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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by EmRA

  1. Why do you want to punish teamwork?
  2. plz work this time media tags
  3. He just did Also whining about griefing on faction wars lol
  4. 5/10, not earrape, but not good either. www.youtube.com/watch?v=hFrEvjM8cw0 no why wont these fucking media tags work help me darkstar
  5. NO WHAT THE FUCK JESUS WHY DONT THESE WORK ARGHAHwyrfgbsergvhtfgfgva serhaber9v
  6. Bumping for justice. Started playing S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Pripyat today, it's really good when you get into it. Some screenies I took:
  7. back when zs became not cool and simple zs

  8. tennis thats what happened when all the first tier noobs joined

  9. EmRA

    Watch out Kids!

    Reminds me of that over 9000 cocks thing on Oprah
  10. Stalin was a dictator too. He killed people which didnt do his orders. I didn't say dictatorship is a good (or a bad) thing, just that I don't see anything wrong with it if the dictator is doing his job right. If you think Staling did his job right go right ahead. Personally I will stay neutral on the matter because I didn't live during that time and I do not posess enough knowledge about him and what he did to make up an opinion. No failsafe whatsoever. It's like saying you don't need airbags in your car because you don't plan on crashing anyway. what if you have a spare dictator with the original one
  11. I don't even see whats wrong in dictatorship if the dictator is doing his/her job right.
  12. ITT: There is only black or white, good or bad
  13. http://twitter.com/#!/notch/status/141143429190131712
  14. Welcome to the forums!
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