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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Griffon

  1. Gintama is not really my style of anime. Allthough i may watch it if i have nothing else to watch.

  2. Im having my floor resurfaced in my hallway and the carpets are up. The echo in the hallway is so scary.

    1. Pufulet


      You should get weo to do it with his chainsaw.

    2. Griffon


      But chainswas are scary by themselves, you need something that only becomes scary in an echo

    3. terminator


      Why are you resurfacing? erasing evidence of all the hookers we murdered ??

      during crazy sex parties?

  3. looks good,something needs to be done to the scoreboard but other than that i think its really good.
  4. I thought i told everybody about this like 2 months ago, its still sad to hear though.
  5. Merry christmas and a happy hannuka to you all. Christmas isnt the only holday on the 25th
  6. Depends, is there a price range? But if moneys not a problem get sennheisers.
  7. Is it wierd that if i type 'c' into my search bar it comes up with clavus`s anime list?

  8. casually finding the time to watch an entire series of anime before and after school today(I was in school 1:30-3:45)

    1. xeim


      All animes reaching episode 12 now ;D new season please

  9. I dont like hip hop at all, but this was listenable (if thats a word) So congratulations to you good sir!
  10. Im i the only one whose watched 63 series of anime scince i started watching them about 5 months ago?

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Griffon


      Thats one of the reasons i dont watch it.

    3. Clavus


      http://myanimelist.net/animelist/Clavus I got 64 entries, but that's in the course of 4 years :V
    4. Griffon


      Thats a really usefull site, i think ill make a list now...

  11. Open TTD is such an amazing game.

  12. other than that i agree.
  13. Lol just took me 20 min to remember my login details after i had to reformat my pc :(

    1. TechnoNegro


      i usually forget em

  14. Agreed most dictators are initally voted in by people whose government is failing. Lybia and egypt spring to mind as recent examples. The problem with a dictatorship is that left unregulated things will get worse(again see lybia & egypt). Another problem with dictatorship is that the dictator will be replaced by another dictator or the dictator will be forecfully removed by the people (again lybia,egypt and russia)
  15. Clearly you dont live in the UK, we dont get summers.
  16. I for one welcome our new Russian overlords.
  17. Happy legal day !
  18. I loved the dnd comparison , it actually sums up recent shooters pretty well
  19. yes now he decides to double thread instead.
  20. Griffon


    as long as notch doesnt do it, notch cant code for shit
  21. NATO cant do shit atm look how bad the euro is doing... besides we all know the real threat is from China
  22. Ahem.., (but i dont go on minecraft multiplayer anymore)
  23. haha is THAT barell factory? Nice progress, but dont get to carried away on fancy things k?
  24. For the BLOOD GOD!
  25. How can you even call new Cod:MW a new game it is exactly the same. The Cod eqivalent of a new game is a re-packaged expantion pack, and their equivalent of Dlc has the quality of a valve update at best. Bf3 on the otherhand tried to follow Cod with Bad company decided "well this is shit" and then went back to doing what they do best which is make games that push boundries and changes up the gameplay every time.
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