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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by EmRA

  1. Best mining song ever: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-_fF6P_PQqQ
  2. Hey guys what do you think about my new- OH GOD
  3. 8/10 (I posted this one before though but whatever).
  4. Quick, do something evil to the account!
  5. I thought I was the only one with a keyboard from 1800.
  6. Yeah, freddiew is awesome. Loved that one. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8BE9YX_zhuc Better quality and that stuff here: http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/547310
  7. Too bad those two are prodably going to die.
  8. Am I the only one who thinks Zoey looks funny in the comic? Sad about her father though, somebody needs to make him for gmod
  9. No, read it next time. Look at the blog post: "Next week we will jump into Francis’s back story and see if he always hated things or if the Zombie Apocalypse changed him." Does this mean Francis once liked vans? Was he once fan of Ayn Rand?
  10. 6/10 Song is okay, but doesn't live up to expectations given by the title. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VJ0KilHkxFk
  11. 9/10, focken A. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KlL_-5VfQJI&feature=related
  12. EmRA


    Well big bang seemed to pop out of nowhere (and if it didn't, where did that magical fairy powder causing it come from?) What if God did it? Or what if God sees planets/solar systems/something even bigger as his real creation, and doesn't really care for small guys like us (or got bored of us since we haven't created anything he finds amusing yet?) Or what if dinosaurs were his original creation, but then he slipped into a black hole, and dinosaurs weren't under his watchful eye anymore? What if we are actually inside brain cell of a dog, who is inside brain cell of a hamster, who is... Man, thinking is fun.
  13. Here is one very similar story written by someone on the Minecraft Forums:
  14. EmRA


    I didn't say that.
  15. Fuck I love and hate stories like this.
  16. EmRA


    Thats openminded atheists for you.
  17. EmRA


    According to bible God gave man free will. I don't know myself, maybe he did and people got him all wrong and he became some random homeless guy/started a new religion? You never know. Or hopefully we will. @QTesla The stuff I've seen don't prove that God doesn't exist, just the way it happened/how God did it.
  18. 9/10 Sneed didn't have childhood http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LJx8-DGgbiM&feature=related
  19. EmRA


    I find "God did it" more beliveable than the other options. You could just ask this stuff with PM or on steam since no one else seems to be posting here.
  20. EmRA


    @Mayco The word "old" would prodably fit better. It's like those old chinese sayings or old cooking books. @QTesla No they don't.
  21. Yeah after I actually got it to download the whole monitor went grey, and I don't seem to be only one with this problem.
  22. Minecraft.net seems to be down, so I can't try it out at the moment.
  23. Secret saturday update!
  24. EmRA


    Freedom. Thats what. I take bible as advice book, not a rule book. Although you have to actually think what you read since the information it stores is rather outdated.
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