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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Duby

  1. I think we would have to be care with how we update the casing system. I think perhaps ghosting props when a human has picked it up is a nice idea. But we don't want to make this a 3.0 copy. In my eyes the casing kit should over come this allowing people to cade any where. (Within reason)
  2. That's something we can't really fix. I think gameplay is greatly improving atm. People are taking a big mixture of items and aren't just sticking with the easiest loadouts. With a few more adjustments and some gameplay aspects smoothed out. I think zs will be a lot better and more popular. We just need to make cading easy, but hard late game then mix that with loads of powerful guns.
  3. This October update is shaping up nicely. I have a few spoilers as I know everyone has been very patient. We are re-adding a few older things and some new things to the gamemode. Some of the following are already implemented. -Etherial TP 'Coded by Ywa and implemented already' -Fixed and fully tested Aegis kit (No more fun for you Jeramieh!) -Mobile supplies will grant health again. -A new hammer tool. Thanks BrainDawg for the model! ( You have a blow torch and hammer on screen. The hammer can put in and take out nails. The blowtorch heals the nails) -Player weapons will no longer damage nails. -The old end game screen is re-added ( Thanks to Ywa ) -New Weapons Crosshair -Old L4D music added on load out screen. -Old l4D music on humans loosing. -Zombies spawn on each other properly. ( Thanks Ywa ) There have also been many optimisations in the code where someone had just left heavy code doing nothing. Code has been updated from Gmod 12 code. There are many plans for lots of bold and new idea's which will come to light soon enough! I hope you all like these changes and the effort which was required to make it happen. -ZS Admin team -ZS Coding team -Dubys' Laboratory May Puke Pour have mercy on your souls.
  4. For some reason it only filmed in 360p
  5. it could be that, or just one that is never used. Hmm this is the first time it has appeared and it was after Ywa did a base update.
  6. Kinda odd as it doesn't say what SWEP it is. So it could to be something in the weapon base rather than an actual weapon.
  7. I am not sure about why there is a normal hl2 sound trying to be played. I will find the source and sort it out.
  8. Bare in mind you guys aren't English (No offence to be made here.) so when he says something like he did in that vid. It just sounded to me like he was being a dickhead but in a silly way. So you may have to take that with a pinch of salt. But until anything else is proven we have to respect Damiens decisions.
  9. Admins shouldn't make mistakes when it comes to hacking period. There should be a clear sign saying 'If an admin hacks you will be demoted and banned just as a player would be.' I may not be an expert but this looks like hacking but if the boss says otherwise and wants to give him a second chance then so be it.
  10. Congrats Jeremiah, its been a long time coming. I look forward to working and playing ZS with you.
  11. When you donate you get given GC. Also its not as hard as it was to get GC.
  12. Even though I wasn't apart of the MC community I saw how much work and time you put into the server. I think you are doing whats best as you want to have fond memories of the server. Good luck Balmung there will be a bumpy road ahead, but I can see you are going to do something interesting! ^^
  13. DK2 shipped. Now its time to DL UE4 and sit by the door..

  14. I see all of your points, I am working on a big update for the end of October. It should make things a lot more balanced but still fun also easier for new people and regs.(menu wise)
  15. A lot of things have been polished in the last week or so and the players response to it has been great. So thanks Greenies for being patient. We also have a lovely new model for the Python so thanks Pufulet for that. Also thanks Braindawg for the Barreta you made, its a great addition. Now onto some other news, I have had some feedback that the guns for kills system feels a little clunky when playing, so we are going to smooth it all out and make it feel a bit more flush within zs. So I think I will add a kill counter under the players hud so they know where they are at with how many they need to get. Then with the weapon switch add a marker so the player knows which weapon they have out. Perhaps highlighting it with a green highlight. Now onto some other ergonomics. The loadout screen seems to be complex for new players to understand so I have made a new deisgn for it, I have had approval from Damien and Ywa so I thought I would share it with you all. https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B9mYOB0Vx8UdNy1ZX0QwdmdCRGM/view?usp=sharing This should be done within the next few weeks. We are also planning on updating the zombie hud finally so look forward to that! That's all for now. 'I look forward to your comments Necro! ^^'
  16. Duby

    GCs payment update

    I can tell this will change how zs works and how popular it will become. If people know they can earn money they will continue to play, also they will invest in shop items to make money faster etc.. So it could lead to some crazy future.
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