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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by EmRA

  1. Your model is missing everything below nipples and lacks a left arm.
  2. Actually I after the whole thing I went to work. Hope you had a nice 6 hours wait LOL. I logged in the next morning and no-one was online and I used f home. Didn't use admin commands... The day you learn what evidence and proof really is will be a joyous one! well that clears things up, thanks.
  3. Can you guys discuss things without calling eachother butthurt or trolls? Like without the insults
  4. Please no deleting, I find this interesting.
  5. Why are you people even bringing honor or whatever in to this? It's faction wars And killing people with lava/fire is hilarious
  6. Wow im just trying to help So rude
  7. Till he quits then yes. Drainal has quit and now I am nice to him No he has the same right to be here as you do.
  8. Darkstar's mantits are used as a simple response by the poster to show that he finds the post the tits are directed at retarded. Luke stop being mean, yeah?
  9. test http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rpAkk4Bh7ww also reposting because it got stuck on the bottom of the page p much
  11. Photoshop CS2. And no 4 hours wouldn't be enough I draw slower than bad guys in westerns also
  12. I was talking about dice I cant really afford donating monthly + no credit card
  13. With the IR scope that half a pixel becomes a very bright orange half a pixel. Also do you need Back to Karkand to be able to unlock the new weapons?
  14. I bet you guys needed scopes for those. Also 2k post sorry I couldnt ass myself to make cool stuff for you guys though theres no point in that either since no one gives any comments unless i tell them to
  15. cut it out already jesus christ
  16. True, I'll try to stay optimistic though
  17. I do, its annoying to read Please stop
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