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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Pufulet

  1. So original seeker was bad as well. Big deal.
  2. Suicide and redeem 3 minutes to get an m3
  3. I wasn't saying redeemers should get more, the problem is that they get too many rewards and keep suiciding. Nerf = fastie that does 30 dmg a claw
  4. Redeemers get more sp and rewards than people who actually survive and play properly. Spitter has way too much health and ruins running around. Poison zombie has 750 health? Should be significantly slower than zombie so its used only for barricade smashing. Unnailed props and physics should take far more damage, people can easily survive by nailing a prop behind a moving door and it takes forever to destroy it. Chipper feels awful damage wise. Magnum feels bad as well. Pulse smg still has a broken ironsight after like a year. SG552 rifle has way too much recoil for its low damage. Wraith freezing is quite annoying, I would settle for less freezing but with less health to make it a teleport and hit class. Nerf ruins running around completely if that is still in the mod.
  5. Support suit needs to be more useful and not just give you more skill points. + maximum nails + nail health + board health + torch regeneration rate
  6. Receiving SP through nailing is a terrible mechanic, everyone just goes around nailing everything. Nails shouldn't get damaged by humans, using blowtorch to break them would be better. They just farm repair it for SP. Support perk doesn't give you planks.
  7. Crate giving no hp was tried multiple times and was always bad.
  8. Damien you wrote the list backwards and put me 2 spots too back, just so you know to fix it.
  9. New map pretty much. Everything is better. Pictures on steam workshop. http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=334534493 http://bbq.to/zs_filth_v2_78e1.zip
  10. Looks like auto-targeting, he snaps precisely.
  11. After playing again I can easily tell the mod is suffering from not having fluid game play. I have too many weapons to go through in my inventory probably because there are 2 weapon systems clashing. The load out system is too fiddly, I don't need 2 tools and the perks just seem like a hassle. Of course I'm going to pick a hammer perk if I'm going to use a hammer. In my opinion, perks should be automated as you level up (for the current system anyways) So if I have rank x I will automatically start with 2 extra nails. The personal perk which affects the player is kinda fine since it depends on play style.
  12. zs_filth_v1 18.2MB Links BBQ Files - http://bbq.to/zs_filth_v1_da7c.zipWorkshop - http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=31439780Description Created from scratch based off my classic http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=180292147 "beautiful gameplay, ugly appearance".Several barricading spots with supplies and props scattered all over the place.One zombie spawn that splits in two paths, spawncamping will not be easily achieved.Some form of vertical gameplay with jumping on props and catwalks everywhere (parkour).Don't stop running, you wont get bottle-necked!http://cloud-4.steampowered.com/ugc/43104786709589724/20515564876EFC7E81BC5B52E6054A4CC9433A3A/
  13. Russian engineering.
  14. Settlements and the early worlds of faction wars before adventure update were great times.
  15. I see that as a reason to keep it, seeing it could be used by mingebags. So they still enjoy the game, while having no skill.Or is it just me who thinks like this? That's a very bad way of thinking of a class. You shouldnt try to cater to new players in such a way as it hurts the rest of the server. If there is no skill required with a class that can hit you even when looking the other way what makes you think they will use another class? Hearing of such a class is absurd in zs.zs would be quicker if you didnt have to wait to reapawn after dying for 4 seconds. Every other server is instant so what is the benefit?
  16. Howler has no place in zs.
  17. I'm the ZS Map Saviour and Innovator and that is my official title.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Snotteh


      in nox community he is a respected map fixer/maker in this one a faggot the ruins everything...best of both worlds pufu <3

    3. Balmung


      Mr Green is a non-bullying community. Don't try and make people feel unwelcome here.

    4. lame shot

      lame shot

      they actually gave you the title..

  18. "Most zombie claws have two chances to hit their target. If you "hit" your target when you click your mouse button then you're guaranteed a hit as long as they remain in range." That was taken from the official zs notes and it does not apply to green. There is your exact problem with sweps. Add this and I will have no problem with the hit detection of the sweps. By not having this rule being a zombie is automatically horrible for the majority of zs players because you cannot hit a moving target as intended. There is nothing to debate about this at all. It's solid.
  19. The objective is to survive as a human. With this fix in place it will be more difficult do doubt and enjoyable for zombies.
  20. The SWEPS don't work as they were intended to anyways. You are supposed to be in range of the target and left click on them or very near them and still get the hit if you walk slightly away so its in a radius. Kinda like prop killing only not on that same level.
  21. People don't enjoy playing as a zombie because "why is it so hard to hit a human?".
  22. My opinion and I will let Ywa do what he pleases with the information I have given him. Don't have to do it.
  23. 3.0 base with classes and the ability to barricade and run. No classes that focus on using guns because everyone should have a fair chance with them. Artisan - Hammer and nails Collector - Ammunition Surgeon - Health Techie - Turrets, traps and explosives Thug - Melee Scaling stats for humans or zombies is dumb. Only horde resistance should be allowed. Leveling up should be about surviving. Gaining levels should increase discounts and maybe a bonus effect for those class specific items. Want to be a Techie and use a med kit? Go ahead but you wont get any bonuses or discount for it. Buying perks with green coins is pay to win. Green coins should be completely aesthetic. Only reason people want perks is because they were overpowered. Don't even argue with me about that, I don't care. GC perks were dumb. Points is a friendlier system compared to kills and allows for good use of class bonuses.
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