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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Griffon

  1. Griffon

    Discuss Anime

    The characters from guilty crown are BI-Polar as fuck due to the fact that they rushed character development specially in the later part of the 'series'. The fact is if the first 13 episodes were one series then GC would have been fine and probably very good. But it feels after that they found out the tv studio had 9 free slots left so they completely rushed it. If they would have done the standard 13 or 12 episodes a series (as much as i hate conforming to standards in anime) and split the series into 2 (which it essentially already is) they would have had about an extra 40-60minutes of character development which would have easily fixed the bi-polar issue. My $0.02 Edit- I did enjoy GC and its soundtrack is probably one of THE best all time anime OST + Thanks to GC EGOIST got a huge break into the music industry. www.youtube.com/watch?v=iF3dxVJPKV4
  2. Griffon

    Discuss Anime

    Yes clannad is good(very very good), but as most people forget Toradora isnt just about the romance theres alot more going on than first meets the eye. The way Ryuuji and argues with his mother over who should provide for them. The child like ness of his mother due to her running away as a teenager. The way she pushes herself every day to care for him just because doesnt want Ryuuji to end up un-educated like she did. The fact she is over protective to the point where she drives him way even though she is smart enough to realize he is right. And i havent even started on Taigas familly. Arguing over the little things is what defines family interaction at its finest. Clannad is the best for pure emotions, but clannad doesnt portray reality due to its over tragic nature. I guess were splitting hairs though as its simply how you like your Drama i guess.
  3. Griffon

    Discuss Anime

    Takuto star driver was good man As to your question about drama id say While clannad is very good its not as pure romance/drama as Toradora is. As for action drama it cant be anything other than Phantom the requiem.
  4. Griffon

    Discuss Anime

    Ill wait for a full release and watch1.0,2.0,3.0 marthon. New Btoom episode made it much more interesting and id say the same with Robotics;note too.
  5. Griffon

    Discuss Anime

    Your ignorance is amazing. The shows equivalent to a R18+ To watch it your basically at the age to buy Porn/Have sex/Drive (Drink is 21 in Jpn) Anime firstly is not even considered as a cartoon anyway. It wouldn't even be on what you shown on a "cartoon" channel and even if it was it would be a 9pm plus showing i assume (if their broadcasting regulations are like ours). Yes Japan isnt what you would consider to be 'clean' in that sense, yes japan and the anime has problems with how they portray women in like 80% of anime. But then again have you seen the stuff on TV lately? Japan has its problem so does everywhere else so please don't genaralise just because you didn't like 1 aspect of a wide spectrum. /rant
  6. Griffon

    Discuss Anime

    K,Psycho-Pass and Zetsuen no Tempest out. Will add monster to my list thanks to your suguestions.
  7. Griffon

    Discuss Anime

    Stayed up till 4 this morning to watch ef- tale of memories. It was worth staying up to watch it but its not as good as the romance crowd claim it to be. Will probably watch the sequel. After that will probably watch Beserk,Texholyze(or however you spell it)and To Love Ru series 2,3 (just or the sake of it. Im finding it difficult to find remotely decent shit anymore. I hear Monster* good, any comments on that guys? *Fix'd my bad on typo
  8. Griffon

    Discuss Anime

    Apologies, I might have been a bit too straightforward with my opinion. I tend to get like that. Since you asked, here's a few points. It actually started off pretty good. The characters were mostly interesting and the mc wasn't a total tool like in most animes. It's actually pretty watchable till the island episode. After that it just gets cringe worthy. Yui transitioned from a bad ass lieutenant to a high school girl. The animation quality took a nose dive. It's just atrocious in some points. Seems like they poured all their money to the CGI mechas. Yuuya turned out to be a totally generic main character of a mecha harem that's totally clueless around women. I was surprised when they argued about the Shiranui in the earlier episodes. Bridges actually made good points on how to make it better. Showed that he had some spine. I hear the original visual novels are better, so rather use your time on them. Sure, it's watchable, but there are a lot better mecha shows out there. Edit. I'd still recommend watching NGE + EoE first and then the rebuild ones. They're different stories after all. Heh reminds me that a dislike HSOTU more than bad animes due to the fact it could have been so good but ended so bad(trading story and high octane action for TITS TITS AND MORE TITS). While i actually wrote something similar in my original review "Yui transitioned from a bad ass lieutenant to a high school girl." I think its intentional due to the fact she is technically still a kid and never got a chance to grow up and was forced into the position shes in today(best i can ssay without spoilers). However they did implement it poorly. But yeah the rest of your point are so true yet i still like Muv for some reason, probably the really nice action set pieces. @ clavus your pretty right about that, it is a problem with japans culture in general not just the industry. But when you say that i look at our Tv and just face-palm so your screwed either way. From your statement i would recommend Psycho-Pass to you as people are already calling it the next GITS.The statement is ahead of its self but its not entirely unwarranted.
  9. Griffon

    Discuss Anime

    Its cool, only your opinion is valid bro. Its automatically shitty cause you said so. For the love of god please learn to criticize with valid points instead of trashing. Muv love alternative is worth a look (i thought the original was only a manga)if you like mecha. However its not the best out there. NGE should be watched;However for someone who has not seen it already i suggest watching the movies. 3.0 is out soon and ive heard that the characters actually develop in the movies instead of falling into an emo spiraling depression at the end.If you hadnt heard they ran out of money at the end of NGE and had to make use of lot of bleached out scenes and stills. While it worked with the symbolism it destroyed the atmosphere of the show ate the end. Its up to you which version you watch(i watched the original and enjoyed it) but your probably better of with the movies as a newcomer.
  10. Griffon

    Discuss Anime

    Fuck i wrote a long ass review on the stuff im watching but i closed the page on accident. Whatever ill just recommend some shows from what im currently watching Feel free to add me http://myanimelist.net/animelist/Gri55on Seems like most people are watching the same stuff; Btoom! Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai! Girls und Panzer Hellsing Ultimate (Final episode is scheduled 21.12.2012) Jormungand: Perfect Order K Muv-Luv Alternative: Total Eclipse Psycho-Pass Robotics;Notes Sakurasou no Pet na Kanojo Shinsekai yori Sword Art Online Tonari no Kaibutsu-kun Zetsuen no Tempest
  11. People just needed an excuse to play Gmod again.
  12. That was actually really good compared with other Tf2 vids ive seen.
  13. Griffon

    F. M. L.

    every time i see a minecraft thread like this i think of
  14. Griffon

    Day Z

    No more op wall tents or combat logging. Seems like a pretty decent patch although the lack of new content is disappointing.
  15. Griffon

    Day Z

    To be fair at least you can fine a heli site. Ive yet to find one on the server i frequent.
  16. Griffon

    Day Z

    After dying from hacker tp in airfield i re spawned in electro.Managed to find myself a few bits revolver,mp5 etc then as im looting the church a guy comes charging down the road attracting all the zombies while shooting in the air and dies. To my delight he had night vision,mk48 mod0+2clips, rangefinder and a few other luxuries. After that i got sniped north of electro i am currently bleeding in a middle of a field waiting to be saved.
    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Hundred2



    3. Sneed


      /b/ all day

    4. MiF


      "This video has bee removed" Damn. I was too slow D:

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Quert


      That girl just looks like misaki mei from Another

    3. Griffon


      Yeah i though that too eyepatch+short hair, but then again their personalities are WAY different so it doesnt bother me much.

    4. xeim


      dark flame master <.<

  17. Just managed to finish FTL fking rougelikes are so hard. I feel so acomplished.

    1. MiF


      Played it 17h, and only passed it once. Hard game indeed

  18. First thing ive ever bought on steam, well worth it.
  19. Mae Corby yn hoyw.

  20. Happy Birthday OLDFAG
  21. 2 weeks till i start university. Video game technology course should be something i can sink my teeth into.

    1. Dr.Minky


      If you need a sound designer when you start to do full projects / someone to help with game design (primarily sound though, thats the career I'm going into), just message me

  22. now that its not a surprise valve wont realease it for 3 more years or atleast unill the next peggle sale and then we can release it while hes not looking.
  23. Time to be an xfire fag Here is a preview of some of the list (while not at impresive as lulians) http://www.xfire.com/profile/exourar/
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