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Mr. Green Gaming

Mr. Darkness

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Everything posted by Mr. Darkness

  1. I got an idea... Ywa, make a forum.MineCraft4Green.com and everything will het cool.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Mr. Darkness

      Mr. Darkness

      What minky said.

    3. Dr.Minky


      Or even just have an active filter, so anything with the word 'ban' in it doesnt show up in the top 5. dun.

  2. Hey guys! Today I was bored and tested some stuff. Today it was a third person view which I made my own way. Video: Sorry for some speech mistakes any way, I was freezing in my room Wanna try the maps? Download: http://filesmelt.com/dl/test_thirdperson.bsp http://filesmelt.com/dl/test_thirdperson_residentevil.bsp http://filesmelt.com/dl/test_thirdperson_follow.bsp
  3. Hahaha

    I had 60% before /emoticons/default_smile.png" alt=":)">

  4. Honestly, I liked it when it was with Fun server. Spent the most time there before. Dont think DM would bring many players.
  5. No need to create a topic for that...
  6. +20% warn lvl

    Well done :V

  7. Засунь редиску себе в задницу! :V

  8. Yep. It really looks like it. Our farm is all full of forests and adventures. Just like that^ pic. Lets compare:
  9. Why am I reading all this? When I played MTA for a short time I thought those pauses were actually new map loadings. But then I realised that it is quite useful to have those pauses since they really let you make something fast. Just DWI.
  10. Haha, nice. Your own code? (I know how you did it, it's just a thirdperson view with your model being seen from distance 0)
  11. МОИ Green-coins!!1!111 >:C

  12. Necropolis. Sort of it. But I really want a huge Tower like a citadel included.
  13. Like ladder glitching. This is not really glitching. That's a Hl2 script... In hl2 you can get up on the ladders faster this way. Oh wait... fuck it, that's a bans topic.
  14. Guys, GUYS! Since in MC 1.2 we can go upper the skies we must make something really huge. hl2 citadel and a city around it!
  15. INCREASED SKY LIMIT? Now that's what I am talking about!
  16. Well, I like the idea of HL2 citadel. Must be like something really big, large so we can build inside. And probably this thing must be going up into the skies. At the very top we make a Mr. Green smiley. 1 note, We must make a HUGE pit around it. If someone played HL2 already then they know what I mean. Also, someone already made it once We could also make some sort of an underground huge cave where we will have a giant city.
  17. My entrance is so actually bad. I can't manage people from other lands to stop entering our base, since there is a... oops, not saying. Don't want more people to enter.
  18. Corby is now in L4G. Have a good day.
  19. It'll stay in your chest, you just can't access it. Hah, that's some good business!
  20. Clavus, what happens if all the stuff stays in your virtual chest and your date-to-keep runs out? Will the stuff be lost?
  21. That would be impossible. Either way, the fun wouldn't exist. What would happen if there would be no silence?
  22. God, why getting ill in such a time? I still need to get along with my relations problems at school... (long story, to say it shorter a guy is mad on me cuz 1 girl prefers me more than him :V. So stupid I shall admit)

    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. Mr. Darkness

      Mr. Darkness

      lol @ Hundy. That would be really disturbing to others aswell :D

    3. The Lazy Peon

      The Lazy Peon

      Darky you babe magnet

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