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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Duby

  1. Hmm I wonder what this is. Let me Poke Ywa and see if this is from the DL update he did.
  2. New song to code to. Getting into this one big time ^^

    1. robbert


      allot better

    2. lame shot

      lame shot


  3. Music to code to. ^^

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Duby


      Love it, each to their own Darkness ^^

    3. Duby


      I also hate weeebs

      they are vile.. Sweaty.. Pervy... Weirdos.. I watch anime for good stories like you watch a film. Not for out of proportion boobs.

    4. lame shot

      lame shot

      still beats lil wayne by a mile

  4. ZS is undergoing a complete over haul. We are stripping back and removing lots of old code and improving the systems we have from the bottom up. We are going to rebuild the menu's and some of the HUDs so we can bring a fresh look to zs. Also there will be lots of new features to help the new MC kids which have joined zs it seems.... Understand how to play. This will be all information given until further notice. Zs Dev team.
  5. I do wonder what the dk1 is like. Then again I want to try cv1 more! xD My VR sickness is pretty much gone now so working with UE4 for long periods of time is pretty good. ^^
  6. Ya but games not designed for the rift and are ported will always be inferior. I may try out portal soon and see what its like.
  7. Very best of luck. I have played with you on the zs server a few times. I must say you are a really nice guy and a team player. Your English skills are fine from what I can tell. I may be barking up the wrong tree but I think you put a lot of time and effort into MTA.
  8. It happens sometimes. Everyone's ping will go up to 200 or so and go down again in like 3-4 seconds. On another note I have introduced a new age of cading I feel, with a lot of help from Damien. The HammerTorch gives players 30SP for placing nails! This means that taking a Hammer to make a cade will pay off in the long run! Also you gain a little bit of SP when using the torch when repairing the nails. ( Every 4HP healed gives 1SP ) Nails regenerate after 40 seconds, meaning that cading is possible without the need for a crate! With this combo I feel that cading in zs on Mr.Green will become something very interesting!
  9. I see, it does kinda suck then from your point of view. I am sure you will come across one! I mean its going to be the next big thing, that's for sure¬! Otherwise buy one now if you are going to make something or wait until next year for CV1. ^^
  10. I think bragging is the wrong word. I am just saying it as it is. Nothing more.
  11. Its more about trying to optimize whats already there not what I am adding. Since I am not actually adding anything currently. Also zs is a general mess. Necro didn't tidy up after himself.
  12. Good thing Josh acecool is my Lua teacher xD
  13. Yes I see, these are valid points. The truth is I need to go outside my comfort zone and learn some other techniques. I am going to put some time aside and get my Lua teacher to show me some new things soon.
  14. I am not ignoring lol. This is how you discuss methods and compare strategies. I would think of it as an exercise to look at a method from a different point of view. Especially since yours is infliction based and mine is time based.
  15. Everyone has their own styles in coding, also I used two tables in the last method if you didn't notice Obviously it could be more refined but it that was what I thought in my head when I was thinking of a method. Aka pseudo code..
  16. That's an interesting way of doing it. I didn't think of that! I was going to do it this way. Pusdo code: if player has perk ("Comeback") then if player hasn't used it more than once. local wep = table.Random({"weapon_zs_m4a1","weapon_zs_aug"}) local wep2 = table.Random({"weapon_zs_deagle","weapon_zs_elites"}) if ROUNTIME == 1500 then give player (wep) elseif ROUNTIME == 1300 then give player (wep2) end end end Or something along those lines..
  17. I was making it a lot more efficient than that. I did a math.Random sice there are only two guns used in this perk. But nice method though! ^^
  18. Hmm I wonder if I could get css working for it. I mean if hl2 l4d portal work then why not right.
  19. Its very hard to balance things out. I have got a few idea's for balancing out some perks etc.. But in essence you need to make Zombies OP when there aren't many of them and not so much when there are lots of them. I think I will tinker with the comeback perk and what weapon it gives you depending on infliction. I have also got a new solution to the hammer. You will either love it or hate it. Hammer: Torch has a clip of 30. It fires at a rate of 0.05, it recharges at a rate of 0.4. Heals nails 1HP per 1 clip unit. Giving 1 SP per primary fire. Hammer: Nails, when nailing you will only receive nails on a timer. Once you have used a nail (Max 3) You will wait 40 seconds for a new nail. It will give it to you as it would do at a crate. This will make cading easier in hallways and other such places not requiring a crate to keep the cade alive. I have this finished and glitch free, but I want some opinions. Thoughts? (Crate doesn't give nails)
  20. Sure that sounds good and it will give the perk more of a meaning!
  21. I think you guys need to go back to the basics. It seems you are having issues with the current mod, so why not just make it a basic survival server with the tekit mod? Just a suggestion.
  22. Adding a human spawn protection is easy as pie. So I can add that. With the comeback perk I want to make it dependent on time. So 5 mins in degal, 11 mins P90, 16 M4A1. Thoughts?
  23. I think the old dl which was re-added is pretty bad. People are taking ages to connect, so I think we should revert back to using workshop. It was so dam fast for people to connect download everything and play. Thoughts?
  24. This is the latest update with in-depth details. It will be live later today. I have conferred with many admins and members of the community and discussed the current issues with zs and how we can make it better and bring the player count back up. Some of these decisions were made in the interest of the community as a whole and not to a select few's opinions. Details: New additions: -Aegis kit. (Beta) Re-Added: -Spitter zombies class with re-adjusted attack patterns. Unlock infliction ( 0.6 ) -Progression SP, so new people can get at least a mid tier SMG by the end of the game. -CrowBar in the loadout. Adjusted: P228, fire rate. USP, clip size. Removed: -Guns for kills system. (People seemed confused and it made the game a lot harder for new people to grasp. All the weapons are back in the crate bar the Alyx gun.) Now some of you may feel that this isn't for the best, but we are fighting for a small piece of a small cake currently. So we need to make it as easy as possible for new people to understand. I have been supplied with some new models which after some discussion with the Dev team may be added. So new weapons may be inbound. Now there is something which Ywa needs to do in order to make things smoother! On the join screen we need to re-add the old one, then add tips onto it explaining the crate system, SP and that we don't use suit zoom. This is key to making it clear how to play the game before getting into the game! Please report any issues. -ZS Dev team
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