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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Sk@tEfigHteR

  1. I don't really think this is possible without an exploit, or client mods. And Are you implying that people who exploit/hack shouldn't be banned because it COULD happen to someone who doesn't exploit/hack? And if someone does get banned unfairly he can always make a ban appeal.
  2. Zs is empty.. As always..

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    2. Dr.Minky





      Meanwhile in Nevada...

  3. I suggest that you should be unable to shoot while using the sprint ability. Due to people moving very fast spraying their weapons without being hit due to them moving left/right so fast
  4. It's hard to see due to the lack of first person spectating, but the interesting thing is that he never shoots next to him, and that he only damages a particular body part, Using a galil long range is bound to spray. In the video he gets shot completely in the torso, with a minimal ammount of bullets. Due to the recoil and spray shooting only the torso on that range is impossible. I'd say that his aim snaps to the head/torso hitboxes. @ box I was about to say that, but I waited for the video
  5. I recently tested (With Mr.Darkness) wich weapon is better, crowbar or katana. It would seem that the crowbar is a 3-hit kill while the katana is a 4-hit kill Note that the katana is SIX times more expensive. (I'm not really sure about the damage but the crowbar did kill me in three hits on full health, while the katana kills on four)
  6. I can confirm this, I didn't point it out as I wasn't sure. And he was too confident, and was running around the map killing everyone Edit: His reactions when getting killed were very unusual, as if he thinks he is unstoppable.
  7. Maybe get 1 WarXP for each kill when your team loses?
  8. A game-type featuring NPC's would be nice Like Some sort of zombie survival, Or antlion survival Both teams need to hold out before reinforcments arrive. Every 60 seconds dead players on both teams can respawn And ammo/weapons are dropped in the teams bases the goal is to survive five minutes It would be lovely to see more gametypes involving a third party Edit: Box asked me how would it work as teamplay Both teams will have a base, first one to loose all its men loses, if both teams survive the one with the most points/zombie/antlion kills wins About the supply drops they should be between the two bases, so the players need to fight to get them
  9. If done correctly it could not be abused, Since zombies will always spawn, just in a different ammount according to the ammount of humans near their spawns, They'll still spawn no matter what, if the humans scatter around the map evenly they will spawn around the map evenly, if they take one part of the map zombies spawn on the other. I find it balanced and hopefuly it can't be abused.
  10. Also I suggest removing certain zombie spawns on a few maps (Unless it hasn't been done already since I haven't been playing ZS for a week or so) Zombies can and will spawn inside human barricade areas on a few maps, such as Jail (In the laundry room, In the Small map credit room with the vending machine). Subversive 3 (In the room with the combine computer and a hinged metal door, The elevators final destination), Subversive 4 (The area above the long ladder). And I do think there are a few other maps but I forgot their names. This ruins the gameplay as it just allows any type of zombie to spawn right next to the humans. (And if there still is zombie spawn protection humans have no choice but to run if a poison zombie spawns inside a barricade.)
  11. He should care as he is currently the only coder here.
  12. Only high level marksmen can kill a zombie from long range easily, but I agree that the scout needs tiny damage buff, since I got most of my kills stolen before I can finish off a zombie with a 3'rd or 4'th shot. And Proto the reason that fast zombies die with that many shots is their bad hitboxes. You can kill a fast zombie with one shot using most of the snipers It's just the bad registry. Scout does base 40 damage, I think it should be 41-45 .
  13. A very good idea, it could also encourage newer players to return to the server (So they can unlock the classes) Edit: Noobs that dont want to learn shoulden't deserve to have those classes, if they want them just play on the server for a small while and unlock them.
  14. You should also be able to move your turrets around, after placing them. And maybe be able to heal turrets for 25% of their health using some sort of repair tool that you fill up from the crate? Also I agree with techno, When I have zombies chasing me the biggest threats are fast zombies, poison zombies and normal zombies come after. Just as he said a few normal zombies are easy kills for you but two fast zombies are a deadly threat. - Their rage animation should kick in after 3-5 hits. - Their leap should have a cooldown of 5 seconds. And speed boost is useless, and to add to that, a normal zombie can outrun a human that is carrying almost any ranged weapon? So if you hold a pistol a zombie can outrun you. And if you want to run from zombies you take your melee weapon out, but what is this? They have no flashlights... So you keep crashing into walls because the color mod is too dark.
  15. Eating a delicious watermelon.

  16. He must be permanently banned, he constantly minges, Never up to anything good. He's a menace that should be permanently banned.
  17. I have a glitch to report, regarding zombine's fragmentation grenades. As one of them killed me at 100% health and 95% Damage reduction. I know this is not supposed to happen as I take more or less 30 damage per explosive grenade point blank (Without the Damage Resistance).
  18. I'm confused.
  19. Only 3 hours? Damien, I know these type of players (When I was an admin I ran across quite a few of them) They come to the server to do no good. They're not regular players that join to play the game They join to greif and grief only. Only way to get rid of them is to permanently ban them (Or a very long ban). He'll just come back. And grief again.
  20. Looks like a fun map
  21. Player (XanMs | penacos.com -- STEAM_0:1:10400295) Reason (Microphone spamming, Insulting players ingame, Breaking the humans barricade Quote:"XanMs | penacos.com: HOW CAN I DESTROY BARICADE" Evidence of Cade breaking His only intent on the server is to grief. I hope he gets banned. Anyone who can confirm this please do. Edit: He's constantly greifing My suggestion a permanent ban. He's a menace to the server and does not deserve to come back. Note: He changed name and rejoined to avoid votemute his current name, however irritating is "SKATE IS FAGG".
  22. Sk@tEfigHteR


    I watch TV all the time and see people get convicted for life because they killed another person. Why would a maniac that killed so many be convicted for 21 years maximum? The world doesn't need people like that, And it happens all the time where I see people who did much worse than others barely get punished. On the internet a day ago I saw a picture regarding a homeless man stealing 100$ and returning the money right after but got 15 years in jail And right under him a picture of a politician who is serving 2 months because he did a fraud where he gained millions of dollars. It's just unfair how the worst of our society get off so easy. Edit: Forgot to tell the homeless mans time in jail*
  23. You should make it more Zombie-ish. So it doesn't end up like godzilla. It is zombie survival and should have a dark touch to it
  24. He does have six bans, But since suiciding isn't really a permanent ban reason even with previous bans. If it was up to me I'd make it a month.
  25. Name (◢◣ Bjørn ◢◣) Steam-ID (STEAM_0:1:25327500) Reason (Keeps suiciding on round start and rejoining to get starting zombie bonus health and to roll the dice, He's been doing it for a while now, even after previously being warned for it. He also had a previous ban related to suiciding to redeem late in the round We warned him not to suicide anymore and he left the server.)
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