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Mr. Green Gaming


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  1. Upvote
    NITROX reacted to neox. in Screenshot + Video Thread   
    you've forgotten the raging part, mr. @besweeet

  2. Upvote
    NITROX reacted to Cena in Cenation "CnT|"   
    1. Always wear your tag
    2. Never ram, block, kill a clan member on purpose
    (we are a team)
    3. No fighting other clan members
    4.If you permanently change your name in game tell us in the clan topic so i can update the member list
    (try not to change it too often please)
    5.If you leave the clan without announcing or got kicked because of a rule break, you will not be accepted back.
    6.Once accepted you may give your opinion on other clan applications, but the decision will ultimately rest with the leader(s).

    1- You need at least 100+ hours playtime.
    2- Last punishment should be older than 15 days. (ban, mute, blocker)
    3- You need to be active.
    4- Don't waste your time applying, if you are Blacklisted. 
    5- Your english must be at least average and understandable.
    6- You should have at least 10 wins in Never The Same (NTS) and be in at least two tops (rank 8 or above).
    7- You should have at least 5 wins in Reach The Flag (RTF) .
    8- You should have at least 10 wins in Destruction Derby (DD) and be in at least two tops (rank 8 or above).
    9- You should have at least 20 Flags captured in CTF.
    10- You should have at least 10 wins in Shooter (SH) and 50 kills and be in at least two tops (rank 8 or above).

    (NOTE: Once you apply to join CnT and are waiting for a decision, you are not allowed join or ask for another clan, or your application gets declined) 
    1.1: Your account name:
    1.2: Nationality:
    1.3: Age:
    1.4: Gender:
    1.5: How many hours a week do you play:
    1.6: Total playtime hours:
    1.7: Your time zone (GMT+): 
    1.8: Why do you want to join CnT (At least 40+ words):
    1.9: Do you have any friends in CnT (If yes write their names):
    2.0: Previous clans:
    2.1:  Have you got banned before?:
    2.2: If yes, why?:
    2.3: Favorite Game Mode:
    2.4: How good is your english?:
    2.5: Screenshot of your stats (link): 

    Current members: (Total: 40)
    Founder/Owner/: Cena (United Arab Emirates) 
                                            Owner/Clan Moderator: Dan (Romania) 
    Leader: Haze (Netherlands)
    Member: Nibje (Netherlands) 
    Member: KBWY (Netherlands) 
    Member: BYEBYE (France) 
    Member: Iry (Romania) 
    Member: Ahmed (United Arab Emirates) 
    Member: Sirius (Poland)   
    Member: HellBoy (Argentina) 
      Member: KneeLz (Lithuania) 
     Member: Selim (Turkey) 
     Member: Rami (Saudi Arabia) 
     Member: <M-JerrY> (Russian Federation) 
     Member: Gabi (Hungary)
     Member: THEMoroccanGUY (Morocco)
     Member: Goph (Hungary)
     Member: M10 (Hungary)
     Member: Skynet (Hungary)
     Member: 0rangeGhost (Russian Federation) 
     Member: Akeno (Turkey) 
     Member: Galla (Hungary)
     Member: Pig (Russian Federation) 
     Member: P0L (Slovenia) 
     Member: chrisR (Germany)
     Member: Adam (United Kingdom)
     Member: B0$$ (India)
    Member: Kauss. (Romania) 
     Member: BoNd (India)
     Member: MrJhin
     Member: Hilton (kazakhstan)
     Member: NEM0 (Latvia)
     Member: koolaid (Latvia)
    Member: Personalizado (Mexico) 
     Member: Jans (Netherlands) 
     Member: Dead.Ronin (Russian Federation) 
     Member: PatoMcPato (Venezuela)
     Member: Jul-Ovni (France) 
    Member: K10 (Hungary)
              Ex-CnT Members Capo (Macedonia) (Left the server) Y Dead-End (Ireland) (Kicked-Broke rule 1) X SkyFall (Chile)  (Changed Clans) X B3ST (Russian Federation) (Changed Clans) X Laca (Czech) (Kicked by Cena) X Kohl (Russian Federation) (Left) Y Gwiazda (Poland)    (Kicked) X Camper (Russian Federation)  (Left) Y Member: Wing (Brazil) X         
  3. Upvote
    NITROX reacted to neox. in Coming back in few days   
    Soo.. yeah! I'm glad to announce that I'll be owning a completely new PC, may arrive next Thursday 15th, so as fast as possible, when I install the OS, I'll open MTA. It's been 4 months already.. wauw..
    In case you wanted to know PC specs, there we go:
    - Intel Core i5-6500 @ 3.2GHz
    - G. Skill DDR4 2x8 GB, 16 GB RAM
    - Nvidia GeForce GTX 1060 - 3GB GDDR 5 (such new, such wow) *inserts doge*
    - 120 GB SSD + 1TB Seagate Barracuda
    - MSI H170A PC Mate
    Here's the PC

    well.. components inside aren't shown lawl..
    anyway, I'll feel a bit like this ↓↓↓ when I'll start gaming with this nice machine

    see y'all someday of this week!
    edit: brian, you'll see who rules aga, hue 
  4. Upvote
    NITROX reacted to RaaFaaeL in Show your desktop background!   
  5. Upvote
    NITROX reacted to RaaFaaeL in Show your desktop background!   
  6. Upvote
    NITROX reacted to RaaFaaeL in your favorite thing to eat before playn mta   
    Potato Bread / Potato rolls

  7. Upvote
    NITROX reacted to AfuSensi in Location of Mappers - Help/scripts/tools/resources/mods/tutorial   
    I have explained how to use it in your maps here: http://mrgreengaming.com/forums/topic/14437-random-markers-script/
  8. Upvote
  9. Upvote
    NITROX got a reaction from minowux in Location of Mappers - Help/scripts/tools/resources/mods/tutorial   
    ~ > > How to change the color of the sky and water < < ~
                  1º - Download the file:    https://drive.google.com/file/d/0ByhFqm9bmLA9SWJWNEZkQUFISE0/view?usp=sharing       2º - Extract the file "SkyWater.lua" inside the folder of your map           3º - Open the "meta.xml" file of your map and add the line:  
        <script src="SkyWater.lua" type="client" />             4º - Open the file "SkyWater.lua" and inside it you will see two lines: "setWaterColor( 255, 255, 255, 255 )" and "setSkyGradient( 255, 255 ,  255, 255, 255, 255)"
                5º - To change the color of the sky you should go to the line "setSkyGradient( 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255)" and change the numbers between parentheses ( 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255):   If you prefer, you should use the HTML color generator to help you in this step, I recommend this site

      6º - After choosing your colors, just put them between the parentheses respecting each location:                
    7º - Do a test on your map and see the result:             8º - To change the color of the wateryou should go to the line "setWaterColor( 255, 255, 255, 255 )" and change the numbers between parentheses( 255, 255, 255, 255 ):        
    If you prefer, you should use the HTML color generator to help you in this step, I recommend this site

    http://html-color-codes.info/               9º - After choosing your colors, just put them between the parentheses respecting each location:        

          10º - To make the water more transparent, you just go in "(0, 150, 200, 255)" and decrease the transparency by placing the number 200 or 150 or 100 or 50 in place of "255":             11º - Do a test on your map and see the result:      
      12º - Now see how did end result of our tutorial:

    Now, it's just you do the biggest and best MTA races of all time
    by #NITRO
  10. Upvote
    NITROX got a reaction from GT//R in Location of Mappers - Help/scripts/tools/resources/mods/tutorial   
    você é muito gracinha, sabia ? :\
  11. Upvote
    NITROX got a reaction from GT//R in Location of Mappers - Help/scripts/tools/resources/mods/tutorial   
    ~>> Super Jumps <<~       1º - Download the file: https://www.dropbox.com/s/yqnxo171nzhv6qf/jumps.rar     2º - Extract the file "jumps.lua" inside the folder of your map     3º - Open the "meta.xml" file of your map and add the line:         <script src="jumps.lua" type="client" />             4º - Open the MTA >> Map Editor, and open the map where you want to put the ' Super Jump '     5º - Add one or more ' markers ' where you want to add Super Jumps               6º - Now open the file 'jumps.lua' that you extracted to your map       7º - with the 'jumps.lua' open, open the MTA Editor and select the markers on your map       8º - The MTA where it says 'position' you must pass directions X, Y, Z for the file 'jumps.lua',   where is written X you must copy the direction and replace where it says ' 1 ' in the file jumps.lua. where is written Y you must copy the direction and replace where it says ' 2 ' in the file jumps.lua. where is written Z you must copy the direction and replace where it says ' 3 ' in the file jumps.lua.           9º - Do this with all the ' markers '           10º - Now delete the markers that you have added to your map by Map Editor, we're not going to need them. ...   Do not delete anything in the 'jumps.lua' ...             11º - Now test your map                     13º - To increase or decrease the height of the jump, you must change the value 'newZ = z+0.8'         0.8 = 80 meters   1 = 100 meters     14º - To change the size of the markers you must change where it says "cylinder", 4.5 "             15º - To change the colors of the Super Jump, you must change where it says 'cylinder", 4.5, 255, 255, 255, 255 '                 #NITRO If I have forgotten any information or if you have any questions, please ask, I take pleasure in help         Sorry for my terrible English :\  
  12. Upvote
    NITROX got a reaction from GT//R in Location of Mappers - Help/scripts/tools/resources/mods/tutorial   
    ~>> [NFS] Style Arrows <<~

    Click Here ~>>  http://mrgreengaming.com/forums/topic/16316-nfs-style-arrows/?hl=arrow
  13. Upvote
    NITROX got a reaction from GT//R in Location of Mappers - Help/scripts/tools/resources/mods/tutorial   
    ~>> Sky changing colors <<~  
    1º - Download the file: https://www.dropbox.com/s/wz1fqhx4kjoxi47/file.rar    
    2º - Extract the file "NITRO.lua" inside the folder of your map    
    3º - Open the "meta.xml" file of your map and add the line:  
        <script src="NITRO.lua" type="client" />  
    4º - To change the time that the sky changes color simply change where it says:  
    setTimer ( yo, 4300, 0 )  
      4000 = 4sec , 1000 = 1sec, 60000 = 1min  
  14. Upvote
    NITROX got a reaction from GT//R in Location of Mappers - Help/scripts/tools/resources/mods/tutorial   
    ~>> outputChatBox (Message when start the map) <<~  
    1º - Download the file: https://www.dropbox.com/s/vj67s58ecik7lyp/ChatBox.rar  
    2º - Extract the file "ChatBox.lua" inside the folder of your map  
      3º - Open the "meta.xml" file of your map and add the line:
        <script src="ChatBox.lua" type="client" />  

    4º - Open the file "ChatBox.lua" and inside it there will be a line that says outputChatBox ("chatbox texto", 27, 89, 224, true)  
        Where it says "chatbox texto" you can put any text you want to  

    5º - For more information on additional chat just add the line:  
    outputChatBox ("chatbox texto", 27, 89, 224, true)
    And change "chatbox texto" by the text you want and at the end the map will stay that way  
  15. Upvote
    NITROX reacted to HeArTBeaT in Cenation "CnT|"   
    MAD confirmed Traitor to CENATION!
  16. Upvote
    NITROX reacted to Kasha666 in I was banned by Stig lol   
    1. =FoX=Kasha^1337 (Kasha666)
    2. 03.09.2016
    3. Multi Theft Auto/Mr.green Mix server
    4. KoM|Stig
    5. Just because i played with FoX tag (lol)
    6. Reason?!
    chech this out:
    http://www.fox-mta.eu/index.php?action=roster - FoX web-site.

  17. Upvote
    NITROX reacted to race in NITROX - Map Manager   
    Good luck!
  18. Upvote
    NITROX reacted to MegasXLR in NITROX - Map Manager   
    Merry Christmas bro xD Goodluck!1
  19. Upvote
    NITROX reacted to r0cK in Official Suggestion/Changes Topic   
    @Flipper @AleksCore
    I was thinking about this idea some time now. In the past I've seen a few servers with the command !rtd which means roll the dice. This feature does all kinds of things.
    -50% health +50% health Nitro for 10 seconds Invincible for 10 seconds etc.. another great idea from @besweeet
    In DestructionDerby if you do !rtd (this can be announced in general chat which action the !rtd does with a certain person)
    ravebreak for yourself  darkness for yourself for a few seconds  etc. You could add this to the GC perk tab which would make it even more fun and may let people spend more GC's into the game.
    If some one could make a script for this and with more neat features it would be a nice addition to the game and a little more fun in my opinion.
  20. Upvote
    NITROX reacted to mr.reese in gc trials   
    delete fire transfer
  21. Upvote
    NITROX got a reaction from MegasXLR in Santiii733 Admin Application MTA   
    Vote 733 for admin

  22. Upvote
    NITROX reacted to AbueloEbrio in Santiii733 Admin Application MTA   
    Thanks Guys
    PD: You must be patient @NITROX
  23. Upvote
    NITROX got a reaction from AbueloEbrio in Santiii733 Admin Application MTA   
    Vote 733 for admin

  24. Upvote
    NITROX reacted to AbueloEbrio in Santiii733 Admin Application MTA   
    Gameserver: Race/Mix
    Age: 18
    Country of origin: Argentina
    Languages able to communicate in: English, Spanish.
    Ingame name: Santiii733 or -]alw[-TetoMedina or Guestarg
    Little something about your self and why you think you're fit to be admin:
    The second time I do this but my words. I am from Buenos Aires City, my name is Santiago, not Santino lol. I'm in the last year of high school and will finish in December.
    I play since 2012 on this server and I do not tolerate that insult the admins. Once a user posted in the main chat one server with ip but repeatedly and there was no one to mute/ban them. There are also people who insult but others badly but in my language (Spanish) and some users sometimes make spam. I like to test new maps with mosh but in mix server i see some maps that are bugged with the name unnamed on the tops. 
    I already know this server long ago, collaborate with some things and I also helped with IRC if you remember. 
    I am not talking much but I understand the 2 languages and I like to help with the server. 
    PD: I run out patience when they insult me a lot.

  25. Upvote
    NITROX reacted to mr.reese in Fire transfer perk   

    I'd like to ask the admins to delete or moderate fire transfer gc perk. it's totally ruin the gameplay at ctf and dd. I die about 50% of the cases because this perk. 
    There are some reason to delete or moderate it:
    - It's totally unfair because players can use it multiple times so it's a HUGE advantage. (can kill a tank, players with this perk are almost immortal.)
    - At ctf gamemode it REALLY helps teamkills.
    - It pulls down that players who don't have it.
    - It has got a bug when a player with fire transfer hit you and you instantly die.
    - It's fucking annoying when you in a good round killed 3 players then someone just come hit you and you just die...
    - I'll leave the server in a month if it will stay at the same way. (what is not a big thing you can say but i play here for years and maybe you will loose other regular players because of this unfair perk.)

    So, I'd like to ask to remove it or moderate it to ONE USE/MAP.
    Don't say that i should buy it because i'll never buy it.

    Thanks for the attention. 
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