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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by r0cK

  1. Wait what?
  2. same here ^^
  3. I won't be there, Enjoy everyone! (I'll be at my f*cking work AGAIN)
  4. r0cK


    Why taking ur time to make a topic then.
  5. For the one that are interested. BATTLEFIELD HEROES is coming back. This community is reviving old games. Register now and be a part of the alpha release. YES PEOPLE this game is coming back, for free.. For more information on how to register and sign up FB PAGE: https://www.facebook.com/ReviveNetwork/ Note: You'll have to be logged into Discord with a verified account in order to participate in the beta. Join them at https://discord.gg/revive for more info! check the "#bf-heroes-info" channel once you're in! @MADKILLER @Wonas
  6. Maybe DM servers have special settings to make it more suitable for DM maps?
  7. You are a hero, thankyou!
  8. Hi there Does anyone know how you can make another clan member the leader of your clan? In this case M10 wants to make K10 the leader of CK| Contract Killers clan. But as you can see there's no button to set another member as leader. Anyone who could help M10 with this problem? Thanks in advance @Cena @Goldberg @Accident @Bierbuikje
  9. 9/10 my most favorite Marathon song. Also this kinds of music I'm going to in nightclubs lately. Woohoo great song Dubby Now let's get funkyyyyyy
  10. Hi nice to meet you. To post about your clan you can make a topic here: https://mrgreengaming.com/forums/forum/71-clans-teams/
  11. Ow shit, I love that map Been over 1 year since I played.
  12. #RIP


    1. BoyKa


      :lol::lol::lol: omg what a team what a lose ...

    2. r0cK


      @BoyKa SkyNET bet $120 on Ajax LMAO

    3. BoyKa


      Omg u lose alot of money  /lol skynet 

  13. I'm sorry @Ywa the server just lost my sympathy due to the lack of one or more incompatible admin and admin decisions. Intimidating, racism, nepotism, invulnerability are only a few words I link with one or two of your incompetent corrupt admins. Therefore I decided to stop funding the Mrgreen community. I have never been a troublemaker, liked by many players and yet I'm being treated like a piece of shit by some of your incompetent admins. Open your eyes and remove the right admin from the team. Hated by many players, he pushed me to cross my borders. Powerhungry by the admin commands he has,  feeling like a king ingame, probably failing at real life. The admin reading this knows I'm talking about him. YWA I hope you keep running the server but my financial donations are done for now. And I'm sorry for all the people I also donated for. If something will change in the future I'll continue donating but for now I'm completely done. This was my story, amen. 

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. xpr0legendx


      Haha you know I cant do that

      The green map was definitely my favourite map though :)

  14. r0cK

    Admin report

    Hello This evening I would like to report an admin named Stig. Stig was active on the server so I reported a player towards him directly through Steam and he denied to help me. zzSHANKSzz: تروحي معايا ماينا نيكك zzSHANKSzz: لول zzSHANKSzz: بنروح شي محل قريب CK|Ste@m: ( ͠; ͟ʖ ͡;) LoS|Maina: so u think im girl ? zzSHANKSzz: no ithink ur gay zzSHANKSzz: ∗maina∗ zzSHANKSzz: gay name LoS|Maina: i can make troubles for u little new player zzSHANKSzz: mk it Map '[DD] Daisy Duke' started KoM|Chickenbutt has joined Cynax: ∗shanks∗ gay name zzSHANKSzz: and smd plz LoS|Maina: why womens cant drive in SA ? LoS|Maina: just want to know ? Dobosz: guys be family frriendly zzSHANKSzz: so she cant get rapped like u Guest1502997483 has left [Quit] LoS|Maina: yaw nehekmek ya tahan LoS|Maina: keyboard warrior KoM|Stig has left [Timed out] LoS|Maina: i feel sry for u zzSHANKSzz: ∗keyboard warrior∗ zzSHANKSzz: gay bitch zzSHANKSzz: lol TwiXe has left [Quit] Dobosz: guys stop LoS|Maina: i think guys like this one who make terrotists exist zzSHANKSzz: Dobsoz u can ride my dick to Dobosz: your agrue is ussles Script78rus: duel? LoS|Maina: he insult u and he dont even knew who u are Dobosz: looooooool zzSHANKSzz: ∗terrotists∗ Dobosz: ok i can where and when? Cynax has left [Quit] zzSHANKSzz: learn how to speak english zzSHANKSzz: then talk Map '[DD] Daisy Duke' started Dobosz: lal LoS|Maina: rock do somthing plz , KoM|r0cK: Maina I am removed from the admin team CnT|:BYEBYE has left [Quit] zzSHANKSzz: bcz ur gay rock KoM|r0cK: ok KoM|r0cK: brb KoM|r0cK: going to try smth zzSHANKSzz: u like to do somthing good for girls to get noticed CK|Ste@m: ( ͠; ͟ʖ ͡;) zzSHANKSzz: bcz ur shit in real life KoM|r0cK has left [Quit] LoS|Maina: he just joined few days ago and start insulting everyone for no reason zzSHANKSzz: hts why u removed NG|Slanik has joined KoM|r0cK has joined CnT|:BYEBYE has joined Map '[RTF]Antidepressant' started LoS|Maina: i will make fat report for him , and i hope mad deal with it CK|Ste@m: ( ͠; ͟ʖ ͡;) CuddlyOtter47 has left [Quit] zzSHANKSzz: rock sounds mad ∗GBN∗virus.exe has joined KoM|neo has joined Dobosz has left [Quit] AjarCloudburst25 has left [Quit] Mr. GreenBOT-vandaag om 21:00 zzSHANKSzz: goo steam ∗GBN∗Piedade: ( ͠; ͟ʖ ͡; ) CK|Ste@m finished as 1st CK|Ste@m: ( ͠; ͟ʖ ͡;) CnT|<M-JerrY>: 2 Map '[NTS] LoWis v4' started CK|Ste@m: ( ͠; ͟ʖ ͡;) DisgustingDog74 has left [Quit] CK|Ste@m: ( ͠; ͟ʖ ͡;) KoM|r0cK: stig is coming KoM|r0cK: ask him ok NIEUWE BERICHTEN Mr. GreenBOT-vandaag om 21:02 FaP|AssNtitties has joined KoM|Stig has joined FaP|AssNtitties: i need to join fap KoM|Stig: back KoM|Stig: hey r0cky
  15. r0cK


    30 days mute even more suitable in my opinion
  16. Huge LIKE for this, I like all of them!
  17. r0cK


    I do agree with that tho
  18. r0cK


    I just mean, you were warned by Yoshi two months ago and you already got banned again.
  19. r0cK


    Honestly I think he's going to behave. 3 days ban for spam is way enough.. But Clec, as Yoshi posted before you had a final warning on 3th of June here > https://mrgreengaming.com/forums/topic/19673-another-ban/ so how do admins have to believe if you will behave.
  20. Dear Yoshi It's sad to read your leaving the position as a manager. I hope in the near future your eventually willing to return to manage mrgreen with another manager at your side to loosen the pressure a bit. One to focus on race and one to focus on mix.
  21. r0cK

    Hi there Maina, I like all your maps but is it possible to re-work all your shooter maps with super jump. These maps take for ages because of the high jump. Can you remove them or put a limit on it? Greetingssssss

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