there only 6 outcomes of the dice? Since dice are usually 6 sided, or is there less than 6 or more? Waaaaay more than 6 God mode is a possible outcome, but the chance of that is very rare
  6. I'd like the shop/GC system to go live, then look at what people think for new classes and such
  7. Is spamming the recent topics
  8. There is already 1 recorded image of Clavus on the internet: http://www.clavusstudios.nl/about.php OMGWTFLMAOROFLBBQ!
  9. had his post ninja'd by Sacrifical
  10. It's basically, point, shoot, everything dies.
  11. Likes to be fucked in the kitchen ;D
  12. For me it would be: FN P90: And probably the Benelli M4 Super 90 (M1014):
  13. You appear to be lacking with comments :P

  14. No, you use grenade hacks Seeing as you have heat-seeking grenades
  15. Personal Reasons.
  16. -Fail Double Post-
  18. Generally from about 15+
  19. Could be Boter in disguise!
  20. wait.. AXON YOU NEVER JOIN MY TEAM ;<<< Axon always changes teams when I join the team he is on. I try to join Axon as much as possible. He doesn't mind it most of the time. I think. Axon in team = Winning team. Thats why if youre against Axon, get everyone on your team to kill as many demomen as possible, you never know you might get lucky
  21. Omg we had just the same problem (i still have it) Did your computer start running all fans and beeping when you tried to turn it on? My old pc did that, I think in the end it was the bios imploding, because it wasnt loading D:
  22. "i sit on (TOP OF)"

    My penis?

    Because thats also true :P

  23. There appears to be no video
  24. Axe in the UK is known as Lynx :3
  25. Exactly! I hate crypt I think it's bether. Even I hate crypt, its too large for the amount of players in the server, even when its max, the map is still too big
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