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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by EmRA

  1. You mean a watercube thats mungols
  2. Whatever hits your fancy man
  3. yeah how are you even supposed to keep this organized if its too big
  4. We Are BlueYoshi We are together We are one
  5. not another cathedral please
  6. Where does the border of a respected member and a normal forumgoer go?
    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Dr.Minky


      Ive used it, its terrible, it screws up the whole lighting system

    3. Dr.Minky


      FOV and lense flare and stuff is great though, from the ones I posted :V

    4. EmRA


      Could you post a link, also are there any mods that add motion blur that'd be cool

  7. ..Or they just want to share their creations/achievements. Same reason I put my drawings/gmod screenshots in multiple sites. More people see it, more people enjoy it.
  8. New topics attract more attention.
  9. Apart from beard and hair (head and body too) having different colors, worked fine: http://steamcommunity.com/id/EmRAperkele/screenshot/505764350207843723
  10. Minecraft drama is entertaining to follow, but doesn't encourage to post. I'd rather post.
  11. And how is it that you know it is out of diamonds? HM? HMMMMM? HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX!!!!!!!!!!!! dac bochshit dr hackssxxx xDDDDDDDDDDD fun stuff xD ^^
  12. really true i got a guy that just cant get a good faction thats cruel for him :'( It's pretty barbaric in there, you accidentally walk into some factions territory and they all come after you with swords and torches trying to decapitate your MC guy. Can't we all just... get along? Is it really that tame there nowadays? People used to walk in their own territory and get horribly brutalized. Tame is an unfortunate side effect caused by the lack of Mungol vitamin
  14. Corby doesn't own the server, he is just a hired gun which is also pretty cool
  15. EmRA

    Mr. Green LAN 2012

    One weekend seems like an incredibly short time for a lan party I blame mungols
  16. Bows don't jam, ammo is reuseable and easy to make. The machine gun is there for bigger attacks like bandit raids
  17. When drawing from reference, it's much like when writing something down from the board at school. Don't just copy the lines, think of what you're doing. Is this part a wrinkle, upper lip, shoelace, vein, etc. why did you even post that it's in no way helpful or nice just plain mean get out
  18. I usually put a link to the stream in the irc channel
  19. Now that you got started, you might as well tell us more about yourself.
  20. Yeah, along with Baron and Xeim. Was anyone else watching, and should I stream myself drawing more often?
  21. Where would you get these said admins
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