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Mr. Green Gaming

Mr. Darkness

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Everything posted by Mr. Darkness

  1. Yup daltons got officially destroyed yesterday, and if I have to be honoust: They had 3almost broken fire aspects some broken diamond armour and some diamonds They wouldn't keep up for much longer then they did now because of the continious attacks of enemies ;D Hahaha LOL. Everybody things the same. Guys you can get so easily in our base because it isn't are base anymore we moved on and left some stuff for who wants it. We are hiding now for a while to buid up are faction again (some problems witn aren recruits). But farther we are almost back (?). And on the new map i will go even better than this time because we made our faction when the map already was like 1/2 months on. Daltons - Coming Fucked Up Again. ( :3 ) K. ONTOPIC: Math, don't tell me you got all those diamonds from mining. How the heck did you find them in such a big amount ? Could you share your advice? ;D
  2. Sadly its a side effect of incorrect compatibility of clientside hands with flipped css models. Still searching for a possible fix for that (non CSS models are right handed) I wonder why VALVe made the standart model left handed. A suggestion: Maybe melee weapons could be gained from different sources? Plank for crates; Frying pan from kitchens; Pipe from cars; Crowbar from cake; and cake from a lie? Pressing E on them (Even tho, not sure if this suggestion was already on board, or if you are going to do that sort of stuff already)
  3. WARNING! This is just a wider information with screenshots about the post above! Hey guys! I finally started adding some more stuff to the map. More secrets, more jail exits (since it was hard to exit the jail) and tutorials to the map which I was going to show with this post here. The Tutorials of the map present a texture made by me with text showing the tutorial how to start playing the map, how to escape the jail, etc. The spawn is easier now. The Bullseye appears right after you sapwn and the guns (pistols) are shown to be green-coloured, which means enabled. All others, expect nades are disabled. And now to add: Some surfing ramps are more cruved so it's easier to surf; More weapon platforms; More secrets; More music ; More weapons; And probably - more entertainment! What I mean with entertainment is: On bottom of the map there is a platform with a black sphere on it. Jump into the sphere and you appear in Xen (Currently working on it). There you find various weapons and especially a m249 Saw which will have a train parented to it! (Just to cause massive "WTF" flood in chats) Also an another feature is duel mini-game. What is it? First you must reach a platform with a rotating Mr. Green above the T TOP CT platform and then wait 2 minutes to be able to activate the button inside the bunker. After that all the players are teleported on the top of the AWP house (you cant escape) and there you have a small gun fight (you can pick up guns). So yeah, that's actually it. I can upload the pictures now to show how it all looks like. Also 1 more (undone)Xen screenshot: http://steamcommunit...1677?tab=public LEAVE YOUR ADVICES ON HOW SHOULD I IMPROVE THE MAP! P.S: The jail screenshots look too dark? I know, I copiled the map partly. I just wanted to show there how does the tutorial look like. I compiled only some areas of the map to test how do they work.
  4. Yup daltons got officially destroyed yesterday, and if I have to be honoust: They had 3almost broken fire aspects some broken diamond armour and some diamonds They wouldn't keep up for much longer then they did now because of the continious attacks of enemies ;D I bet that most of non-hacking factions have got broken diamond armor, but do wear it to show that they are kinda hackers :')
  5. Any way, back to the point. All the factions are on quite normal state, but the thing when I see an example of Daltons being attacked all the time, they get problems with their territory as well. It was quite easy to get into your base dudes. And since there are wars between powerful factions we get a current graph: L4G, who attacks weak factions and usually gets a good loot doesnt have any big war with powerful factions, some are even allies. A really good thing is to stay at your tower and do nothing while powerful factions destroy each other. >Take popcorn >Watch the fight >Have fun >??? >PROFIT!
  6. That wasn't his point.You can't disprove something by doing another thing. You're boring Also about those "hackers" and who calls them like that. - Box, Join L4G
  7. hahahahah daltons also hack. Hahahaha NOT! First of all we don't hack. I am recording a lot on mc.nl so i don't think i would record shit if i was hacking. Tonyhok doesn't hacks too because he records sometimes too. And second thing is that you don't have to say those random things when you first: doesn't have any proof and second is that you are just mad because of killing you. Daltons. I don't break the law because I am a police officer. I don't eat bananas because I'm a banana farmer. I don't have sex with men because I film men having sex with men. Then you over-watch it? DISGUSTING!
  8. Well, It happened that I applied for admin also, but since then didn't get any response yet. Good luck anyway!
  9. 1. Say you hack (Troll.) 2. Let someone else say he hacks to join your faction 3. ????? 4. Profit!

  10. Galaxy, you might actually be able to join L4G faction later on if you keep with us here, on forums for some time Good luck any way!
  11. Mr. Darkness

    Hey all.

    Welcome to the community!
  12. Hmm... Css.. or Measuresurf_v3? I want to know what to do first.

  13. I say no, the current system is good enough. Paying to be an admin is a really, really bad idea, since anyone can come as an admin and ruin the entire fun. Admin app > Acceptation > Success to be an admin, just because you are relatively accepted by admins and your smart forum posts, to show that you really have a brain and can think of anything normal; you know you must control the server. Either way, here, in this post you show that you get accepted as an admin only paying with money. Also, if it is, let's say pay p/month, it is honestly retarded. People are going out of their money and cant control the server which will bring to L4G admin crisis. IF you dont understand what I mean, then I would tell it like that: the less admins pay, the less admins there will be and the more problems with the controlling the servers will be. Also, inactive admins? Well, if they were inactive for ages (like 3 months), then just demote them to greens. What do we have IRC for? We have it to keep contact with admins! Pretty simple, isnt it? Especially where you have Steam, you can contact an admin. For MTA it is easy aswell, IRC. The people who pay to be an admin might be really bad in being admins, so what do you think? There is no point, you get money from random people who destroy the server with their own fun kicking other players or something like that. So, what I want to finally say: Deal with current system, apply for an admin, get accepted by TopCrew, right when they are abled to. The system is TOTALY normal. Enjoy your day, sir!
  14. AT LAST YOU REGISTERED ON FORUMS @#$%^! Dude, this is a really epic map :L, didnt know you were a mapper! (Why didn't u tell me? >: ( )
  15. surf_measuresurf_v3 and probably some more entities combination in Hammer Screenshots for measuresurf (going to upload the full shit later in my thread). Third pic - there is a small brush bug. Tell me if you find it (1 hint - it's just the start of the round).
  16. *looks at the ammount of Clavus' Green-coins*.... HAAAAX!!!! But still, this means I can buy stuff in shop and only later (let's say at the moment when you are raided) apply request of 8 TNT and blow the f*ck up around? This shall be awesome.
  17. Then u betrer get building coz aint building THAT new rule: i dont build obsidian stuff. Deal with it. Lol. Dude, do you realise that nearly NO ONE is going to pay you diamonds for a stupid fort? Those can be built by users themselves!
  18. You really should check the timing. It's almost a year since the whitelist existed. Go out there and get playing. unless he cant join cuz he is banned (no, not saying he is).
  19. you know... actually i feel like joining already
  20. Hey guys! I am coming here with news. I am doing measuresurf_v3 which are including the additions: -More cruved surfing ramps; -An easier way to find out which wepons are locked from usage; -A small tutorial at spawn for begginers (I replaced the function of "Show bullseye" to "show tutorial" for the button at spawn); -More ways to escape the jail; -A small guide how to escape the jail right over the teleport point; -Added a different world, to which you will have to get by entring the portal below the floating awp house (there is a disel train, which is actually a machine gun weapon ); -A mini-game mode, which you can activate by getting on the platform with horisontally rotating Mr. Green smiley (the other side from jail). You will be able to activate it only after 2 min passed. -The spawn is more light-up now, you still need to destroy the bullseye on spawn (the bullseye will appear right after players respawn). And ofcource, more secrets and probably more music . Some of there were not added yet, also some require fixes. Also, any more advices and things you would like to see on the map? P.S: Cant upload pics for some reason. The upload fails.
  21. lol, this is a really great moment when I am using internet. I am kinda finishing my HW using it :V

  22. Sorry for bumping this thread guys, just must mention that on mondays - thursdays I wont be able to even use internet (in expection of rare situations, like for example in need of doing HW - some "special" presentations in school). Fridays - sundays would be worth my time.
  23. Wanted to play with your map too a bit... adding my own stuff...
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