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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Duby

  1. Already said this will be the case in the patch. But Ywa isn't here to fix the server. Stupid ddos kids..
  2. I have fixed all of these issues and I am looking at Pufu's idea as I think its a good idea. Just waiting for Ywa because of these DDOS fags..
  3. Come home on my night off to see this.. Why did I have to answer him xD

  4. Home once again. I will spend tomorrow fixing the found issues today. We all knew there would be some hiccups along the way. So please try to be a bit understanding.
  5. Oh sat on the bus and remembered something. Yea check the level unlock table and un comment the first one and remove the second. If Ywa doesn't see this in time, one of the admins push this please.
  6. Overhaul is done. Requires maybe a few test rounds on the dev server just to be safe, but its ready for release and I am happy with the end result. I have added a few little surprises in there which I haven't told anyone about. But I am sure its going to be kick ass! These final few days have been a rather large push to get it all done. But its been worth the time and effort. I won't be around for the next few days so it will either be up tomorrow (18/12/2014) or when ever I come back I guess. -Duby ^^
  7. Sure thanks for pointing this out. I have fixed this in the overhaul and it looks rather normal now. But thanks for the report.
  8. What statement or question should I make today. NECROSSIN do you celebrate Christmas?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Duby


      Oh I see, that's interesting. I thought all of Russia were christian. I guess I will have happy holidays to both of you. ^^

    3. michaelwang22


      Send me some chrissie pud pls

  9. I asked Necro bot to look after one of my test subjects. But he left it escape. Maybe it will be found soon...

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Braindawg


      not using capital letters is far better than making something entirely grammatically broken and blaming it on your phone.

    3. Braindawg


      and no, he can't rui, nobody can.

    4. Duby


      I don't listen to fools like him. So I suggest you don't either Rui.

  10. Great progress with optimizations. I have been working with the weapon folders and the shared and server files for handling them and have optimized the lot. We have gained literally 20 fps from it. So this wait is going to be well worth it! I hope we can get this live by Monday-ish depending on Ywa and how well the testing goes.
  11. I understand perfectly what you are saying and I take it on board. I think you are partially right. I would rather see a clump of SP given rather than loads of small amounts all the time. So I will work on this as quickly as I can. I can foresee that how I construct this hammer will dictate how much cading is done. I will ask around for some opinions and obviously do what I think is best. Thanks for the feedback.
  12. Look up the meaning of overhaul. a. To examine or go over carefully for needed repairs. http://www.thefreedictionary.com/overhaul
  13. Overhaul report. Contents: -Bug fixes: -New features: -Game play changes: -Overview: Bug fixes: -Hammer infinite nails -Weapon switch delay -Hammer SP glitch -Undead rise walk animation -Item loadout icons fixed -Boss selection system fixed New features: -Picking up Turrets -Medic required notification -New zombie HUD -Game play sounds -AFK Spectators team system(Ywa's master mind) -Zombie selection menu -Load out menu -New hammer system -Optimized game mode -Obj maps with special features (Integrated in the gamemode) Game play changes: -All tools are under one selection spot -Tools are LV0 unlock -Crate no longer grants health -New load out weapons -Perks combined into new one's EG: { Medic = medic upgrade 1 & 2 Support = planks upgrade 1 & 2 Berserker = Freeman spirit and poison protection } -Immortal pro perk is 50/50 else giving a classic SMG -Poison zombie can poison spit and move -Zombie colour mod is refined -Bosses spawn every 5-6 mins with >=2500HP -Spitter menu icon added -HUD weapon selection is tidier -Etherials are a lot easier to see -Normal zombie damage reduced -Spawn protection reduced -Boss Health indicator cleaned -Removed some music -Balanced weapon prices -Comeback perk outcomes modified (Aug,m3super90, Famas, sg552) -Grave digger gives a set health of 5HP (Katana 3HP) -Crate gives no HP ( Get a medic or use Mobile supply) Overview: -Game mode files They were a total mess. I had to strip and remove all the old code lying around not doing anything and fix the errors they give when it was removed. So it was a cat and mouse chase for a while. After that I looked at the current systems in place and how they worked. (Out of date) I had the honour of C&P ValidEntity to IsValid for a while. Not fun... There was a lot of code which wasn't actually meant to be there so I looked at where it should be and placed it there. Took a while but the end result was a nicely formatted file with a massively reduced size. Finally was the challenge of sorting out all of the umsg messages which seem to be used in every file in the game mode. Most of them are now upgraded to a nice new shiny Net message. In return we were able to look at all of the client side files and optimize them to allow for a great amount of FPS to be gained. In total I'd say we have gained 20~30 fps depending on the map. Which I think is brilliant. So without further of due I will show you all a short video which was made in Microsoft Movie maker of some of the features in the upcoming overhaul. -ZS Dev team. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jtmJYGK16E8&list=UULCbuxQEICZr-SdywY0lO7g Release date will be within the next few weeks after the admin team have tested it properly.
  14. I was actually talking to RussianWolk the other day. He doesn't play green as when he gets off work the server is empty. So we need to change this!
  15. ahaahah xD You mean Muppburg ^^
  16. I will do three lists. Old Regs Modern Regs Memorable people Something like that
  17. Hello Greenies I need all of you old fags to do something rather interesting and non boorish. I am making a ZS Hall of Fame segment in this Overhaul, so I need the top 15 most well respected and fearsome players from the past. Please make you opinion stated like this. 1: 2: 3: 4: 5: 6: 7: 8: 9: 10: 11: 12: 13: 14: 15: I can already guess that Bean will be number one, but please give your honest opinions! Cheers and I hope you have fun.
  18. Hmm right I will look at this. Is the issue of it not working for some weapons due to them being CSS? Or anything in common like that? I will look at the FOV settings and see if I can lower it as well. Thanks for reporting this.
  19. Indeed real music. Mayhem in the Lab with this shit on. I hope your ready… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Y9G779f6sA

  20. Christ on a bike. Under what circumstances does this happen?
  21. Even back in the day...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Duby


      Nope I wasn't. I was making the point that we still had retarded squeakers back in the day.

    3. rui_troia


      he wasnt retarded you cunt he was ok bloke

    4. Braindawg


      Skatezoc was the best part of the community you skankwagon

  22. The current one is the old ione but without the top ranks. I know there are a few things missing like top zombie damage. But that was Ywa not finishing it. He's been really busy. I will look at it and apply the changes with the big over haul. Thanks for the feedback.
  23. Unless Ywa fixes it I won't be doing any updates to the current live version of the mod. The overhaul is going very very well and I am happy with what the overall outcome will be.
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