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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Maher

  1. Yep i meant Channels so yeah
  2. Bring Back KaliBwoy!! The best scripter alive. But you know why i suggested this idea? It is because sometimes Turks are annoying when they make the chat full of Turk language, But i'll always respect it
  3. Who knows, it may be hard to get those perks only if it one time buy xD
  4. Looool i suggest they should make a room like for Chatting For example Someone is from Turkey, and wants to talk in Turk with a few turk people, The "i" key allows him to chat only in Turk, Also this idea is from another server. (ffs)
  5. You mean not only Health Transfer, rest of the perks that requires to buy it monthly Like Rocket Color Doubled Sides And the rest of 'em Only reroll perk is good for monthly imo
  6. Wish i could Change my vote from No to Yes. All now i suggest to delete CarGame mode or make it Standalone mode. Hopefully they add Something a little fun for CTF
  7. Well, I have to maybe agree with Jansse. CG deserves to be deleted, But oh, I may suggest CTF to stay, So i guess that we should add something to make it more fun. So, Yeah Delete CG or make it Standalone mode, But who knows it may be good or not
  8. Yep, thats what i meant! Standalone mode.
  9. I know haha. Just Imagine Cargame came as replacement of CTF, it would be more fun i guess.
  10. If CTF got deleted, i would be glad if Manhunt will come as replacement of CTF, or Make (Cargame only) instead of CTF, Thats how it will be more fun (imo) Also i don't like SH with in the bottom cargame mode, which SH is my favorite mode and i dont like Cargame cause it destroys SH fun days. I know it's only admin/manager/scripter decision, but removing it in my opinion would be better. Well, hope CTF is removed and Hope you like my Idea
  11. Hahahha ArabFood is better than McD! @Moh Do you agree? xD
  12. I was in the event like 2 hours, And it was so much fun!! Awesome event.
  13. Lol K
  14. Can't wait for this event! We will surely gonna enjoy it!
  15. Hardstyle or Dubstep?

    And Why.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Maher


      I sometimes like Nightcore loool

    3. Micha3lo


      Fu, nightcore is shit imho

    4. Maher


      Imo no, its so good

  16. 69 reputation


  17. Maher


    Nowadays.. @Sky.meh has retired from making videos. Rest in peace my lovely friend
  18. Maher

    Core Markers

    *faps in the corner*
  19. So i cutted @MADKILLER's dick, suddenly everyone
  20. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° )Time to fap( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° )
  21. Maher

    @jack123: سينا افضل شيخ في العالم 

    احا ههههههههههههههههه :P

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Maher


      Lol u now saw the status omfgasm

    3. Cena


      I was busy the whole day on Sunday and Monday, and woke up late on Tuesday ^^ 

    4. Maher
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