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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by EmRA

  1. was supposed to draw the whole dude but I got lazy
  2. EmRA


    Did you not get the point of that post? I was practically imitating Mathis. L2Socialize yo stay real dog peace out
  3. EmRA


    so whens the drama starting
  4. no the shooting dude is spinning and the dude in the background got hit and then he flew backwards while the welding mask dude kept shooting because thats what he does
  5. They can't use relogging to kick your ass anymore though.
  6. The servers fine as it is from my point of view. Apart from the lag, and minecraft's shitty netcoding. Also just got nostalgic about the old days back in GDS and Mungol, good times.
  7. How. HOW. HOW DO YOU FLY. Select flares. Take off. Kill enemy jets. Baserape enemy jets. That's how it goes. Alternatively go on Rush and take the hilariously overpowered ground attack planes. yo yo your achievements suck and theyre easy peace out navo dogpuppy son out
  8. EmRA


    Misleading thread title, I was hoping for serious discussion about not shooting
  9. Hasn't this kind of stuff been done all the time? Like all the time?
  10. Does playing the beta cost
  11. Fix'd Fix'dd Fix'ddd 2.0 final release
  12. AH, MMARKED ONE. Story of my avatar:
  13. EmRA


    I don't lock myself in specific genres, because thats stupid and I can't tell the difference between similar genres anyway.
  14. no you're supposed to rate the song above your post with anything from 1 to 10 (1 being lowest, 10 being the best)
  15. 1/10 can't understand what the poem is about and it ruins the music in the background. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yhi_bK1bH4U
  16. I passed, thought it'd be rude if I wasn't singing myself
  17. Everything went barricade from contraption nice cade btw
  18. EmRA

    Max Payne 3

    www.youtube.com/watch?&v=PnfHxzOMSQs www.youtube.com/watch?&v=PnfHxzOMSQs way to fucking not work media tags fucking A
  19. stop attention whoring, also minecraft stuff goes the minecraft section
  20. EmRA


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