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Mr. Green Gaming

Mr. Darkness

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Everything posted by Mr. Darkness

  1. Well fuck this. Parents wont let me use internet on mon - thursdays :/

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. TechnoNegro


      "Son, i like your furry porn gallery very much, but..."


    3. PEPPER


      good to be an adult, now where was my teddybear?

  2. So I'd say why next map: I won't play mc this map, that's why. Only next map I will start playing it and on next map I'll be active. Maybe build a citadel as Grasshopper advised last time?
  3. I must try it out
  4. I actually never knew you could use Illusion spells on citizens and guards without making em' mad... <.< >.> Illusion 100!
  5. Now, what the heck. The time is going 4x faster than it did last year... TIME, PLEASE, GO SLOWER ON SUMMER HOLIDAYS.

    1. Mr. Darkness

      Mr. Darkness

      ^Nope. I'm talking about school. I still think it's only november ;_;

  6. http://forums.left4g...eporting-topic/ My opinion below, couldn't resist.
  7. September? Are you kidding... Exactly when it's school time... Come on!
  8. Maybe actually increase human's speed instead rather than decreasing zombie's? To me it always looked like humans run like walk. So how about if you actually add sprint to humans, which willlet you run 5 seconds, and when you are fully out of breath, or close to it, you walk slower and your sprint scale recharges? (slow recharge)
  9. I Must Admit That I Hate People That Write This Way. It's Very Annoying.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Sentra



    3. Tennisballesser


      It´s funny because in the German Language You Have To Type Many Words Like This.

  10. Pufu, that looks awesome! But there are actually a few things I didn't really like: -Picture 12 counting from the bottom, the corridor on left or whatever it is looks kinda too small, not large at all. -Pictures 19, 23, 24, 25 (counting from the top to bottom) what is the height of the walls? The passages (those like look a square-ish spaces in the walls, which could use doors or shit like that) looks kinda uncommon to me. Those passages should look like that: |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||| O |||||||||||| ||||||||||||||| /||\ |||||||||||| ||||||||||||||| / \ |||||||||||| CANT DRAW IT ON FORUMS, I SEE. Either way, the map looks really nice. Also, maybe a few secrets and traps + my special effects? :')
  11. Dubstep, since it has more elements in it, including D n' B ones. Agronian vs Khajiit? (Elder of scrolls races)
  12. Spongebob, obviously. Skyrim vs Minecraft
  13. The songstress... I dont really know why. Chuck Norris or Chuck Norris?
  14. Herp Just going to leave this here.
  15. Reputation: 100


    Mother of god.

  16. Good luck again! God, sorry for not leaving my post here D:
  17. I am going to wait till good enough version to play. Where you come with your characters. Or at least where it can be a co-op game. Won't happen. They'd have to redesign the whole game. It will probably always be a buggy character port, but if they do a good job it might still be fun exploring. Depends on who does... The modders or the developers. If the devs do it, they will sure deal handle it. I actually thought that it could be at lest like that you start all over again with your friend, where the one who created the server will keep the data saved, so both can join with their stuff on place. It must be just the same like entire Half-Life 2 went into Synergy.
  18. Mr. Darkness


    Seriously tho, this is getting rather strange that an unban topic went to ban topic and then some random spam.
  19. Name the island: Phenteromaininten (from Kahijt's language that I have just invented: ΨΘďĎĐλẀ‡‡ѣё) Be with this l4g member: Pufulet And this famous celebrity: Chuck Norris The book we have is: How to avoid becoming a psyco? We would only have this game: The Elder of scrolls V: Skyrim We would only have this movie to watch together: Sex in the city xDDDD And this music album: OZZY'S-SUPER-NOT-EXISTING-ALBUM-OF-HIS-MUSIC I would also bring this: A pretty girl who would... not telling. Will there be any offspring?: Not sure. The first to die will be: Chuck Norris *receives a super skull crush when wrote this* If we are rescued it's because: We are too lazy to live on the island.
  20. I am going to wait till good enough version to play. Where you come with your characters. Or at least where it can be a co-op game.
  21. On one point you are right. But on the other... who is breaking all the fun on the server? MC with greenies (aka active forum and community members) would be more fun as we have lots of people here. But since those kiddies joined, everything turned over. On the other hand - from who would Clavus receive all the donations? Maybe there should be "special" slots for community members? Yes you would play the first week, because it becomes all fancy with the old minecraft players. There is a reason why you stopped, putting the excuse on the new players is simply lame. Everyone was a newcomer. The game shouldn't be left4green user based, that would be pointless and dumb. Just another way to say, we don't want a minecraft server and want it to be shut down after a week. Makes sense. But then it looks like that the server is running for other players, Hackers, cheaters etc only since it got boring to the community.
  22. My first games: Doom Quake I,II (played with grandpa) Duke Nukem 3D Half-life (at age of 4 years, REALLY) Minigames (Tetris, Snake, etc.) A very few of CoD1 Gta Vice city (at age of 7-8) Silent hill 2 (At age of 7, I went hiding in bed when seing a monster (afterall I did made it killing 2 monsters in the entire game). Command & Conquer: Generals Red Factoion 1, 2 And some more games names of which I dont remember.
  23. On one point you are right. But on the other... who is breaking all the fun on the server? MC with greenies (aka active forum and community members) would be more fun as we have lots of people here. But since those kiddies joined, everything turned over. On the other hand - from who would Clavus receive all the donations? Maybe there should be "special" slots for community members?
  24. LOL. You really look like... ...him:

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