LoL. I don't want to spend my money on something that looks awesome but might break in a week like Sneed's shitty chair. But it would have a warranty though!!! ALSO: 1000 POSTS BITCHES.
It might be good to scramble them after a certain point e.g. if one team is losing by a certain amount, the game auto-scrambles the teams, to try to make it fairer and a more balanced fight
When I went to by accident it showed me this : "mta mr-green gmod10 gmod9 gmod garrysmod green mister ywa xoti multi theft auto multiplayer san andreas gta grand theft auto vice city liberty rockstar games north game games mtasa samp sa-mp mta-sa mta-vc mtavc l4d left 4 dead source day of defeat counter strike engine garry valve nieuws gtaforum team fortress day of defeat source counter strike surf left four dead gabe newell nieuws feiten zombie panic source europe this is an easter egg lulz steam payload intelligence capture the flag checkpoint race zombies zombie spy pyro demoman heavy medic scout sniper weapons guy doug lombardi alyx gordon freeman kleiner breen magnusson engineer strider manhack funny video hunter combine metro police half life 2 beta alpha leak 2003" Can I ask: WTF?!