You should also be able to move your turrets around, after placing them. And maybe be able to heal turrets for 25% of their health using some sort of repair tool that you fill up from the crate? Also I agree with techno, When I have zombies chasing me the biggest threats are fast zombies, poison zombies and normal zombies come after. Just as he said a few normal zombies are easy kills for you but two fast zombies are a deadly threat. - Their rage animation should kick in after 3-5 hits. - Their leap should have a cooldown of 5 seconds. And speed boost is useless, and to add to that, a normal zombie can outrun a human that is carrying almost any ranged weapon? So if you hold a pistol a zombie can outrun you. And if you want to run from zombies you take your melee weapon out, but what is this? They have no flashlights... So you keep crashing into walls because the color mod is too dark.