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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by EmRA

  1. The game is not optimized enough or something. Ask Ywa.
  2. EmRA


    I didn't say which theories. And I said "seem", and by that I meant I haven't seen that much/no evidence about them.
  3. EmRA


    No I'm not, I'm scared. Should I take milk or juice? Can't decide.
  4. EmRA


    No thats called a map.
  5. EmRA


    No, I'm too scared and I can't make my own decisions.
  6. EmRA


    Calm down children. You folks go to the science thread, I'll stay here.
  7. EmRA


    I find it the most beliveable solution. Although there are other really interesting theories about the birth of our whatever this place is, they seem to have just as much evidence as god does.
  8. He never said he is better than anyone. And skins are matter of taste, he can use whatever he wants.
  9. EmRA


    As in putting groups of people in lockers. Get it? Saying one group is afraid and cant decide by themselves just because they share a different opinion. What if you're talking about god right there?
  10. Is this on mrgreen? I thought sv_pure was on 1 there.
  11. the hair is obviously duke nukem and i stole it from a duke nukem picture and he looks like duke nukem 3 arguments why you are wrong Duke Nukem is not the only person with that kind of hairstyle. I know. He does, I just wanted to make it more (gentle)manly. 3 arguments why I am not
  12. Who said it's duke nukem?
  13. EmRA


    Couple of terrorists =/= every religious person on earth Seriously, whats with blaming religion over everything? Religion doesn't make you more easily offended or more angry, it's about the person itself. Say something bad about big bang/something else atheist related to an atheist and you're pretty much guaranteed to start a shitstorm. Same goes for religious people.
  14. Where are your clothes bro
  15. EmRA


    Stop lockering people.
  16. Yeah you better not pussy out like I did, or else we will be even!
  17. EmRA


  18. I've got to recreate some of this in gmod. I must.
  19. Okay, so as you might have heard Valve is releasing 4 part comic before releasing the actual campaign. This comic leads you from end of Left 4 Dead 1 to the start of the new DLC campaign, The Sacrifice, explaining backstories of the survivors along the way. You can read the comic here: http://www.l4d.com/comic/ Thoughts?
  20. Guys, you forgot about opinions again. You always do.
  21. It's one of those bandwagon things, like hating mw2. Personally I liked Reach from what I tasted when playing the multiplayer beta, finally a halo game where I actually got kills! Will be playing this as my brother is going to buy it.
  22. Been playing with my brother lately. We usually just mine (The dungeons spawn laggyass monsters now!), so our settlements aren't prodably the prettiest ones around.
  23. RIP the LIVING SHIT out of the FRIDGE back in ROOM 2 using your BETTER STRENGHT and the CROWBAR.
  24. EmRA

    Last words

    I wont quit L4G 100%, i just wont use the same amount of time here :L Its not the same to post in many of the theads when you dont play on the servers. And i dont have time to play a lot of games Another reson is that i can be on facebook at school but not IRC, for some reson they blocked it I wasn't talking about gaming. Anyhow, make me proud, make us proud, make your family proud, and most importarntly: make yourself proud! Kick some serious ass at school and build the life you want to live.
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