Gameserver: Race and Mix ( mainly Mix )
Age: 16 ( almost 17 in 2 months )
Country of origin:
Link to Steam Community profile *:
Discord name **: JansseJr (JansseJr#7074)
Ingame name: Janssen / JansseJr
Little something about your self and why you think you're fit to be moderator:
well hello there guys, i am Roel i am 16 years old i life in the Netherlands, and next year i am going to learn gardening. i like the German Language. and in the past 12 years i liked everything about speedway, i went to alot of circuits and my dream is to going to England for the WOS ( World of Shale in mildenhall or skegness ) WC ( World Championship in Foxhall Ipswich ). and in the near future i hope i can start my own business with Gardening, and i am a little mechanic to.
i think the most players know my history in mrgreen, but i think i am grown up enough for a chance to be moderator.
and how i benefit for Moderator:
welcome new players, if they got questions i try to help. keep the chat clean if someone spams / insults. if someone camps / runs first give 1 warning if the player still camps / runs kill him because its not fair for the players that play fairly. and be fairly to everyone ( friend or not friend )
Sincerly Janssen