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Mr. Green Gaming

Mr. Darkness

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Everything posted by Mr. Darkness

  2. You look so unsure on that photo. Muhehe... wait is that really you?

  3. How did I get here and what in the world am I watching?

  4. But who exactly would be part of the community, then? Active Green members who were here at least like 1 month (and are probably mature behaviour). Thats quite obvious.
  5. +1 There are enough servers for kiddies to play on.
  6. The server is fine but... all the funless gameplay with Xrayers and dupers + loggers is just annoying. Also if all the raids would be as usual as they should be (aka battles at spawn, etc).
  7. Fix'd.
  8. Nevermind. Was pissed off this morning.
  9. Just one fucking question why in fucks name would you play on console??? Because nugget. He just prefers to play like that, come on.
  10. Get-A-Life happened. Or Get-A-Bore happened. Why do you care any way?
  11. Haha Legit fights are the best. Everything else is just meh... Indeed. Faction wars should be like everyday fights. But what do we see? All the players are at their bases, no one on battlefronts. Some attack someone elses bases. There should be like massive wars over there... Thats what I imagined when I first heard of MC faction wars. Later when Box gifted me the game I played it for a month in FW but hmm.. it wasnt as good as I imagined, honestly :/ Especially with those kiddies.
  12. Hah, who would expect MC to become so boring? Hehe :'D
  13. 5/10 Not really keen on this type of music. Anyway, does any1 know who is PewDiePie?
  14. Mr. Darkness


    good old topic... Electro mainly. -House (Progressive, etc) -Dubstep -Drum 'n Bass sometimes -Hard Electro (Ozzy <- Den Svarte Frogsen <3) And especially Classical music. I love classical music. I hade rap, and im okay with Pop.
  15. Mr. Darkness


    Good luck
  16. I didn't really understand how I came across with this, but WTF IS THIS TYPE OF A SOLDIER UNIFORM ON 09:44??? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fHNuKRsy6Xs&feature=related

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. xeim


      Bleach and Naruto ... they both lost their touch :3 animes with 1-2 seasons are usually a lot better in animation AND story

    3. Griffon


      Omg xeim finally somebody who understands my taste in anime. Marry me?

    4. xeim
  17. Just managed to watch that video: GODDAMN THATS 100 SKILL PROGRESS! (especially One-Handed) I really wonder how that dude did this thing :')
  18. I am offtopic then :< Even tho, I unlocked all 3 frost breath's before I went to high Hrothgar
  19. Guys, I recently had something really strange in the game. Something went out that Stormcloaks are hating me for some reason. No idea why. Everytime I meet them they are like "GTFO or you gunna have problems". I was like wat? Also 1 more thing. I was exploring once 1 place, but then I met Vilkas with 1 more Comapnions member. Vilkas had his weapon ready + he chased me all the feaking time. He was starting a dialogue with me all the time with his weapon ready. I even tried to use Fus-ro-dah when he was on top of a hill, but he still didnt do anything to me, keeping to chase me. I was like WATDAFAHK YOU WANT FROM ME? But then at 1 wonderful moment he stopped. I wonder what was that. Any way, is there any command to remove the bounty from stormcloaks? a console command, it seems something got bugged.
  20. Ok, it's finally okay now. That was mobistar's fault. Thanks to whoever tried to help
  21. Every gas planet, from giants to anything smaller, does have some sort of co... Are we starting to dioscuss serious stuff here? nah, just sometimes its fun to argue So what I wanted to tell is that Titan is only a few smaller than Earth, but it has a surface, not like gas planets do. None knows if saturn or jupiter do have surface. We can only know that in the centre of it there is... something.
  22. To tell it honestly, it was much, much better before. 6 min vids AT LEAST were loading in 10 secs. Now even a 8 sec video loads for ~11 secs.
  23. That is not fine.Slower than 80% of Belgium Lolwat. Mobistar u liars. http://corporate.mobistar.be/en/
  24. It seems fine. Just like it should be, shame on upload speed ;_;. I don't know is that really all that fine. EDIT: Wait didn't read the as it should be. Belgium?
  25. It seems fine. Just like it should be, shame on upload speed ;_;.
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